
Long run consequences of same sex marriage: who knows?

I have been arguing for some time that we need to take the long run consequences of same sex marriage seriously. I’ve argued that same sex marriage will
put incentives into place and set forces into motion that cannot be easily undone or predicted. In particular, I’ve argued that same sex marriage will
undermine the principle that biology is the basic way we determine parentage, will marginalize men from the family,
transformed marriage from a public institution into a private institution, and finally,
will empower the state.  Ahhh, no
big deal! what’s a few small things like changing the relationship between the state and the individual and parents and children, when a grand principle
like EQUALITY is at stake.  so, now, it is interesting to see this tidbit from the AP:

Under questioning today in the Prop 8 trial, plaintiffs’ witness, Harvard historian Nancy “Cott conceded under cross-examination that
she couldn’t predict the consequences for society of same-sex marriage.”

No duh.  Couldn’t, or wouldn’t?

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