
A Connecticut civil rights lawyer…

has no use for Judge Walker. Writing in the CT Law Tribune, New Haven attorney Karen Lee Torre takes off the gloves:

Perry v. Schwarzenegger, is a desperate attempt by gay marriage proponents to now get a federal court to gift over to them what they failed to gain in the legislatures and at the ballot box. They want Walker to override the voters of California, ignore the California Supreme Court’s responsible and correct refusal to do so, and invent a federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage….

the U.S. Supreme Court had to step in over the weekend. It later extended a temporary order preventing Walker from turning his courtroom into a political circus. The majority rightly chastised Walker and noted the importance of judges obeying the very procedural rules they insist everyone else obey.They should have gone further and yanked him off that case. Already, Walker’s impartiality is suspect. Among many now publicly questioning it, Washington Post legal affairs editorialist Eva Rodriquez put it best when she observed that Walker’s pre-trial conduct has already sullied the proceedings. If Walker could not be “unflinchingly fair about something that simple,” she wrote, “how can I trust him to be fair to both sides when deeply held beliefs and constitutional rights are at stake?”

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