The new policy changing US passports to say “parent 1” and “parent 2” is something I predicted in my CD series “Same Sex Marriage Affects Everyone” back in 2008!  Gay rights activists say “reflects the reality of the modern family.” I say it obscures the biological reality that children have one mother and one father. 

And please notice: when I first called attention to this issue of creating gender-free parenthood, I expected that this move would marginalize fathers from the family. I was looking at a birth certificate from British Columbia which has space for the mother’s name, and where the father’s name should be, there is a check off box for “Father” or “co-parent.”  

But in fact, what has happened here is even more insidious.   Imagine if this is the labeling on the birth certificate: no mother, nor father, just Parent 1 and Parent 2.  There is not notice taken of which of the parents is a biological parent.  In a two-woman couple, for instance, the state would be taking no notice of which one was the biological mother, and which was in effect, either a stepparent or an adoptive parent, depending on how you want to look at it.  The two women would be interchangeable as far as their parental rights to the child.  The ancient presumption that the woman who gives birth to a child is the child’s mother would no longer hold.

Who says same sex marriage won’t change anything?