
DOJ Transgender Guidelines Disconcerting

The guidelines the DOJ recommends for protecting the Civil Rights of transgender students are tremendously disconcerting.

A statement from the Ruth Institute on the Department of Justice Guidelines to Ensure the Civil Rights of Transgender Students

by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Founder and President of the Ruth Institute

The Ruth Institute objects to these far-reaching guidelines

These guidelines are of questionable legality and raise tremendous concerns. Our chief concerns include:

  • These Guidelines, if implemented, will not actually help real children, struggling with unique and complex issues, such as Intersex students and
    students who experience Gender Dysphoria. (See the complete analysis below.)
  • The Guidelines permit students to present themselves as “transgender,” without the knowledge of their parents and without any adult input at all.
  • The Guidelines create a class of students called “Transgender” which is a politically defined and not a medically defined class. The government
    has no competency to do such a thing.
  • These Guidelines, if implemented, will certainly harm the millions of ordinary children who are not struggling with gender identity issues at this
  • These far-reaching Guidelines from the Federal government encroach on the legitimate prerogatives of states, localities and families.
  • These Guidelines were issued through a “Dear Colleague” letter, which may or may not be legally binding. Indeed, the 23 states that are suing the
    Department of Justice argue that such a letter is not binding on local schools.
  • School boards are well within their moral and legal rights to decline to participate in the federal government’s war against nature.

We offer our reasons for believing these guidelines do not serve the interests of the children of the United States.

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About the Ruth Institute

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

To get more information or schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact media@ruthinstitute.org.

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