Obamacare and the Family

What else is buried in The Tomb of the Unknown Health Care Bill? Over at NRO, John Graham points out one of the implications for the family. Commenting on the fact that health insurers are now required to cover subscribers’ children until they turn 26:

The idea of a 26-year old “child” is curious in itself. However, there are a couple of limitations: The “child” has to be unmarried, and the coverage does not include the “child of a child receiving dependent coverage” [§ 2714(a)].

So, just to make it clear: The law will compel an employer to pay for health insurance for an employee’s unmarried, unemployed, 25-year old son or daughter; but doesn’t compel the 25-year old to pay for his or her own baby — the employee’s grandchild.

I guess that’s what they call “social justice” under Obamacare.

To marry or not to marry? That is the question. If you’re 25 and don’t have a job, but do have a baby, you can get health insurance under your parents’ plan, but your baby can’t. The baby isn’t anybody’s responsibility, evidently. If you get married, and still don’t have a job, you can’t be covered under your parents’ plan, and neither can your baby.
The incentives to out of wedlock childbearing creep up into the middle class….

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