Are you really better off, Gay America?

Here is my NOM colleague and friend, Maggie Gallagher, referring to the unintended consequences of same sex marriage in DC. (I posted on this yesterday: the Catholic diocese discontinues health care for spouses; the words “bride” and “groom” are removed from the city’s marriage licenses; Catholic Charities out of foster and adoption city contracts.)

What gay person in D.C. is practically better off as a result of this mean-spirited and successful attempt to drive the Catholic Church out of the public square in key ways? If this were left up to ordinary gay people, I’m betting it would all turn out very different. Live and let live is the American impulse across ideological and moral disagreements.

I asked myself this exact question: is the average gay man or lesbian really better off because the marriage licenses were changed? Does any gay person really feel better, knowing that the mean old Catholic church is out of the foster and adoption business? Just for kicks and grins, can any of my gay readers tell me: when was the last time a same sex couple in DC was unable to adopt or foster a child, with or without the Archdiocese of Washington in business? I can’t think of a recent case. Nor, as far as I know, has any been alleged.
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