NRO has a very interesting anonymous article on the
devastating impact of pornography on marriage. Even more interesting is the whole series of e-mail responses that KayLo posted here.
The comments run the gamut from the obviously self-serving to the painfully poignant. Our panel discussion on pornography at last summer’s conferencewas one of the most moving events of the whole weekend. I had not originally planned to talk about pornography. But the MD we invited, Dr. Gary Rose, prevailed
on me to let him say a few words and then open it up to discussion among the students and the entire faculty. The pain that young women feel over this
issue just blew me away. BTW: students can apply for this summer’s conference now. It
will be in southern CA, august 12-15, and is totally free.

Let God be God: A Lenten Reflection on Trust and Surrender
Lent is a time to step back, strip away distractions, and allow God to be