Security in the workplace is taking the place of security in marriage. I have been saying this for some time. But now, the major league self-styled feminist groups are coming right out and saying it. Women and children don’t need stability in marriage if they can have stability in employment. asked both activists if the federal government should do all it can to promote marriage between a man and a woman to ensure economic security for women. The “activists” in this quote are Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women and Heidi Hartmann, president of the Institute for Women’s Policy. asked both activists if the federal government should do all it can to promote marriage between a man and a woman to ensure economic security for women.

“Personally, no, I do not believe that and I don’t think you’ll find any of the women’s groups who are members of the National Council of Women’s Organizations advocating that position,” Hartmann told at the Capitol on Friday following a National Organization for Women briefing about women’s economic security.

She continued, “If you are a woman and you’re thinking, ‘how can I maximize income for my family? Oh, I better go find a higher earning guy but the other way to help families is to equalize the earnings so that women earn as much as men.”

Hartmann cited “subsidized childcare” as a way to help women economically.

Substitute paid child care for parents’ home care, substitute employment for relationship, substitute government regulation of wages and work conditions as a substitute for marriage: All of these are substituting impersonal bureaucratic economic systems for personal human and family relationships.

And to think the Marxists used to talk about Alienation as a problem of capitalism!