No Child Born in Wrong Body

by William Mahoney, Ph.D.

This article was first published at ChurchMilitant on July 21, 2021.

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The money-making gender industry is destroying lives and families. But one woman who struggled with gender identity as a child is helping people understand
the underlying reasons for gender dysphoria. Church Militant’s William Mahoney recently spoke with her about her work.

No child is born in the wrong body: That’s the principal message of a new book for children by an author who speaks from experience.

Erin Brewer: “My name is Erin Brewer, and I actually wrote a book about my experience being a transgender child. And I did that because I felt it was really
important to share with people that children who have these difficult feelings don’t have to ‘transition.'”

Erin lamented there are children’s books like I Am Jazz that push a false narrative about children dealing with gender confusion. I Am Jazz was written by a child going by “Jazz Jennings” and co-authored by LGBT propagandist Jessica Herthel. I Am Jazz is listed as a book for children
from 4 to 8 years old.

A blurb in the listing exposes the driving pro-LGBT message of the book: “From the time she was two years old, Jazz knew that she had a girl’s brain in
a boy’s body.”

Erin Brewer:

I wanted to make sure that kids know that’s not true. So I got help from therapists and teachers to help me resolve those difficult feelings. And initially,
when somebody suggested that I write a kids’ book, I thought, “It’s going to be really difficult.” The reason I developed that dysphoria in the
first place was the result of a sexual assault, and that’s not something that you want to typically write about in a kids’ book. But then I thought
about I Am Jazz, which tells children they were born in the wrong body, and I thought, “That’s really scary. I’m not sure if there’s anything
more scary [sic] than that.”

After prayer and reflection, Erin decided her book countering the transgender industry’s narrative needed to be written. And while pro-LGBT Herthel goes
around indoctrinating children, parents, teachers and politicians how to use I Am Jazz as a
“teaching tool,” Erin is fighting hellfire with the fire of truth in love.

Erin Brewer:

After writing the book, I wanted to find a way to get the message out more. And the organization that I cofounded called Partners for Ethical Care
raised $1,000 in two days for me. We were able to buy a bunch of books — and I’ve been driving around the country donating them to libraries,
health care providers, churches and therapy offices.

The organization Erin cofounded can be found online at organization, PEC
for short, exists to stop the medical transitioning of children and spread the truth that transitioning is not an identity, but an intervention that
harms children.

Erin Brewer: “We collect stories. We have information for parents. We reach out to legislators and to doctors and to teachers to try to help them understand
how dangerous it is to do this to children.”

Church Militant spoke with Erin during the weekend in Lake Charles, Louisiana, when she was spreading PEC’s hope-filled message as a guest speaker
at the Ruth Institute’s 2021 Survivors’ Summit.

Erin’s book, Always Erin, can be found on the Partners for Ethical Care website, as well as on Amazon.

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