Donation Processing Company Cancels Christian Group’s Service Because SPLC Labeled It a “Hate Group”

by Steven Ertelt

This article was first published at Life News on September 1, 2017.

A company that processes online donations for organizations cancelled its service with a Christian organization after the pro-abortion Southern
Poverty Law Center labeled it a “hate group” over its conservative political views. This action highlights longstanding concerns pro-life conservatives
have had about of the kind of discrimination pro-life Christians can expect for their beliefs.

The Ruth Institute, whose primary focus is family breakdown, and its impact on children, informed LifeNews
today about the discrimination. Officials indicated Ruth Institute’s on-line donation processor cut them off from further funding for allegedly
promoting “hate, violence, harassment or abuse.”

The Ruth Institute learned late Thursday that Vanco Payment Solutuons, their on-line donation processing service, was cancelling their service

Their letter stated: “Vanco has elected to discontinue our processing relationship with The Ruth Institute. The organization has been flagged by
Card Brands as being affiliated with a product/service that promotes hate, violence, harassment and/or abuse. Merchants that display such attributes
are against Vanco and Wells Fargo processing policies.”

Ruth Institute immediately went to the donation page on its web site and found it had already been shut down. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., Founder
and President of the Ruth Institute, told LifeNews she is very upset by the decision.

“The Ruth Institute’s primary focus is family breakdown and its impact on children: understanding it, healing it, ending it. If this makes us a
“hate group,” so be it,” she said. “We surmise that Vanco dropped us because we hold [pro-life and conservative] views about marriage, family
and human sexuality.”

The Ruth Institute is listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Hate Map,” which was recently in the news. It has been on this “Hate Map,” since
2013. No one from Vanco, Card Brands or Wells Fargo ever contacted the Ruth Institute to inquire about how it supposedly “promotes hate, violence,
harassment and/or abuse,” she added.

The Vanco company markets itself to religious organizations. Many churches use their services for processing donations but they may be reconsidering
following this discrimination.

“Our beliefs are the common heritage of all Christian groups. Christian organizations that utilize Vanco’s services may wish to reconsider,” Morse
told LifeNews.

ACTION: Contact Vanco to complain here.

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