How the Sexual Revolution Has Corrupted the Professions (and What You Can Do About It!)

by Jennifer Roback Morse July 29, 2019 at

COMMENTARY: The American Library Association’s promotion of ‘Drag Queen Story Hours’ is just one example.

People sometimes ask me, “Dr. Morse, how in the world do these crazy ideologies and policies keep coming at us? Why are we seeing demands for gender
neutral bathrooms in public places, drag queen story hours in our libraries, and a “non-binary” option on birth certificates and driver’s licenses?”

To which I reply, these things didn’t spring up overnight out of nowhere. Many members of the college-educated professional classes are deeply committed
to these ideas. Many professional societies have become corrupted by Sexual Revolutionary ideology and captured by committed ideologues. These people
have been plowing this ground for a long time.

The American Library Association is a case in point. This is the association for professional librarians, including school librarians and public librarians.
The ALA is deeply committed not only to the Drag Queen Story Hour concept, but to a general advocacy of the Sexual Revolution.

Joy Pullman describes the American Library Association’s recent convention. The program included workshops with these titles: “Creating Queer-Inclusive Elementary
School Library Programming,” “Developing an Online Face for a Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection” and, of course, “Telling Stories, Expanding Boundaries:
Drag Queen Storytimes in Libraries.”

The ALA annual conference’s workshop selections also included “A Child’s Room to Choose: Encouraging Gender Identity and Expression in School and Public
Libraries” and “Are You Going to Tell My Parents?: The Minor’s Right to Privacy in the Library.”

Politically charged talks and workshops like these formed at least one-third of the conference offerings, according to the ALA’s own description and a
review of the conference catalog.

Pullman obtained much of her information from a member of the association: “The attendee who gave me her conference catalog and mobile app access has told
me of internal conflict between her public library employment and Christian faith due to the saturation of this kind of bias in the interconnected
library and book publishing worlds.” The ALA actually trains its members on how to promote the Sexual Revolutionary ideology against the wishes of taxpayers and parents. “Prepare. Prepare. Prepare,” when planning events such as DQST (Drag
Queen Story Time) advised deputy director for ALA Communications and Marketing, Macey Morales, at another workshop, titled “Controversial Speaker Planned
for Your Library Event? Things to Consider.”

The movement to “queer the library” is not a grassroots movement. Rather, it is a well-funded campaign orchestrated by elites to recreate the world according
to the fantasy ideology of the Sexual Revolution.

American Psychological Association

Meanwhile, the Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, a division of the American Psychological Association (APA), recently
announced that it will set up a task force that promotes awareness and inclusivity about “consensual non-monogamy.” “Non-monogamy” means multiple concurrent
sexual partners. In plain English, it’s what your grandma used to call “cheating.”

The task force website’s description of it mission is beyond parody:

“The Task Force on Consensual Non-Monogamy promotes awareness and inclusivity about consensual non-monogamy and diverse expressions of intimate relationships.
These include but are not limited to: people who practice polyamory, open relationships, swinging, relationship anarchy and other types of ethical,
non-monogamous relationships.

“Finding love and/or sexual intimacy is a central part of most people’s life experience. However, the ability to engage in desired intimacy without
social and medical stigmatization is not a liberty for all. This task force seeks to address the needs of people who practice consensual non-monogamy,
including their intersecting marginalized identities.”

Please notice: the task force’s mission has absolutely nothing to say about the well-being of any children who might result from these “consensual non-monogamous”
unions. Indeed, the underlying, but unspoken presumption is that there will be no children. Ever.

Mental health professionals used to believe that children deserved love and support from their parents. Now the APA is completely ignoring the impact of
adult sexual behavior on children.

The APA’s position seems to be that as long as sex is consensual, no one should pass negative judgment. In the #MeToo era, we have learned just how thin
a reed “consent” can be. This idea has been a recipe for abuse across many sectors of society. Do we really believe that the more financially or socially
powerful person in a relationship will not pressure his partner into accepting other partners? Is the APA planning to collude with him in describing
this as “consensual?”

Both the American Library Association and the American Psychological Association have been corrupted by the ideology of the Sexual Revolution. Catholic,
Evangelical and Mormon members of these professions often feel marginalized and beleaguered in their vocations. These people invested many years and
a lot of money to enter these occupations. Now, they fear for their jobs.

So, what can they do about it? Some professionals are organizing to combat these trends. Small but plucky groups are having an impact. Some, like the
American College of Pediatricians, are making a public splash. Others, I have no doubt, are working quietly behind the scenes.

I call on members of the professions to discern what they can do to reclaim the integrity of their vocation. Retired members: You may have an important
role to play. After all, they can’t fire you!

All of us can help our friends and colleagues by supporting them when they go into combat, by encouraging them, and maybe even by helping their organizations

The Sexual Revolution appeals to the human desire to have unlimited, child-free, guilt-free sex. Since this desire is intrinsically disordered and cannot
ever be fully satisfied, the Sexual Revolution cannot sustain itself. Experience and evidence will inevitably arise to show people that this path is
a mistake. Therefore, the Sexual Revolution requires continual artificial support.

We need to stop providing such support.


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