Chuck Cooper is not an idiot

Far from it. Chuck Cooper is the lead attorney defending Prop 8. Judge Walker’s opinion created the impression that the Prop 8 defense team had not presented any evidence and had basically done a rotten job. The MSM, naturally, has continued to dutifully carry this message to the public, to the point that even supporters of Prop 8 have been angry, thinking that our side dropped the ball.
I have been reading documents relating to the case. Chuck Cooper is not an idiot. He did not drop the ball. He presented tons of good arguments and evidence.
Judge Walker ignored it. Judge Walker’s opinion is the sole basis for the claim that Cooper did a bad job.
This is not sufficient reason for our peeps to panic or to pile on Chuck Cooper and the Prop 8 legal defense team. I will be posting info from the trial documents. You can draw your own conclusions.

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