Ruth Institute Reacts to Transgender Day of Visibility with new tradition: Adult Appreciation Week

In light of the Biden White House’s announcement of Transgender Day of Visibility, the Ruth Institute discerned the need for Adult Appreciation Week.

“’Transgender’ people are not the only ones who need and deserve ‘visibility,’” Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse said.  “Therefore, the Ruth Institute will observe Adult Appreciation Week from Wednesday April 3 through Tuesday, April 9, 2024.

We honor adults who:

  • put their own interests aside for the benefit of the common good.
  • take responsibility for their mistakes.
  • support their families, even by doing unpleasant jobs.
  • tell the truth, even when inconvenient.
  • are in command of themselves, their impulses, and their egos.
  • wouldn’t dream of cheating others out of their justly earned awards.
  • do not knowingly mislead children.
  • protect the innocence of children.
  • present children with models of self-command, truthfulness, and fair play.
  • help children aspire to and achieve lives of responsible adulthood.
  • face discrimination and ridicule for living up to their adult duties of protecting the weak, vulnerable, and innocent.
  • face the loss of their jobs rather than cooperate with evil.

“In short, we honor adults who meet their responsibilities in the face of criticism, without complaint, and without the need for constant attention or affirmation.”

“With the authority vested in me by no earthly power whatsoever, but with the knowledge of truth, I hereby declare Adult Appreciation Week, April 3 through April 9.”

“We invite all people of goodwill to join us in celebrating the unsung heroes of American life, the Servant Leaders, parents, grandparents, the young, the old, all honest citizens who live up to the responsibilities appropriate to their age and station in life.”

The Ruth Institute Facebook page has an “Adult Appreciation Week” badge people can share and tag their favorite adults who live their lives responsibly without the need for attention seeking.

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