
‘Dead Name’ — the Transgender Issue Affects the Whole Family

COMMENTARY: Understated new film allows parents to tell their heartbreaking story.

by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse at National Catholic Register, February 1, 2023

Many people are becoming aware of the serious threat the transgender ideology poses to the health and well-being of children and family. Many are aware of the risks associated with medical interventions to minors in an attempt to change their gender presentation. 

Fewer people are aware of the impact of the ideology that has become a sort of cult on the shattering of families. The new film Dead Name highlights the experience of three very different families whose children fell prey to the cult. This understated film’s power comes from the fact that it simply allows these parents, one father and two mothers, to tell their children’s stories. Viewers can draw their own conclusions about the damage this ideology is doing. 

The trailer opens with a home video that Helen, a distraught mother, took of her 4-year-old son. He matter-of-factly told her, “if you want girl parts and you don’t have them, you can get special surgery to turn your penis inside out and there’s a vagina inside.” 

The boy’s mother learned that the pre-school was socially transitioning him, when she received a letter that was sent to all the parents, inviting them to come and celebrate and support the transition. In the course of the film, we learn that Helen is divorced from her lesbian partner. (We do not learn which woman is the biological mother.) Helen discovered that her ex had convinced the preschool to start calling her son “Rosa,” and that there was very little she could do to stop it. 

The propagandizing preschool is representative of the larger problem of the corruption of the professions. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, therapists and school counselors who should be helping families in distress have been completely corrupted by the transgender ideology. 

… The Ruth Institute may have played some small part in the genesis of this film. One of the few experts quoted in this film is journalist Brandon Showalter, who has been reporting on the trans issue for years. He gave an important speech at our Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution in 2020. The filmmaker happened to see the video of that speech and reached out to him. He makes a short cameo appearance in the film and, no doubt, contributed background information. 

Read the full article here.

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