In Massachusetts, your tax dollars at work

The AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts is a not-for-profit, community-based health organization whose mission is to stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic by preventing new infections and optimizing the health of those already infected.  The AIDS Action Committee (AAC) developed the Maria Talks website with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH). (ie, with tax dollars.)  The major focus of the website is to provide youth with information about emergency contraception. In other words, to promote a particular, high-contested view of human sexuality, appropriate sexual behavior and the sanctity of human life. Sex is fine if it feels good.  Emergency contraception has nothing to do with abortion. And so on.

This is not a neutral activity for the state of Massachusetts to be engaging in. What if the state promoted the distinctly Catholic view of human sexuality, appropriate sexual behavior and the sanctity of human life? People would be up in arms.  But hey, if it is the materialist, hedonist view of the secular elites, no problem.

One example, on the page about abortion, you will find no information at all about emotional consequences of abortion, even though some people do experience negative consequences. The abortion page just tells you how to get an abortion if you are under 18.  But on the page about adoption, you find this statement, 

 From what I’ve heard, going through this process can be pretty tough for some people, especially emotionally.  Agencies will provide resources and support for people who are having a rough time and will help them get through it. There is also support for anyone close to you who may also be affected by the decision.

This is propaganda, posing as “helpful information.”  This website, paid for by tax dollars in Massachusetts, is nowhere near neutral. The Massachusetts Catholic Conference is protesting the use of government funds for this website, as well they should.

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