Are Blacks Abandoning Obama?

Inquiring Lefty minds want to know.  Speaking as a dyed-in-the-wool, unapologetic right wing-nut who hangs around with others of same description of all colors: I can tell you there are plenty of blacks with traditional religious and family values who are disgusted with Obama. Let me lis the things I’ve heard them say they don’t like: cutting off abstinence education funds, appointing a lesbian as a commissioner to the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, allowing his people to shove same sex marriage down the throats of the District of Columbia, and promoting abortion in the health care bill.

Yes, many blacks don’t like abortion. They feel targeted by the population controllers.

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Jason Hill wasn’t born gay. But he didn’t choose his circumstances that led to it either. What he did choose, though, was to leave that lifestyle when he learned more about who he was and his unresolved childhood issues.

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