
My prediction about the Vatican’s “Humanum” conference

According to the Catholic News Agency, “the Vatican is hosting a colloquium seeking to find ‘new and creative language to speak to people where
they are.’ This is according to Helen Alvaré, professor of law at George Mason University, and communications liaison for the Humanum Colloquium, which
will run from Nov. 17­-19 at the Vatican.”

I have a couple of predictions about this event. My predictions are based on the full title of the event, as well as my knowledge of the participants.
The full title of the event is: “An International Interreligious Colloquium on The Complementarity of Man and Woman.” Sexual complementarity is not
a topic that marriage re-definers call attention to. Ever. Here is my take on the participants:

  1. Helen Alvare, the communications liaison referenced above,
    is simply an outstanding spokeswomen for the authentically Catholic view of marriage, family and human sexuality.
  1. I am acquainted with many of the speakers. The line-up includes pro-marriage faith leaders
    from across the religious spectrum.

One of them, Ignacio Ibarzábal, is the Executive Director of Grupo Sólido, an Argentine pro-marriage organization founded by
young adults. A number of their members have attended Ruth Institute events over the years. I have the highest respect for Ignacio and his group.

  1. I have heard from a number of my friends that they have been invited to attend this event, although they are not listed as speakers on this program:
    Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church here in San Diego, Professor Robert George of Princton, Mr. Eric Teetsel of the Manhattan Declaration.

Obviously, I cannot vouch for every single person on the guest list. But all things considered, based on what I do know, this is not the line-up I would
expect from a Vatican intent on undermining or redefining the Church’s ancient and magisterial teaching about marriage. Here are my predictions:

  1. The colloquium is slated to end with a “Presentation of an Affirmation on Marriage.” I predict that this Affirmation will be entirely consonant with Catholic teaching. It may be presented in “natural law” language that can be embraced by the wide variety of participants, rather than in explicitly theological language.
    But there will be nothing heretical or unorthodox about it.
  2. I predict that somewhere along the line, the Holy Father will make endearing and charming comments about family life, one or more of which will have
    some ambiguity about it. I predict that the secular media will love these comments and give them far more attention than the orthodox statement of the colloquium.
  3. Finally, I predict that many “conservative” Catholic bloggers and writers will do the same thing! They will place all their attention
    on the ambiguous off-hand comment, and overlook entirely that orthodox statement of the colloquium, and the undeniable orthodoxy of the event itself.

For the record: I hope I am proven correct about the first prediction and incorrect about the second and third. Watch this space. We shall see what happens!
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