Should colleges handle rape allegations interally? That’s the question. posed by this post over at NRO. In this case, the young man had absolutely no due process whatsoever, after being hounded out of school by an allegation that was never substantiated.
Here is another twist on this question: if an criminal act (rape) is alleged, why are not the police contacted, so a genuine investigation can be done, complete with genuine standards of evidence and proof? The universities are acting like the Catholic Church in the Bad Old Days. We will handle this ourselves. We have our own priorities and concerns. No need to involve the authorities.
In the Church’s case, they were protecting the perpetrator, at the expense of the victim. In the University’s case, they are protecting the alleged victim, at the expense of the alleged perpetrator. Question: If the University officials are so sure they are doing justice, why are they afraid to open their process to the critical scrutiny of the criminal justice system? Answer: they aren’t sure. They have an agenda to prove that All Men Threaten All Women with Rape at All Times. Don’t let the facts get in the way of the beautiful theory.
If the Church shouldn’t be handling their own alledged crimes internally, why should the universities be allowed to do so?

Catholic Sexual Morality is NOT out of Date
Catholicism is one of the last holdouts against contraception, abortion, euthanasia, sex outside of marriage, and more. The Church’s moral teachings ultimately protect people from heartache, illness, broken families, and, especially in the case of abortion, death.