Attitudes on Sex Determine Abortion Attitudes

Society’s attitudes on sex really are the determining factor on our attitudes on abortion. We need a big-time change.

After chalking up victories in Kentucky, Nebraska, and Michigan, the Sexual Revolutionaries won again in Ohio. Prop 1, which enshrines abortion into the Ohio State constitution, passed. It is a sad, but unsurprising, reality. The ruling class’ favored cause is abortion, and they’ve been promoting it since at least the 1960’s. When you look at the cultural changes since Roe v Wade, it becomes easier to see why the the pro-abortionists have been so successful of late.

A married woman chooses life for her baby 96% of the time. This statistic makes sense: when a woman is married, a litany of concerns she may have are alleviated. Questions such as, “Will the baby’s father be present? Will he support me? Will I have a lifelong partner to raise this child with?” simply cease to exist. The father is usually a willing and able partner.

The change in attitudes towards marriage and sex in our culture can be told by the change in marriage rates. In 1968, 39% of people aged 18 to 24 were married and only 0.1% of couples that age were living together. In contrast, by 2018, only 7.3% of people in that same age range were married, and 9.4% of people were living together. Is it any wonder that women today tend to favor abortion?

The Sexual Revolution has sold our culture a bill of goods when it comes to sex. Revolutionaries say you can have all the sex you want with no consequences. All you need is to practice “safe sex,” and you’ll never end up with a child out of wedlock or an unwanted pregnancy. And even if you do get pregnant, you can just abort the baby and move on with your life. Entire generations have built their outlook on life from this lie and are suffering from it.

As hard as it is for people to hear, there is a truth that needs to be repeated ad nauseum: sex makes babies. Why? Because contraception fails, even in the most rigorous scenarios. Consider the couple attending BYU-Idaho. The 20-year-old mother used an IUD, which has a failure rate of less than 1%, and ended up getting pregnant. When her baby was born, he emerged actually holding the device. But because the mother was married to the father, the unintended pregnancy was merely a life-changing event instead of a life-shattering event.

Other forms of contraception have much higher failure rates, including the pill, which, according to the New York Times (of all places!) stands at 60% over 10 years. And 86% of all abortions come from single women. That means there are going to be multiple viable pregnancies for women who aren’t in a great position to care for the baby. That is a travesty for the baby, the mother, and even the father. The baby will die, and the mother will very likely be left with the one thing Planned Parenthood insists doesn’t exist: abortion regret.

Britney Spears, hardly a Conservative apologist, recently wrote about her own experience with an abortion from over two decades ago. She said, “The pregnancy was a surprise, but for me, it wasn’t a tragedy. But Justin [Timberlake] definitely wasn’t happy. He said we weren’t ready to have a baby in our lives, that we were way too young…. To this day, it’s one of the most agonizing things I have experienced in my life.”

Her story is far from unique. Too many women feel this pain and regret, and far too many feel pressured into aborting a baby they’d rather keep. Unfortunately, this burden tends to make them vote and act in pro-abortion ways. That type of guilt makes it easier for the ruling class to lie and get away with it.

On the other hand, knowing the type of opponent we’re up against can be helpful in the future. After all, the Sexual Revolution is both built upon lies and requires the threat of force from the state to prop it up. Built into their pseudo religion is the tacit recognition that they are lying. If there were such a thing as consequence-free sex, there would be no need for either contraception or abortion, because safe sex would prevent pregnancies. The constant repetition of this mantra throughout decades and through all sorts of media and even over some pulpits, has embedded this lie in our culture.

What happens in politics is downstream of culture anyway. This battle is going to be won as people change their sexual behavior from being selfish and living based on a lie, to basing their lives on truth and focusing on the needs of the children sex inevitably creates. That’s not an easy ask. Pro-abortion advocates are rarely honest about why they favor abortion and go to great lengths to conceal that they don’t want to change their sex lives.

We should be honest about the situation – the culture isn’t going to change on abortion until the culture changes on sex. And that’s why the pro-abortionists won in Ohio.

About the Ruth Institute

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

To get more information or schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact

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