Yesterday’s Dear Abby column inadvertantly highlighted how far the Abortion Culture has advanced. As you read the column, reprinted below, keep these thoughts in mind:
1. An engaged couple of 30 year olds “terminated” a pregnancy. Remember how the “hard cases” of rape and incest were the justification for legalizing all abortions? So much for hard cases.
2. To the pro-life sister in this story, called Nicki, as well as to others in similar situations: I would urge you not to shun your sister and future brother-in-law over their abortion. You have obviously made your point. I would urge you to keep the lines of communication as open as possible. They may need help, like, on the anniversary of the abortion, or on the anniversary of when the baby would have been born, or when your sister wakes up with night terrors, or …. Post-abortion counselors have noticed that the decision to abort is often made in a crisis atmosphere. When the crisis recedes, the conscience returns. You might be ready to provide information about Rachel’s Vineyard or other post-abortion counseling services.
3. I wouldn’t give a nickel for the marriage this engaged couple is creating.

DEAR ABBY: My fiancee, “Cheryl,” and I are in our early 30s and recently made an extremely difficult decision. We decided to terminate her pregnancy at six weeks. Cheryl’s sister “Nicki” — my future sister-in-law — is opposed to abortion and now no longer wants to talk to me or have anything to do with me.
I have tried reaching out to Nicki to explain the reasons for our decision, but it has fallen on deaf ears. Should I continue asking her for forgiveness, or have I done enough already? This is causing Cheryl a great deal of pain, and I don’t believe that it’s fair for Nicki to punish me for a personal family decision. Please let me know your thoughts. — CHERYL’S FIANCE IN PHOENIX

DEAR FIANCE: So how did Nicki get inserted in the middle of something that was none of her business in the first place? Surely, she didn’t have a vote. Nicki is entitled to her feelings, but she has no right to punish you for a decision that was arrived at by both you and her sister. And the person to make that crystal clear to Nicki is Cheryl, not you, so stop apologizing.

The decision to terminate a pregnancy is an extremely sensitive one and never one that is taken lightly. Every decision has consequences, and I am sure that you and your fiancee accepted that when you made yours.