More detailed information about the Census’ sneak attack on marriage

In a previous post, I described the Census Bureau’s proposal to eliminate questions about changes in marital status from future data collections. This post provides you with more detail, so you can examine this issue for yourself.

Go here for more information on the Request for Comments.

Go here for more information about the specific questions they are proposing to drop.

Go here for more information about the census itself. Scroll down to page 97 for their explanation of the questions they propose to omit, starting in 2016.

If you scroll through this document, you will see that this American Community Survey asks questions about these issues. I suggest you choose a few to mention in your letter to Ms. Jessup, as I have done.

  •  Whether the person moved in the last year
  • Race
  • Ancestry
  • Plumbing
  • Internet use, broadband or DSL?
  • Type of computer, laptop or desktop?
  • Number of cars in the household
  • Type of fuel used to heat the house
  • How much people pay for their utilities, insurance and mortgage

In my email to Ms. Jessup, I mentioned plumbing and internet use. You can mix it up a bit in your email.

Thank you for writing this email!!  If we all send an email, and ask 2 friends to do the same, Ms. Jessup may have a surprise in her in-box in a few days!

share with your friends:


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Jason Hill wasn’t born gay. But he didn’t choose his circumstances that led to it either. What he did choose, though, was to leave that lifestyle when he learned more about who he was and his unresolved childhood issues.

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