Ralph Reed declares our Supreme Court Confirmation process to be broken and he is certainly correct. The question is why?
The answer is one word: abortion. Actually, it is abortion and all its ill-begotten progeny, the entire sexual revolution. This is because the abortion rights fanatics are attempting to create something that simply cannot be: an entire society based on the premise that sex is a sterile activity, as I explain in my article at the National Catholic Register.

The New Contraceptive World Order holds these tenets: Sex is a sterile recreational activity. “Safe” sex (meaning sex with a condom) has no significant negative consequences. Marriage is not necessary for either sexual activity or childbearing. And unlimited sexual activity is an entitlement for everyone old enough to give meaningful consent.

But there is a serpent in this man-made paradise: All of these tenets are false.

It isn’t true that sex is a sterile activity. Contraception fails — regularly. Even the pill only reduces the probability of pregnancy, but not all the way to zero. Uncommitted sex has plenty of negative consequences that cannot be prevented by contraception. Marriage really is the best place for both sexual activity and childbearing. And, because we have been convinced that unlimited sexual activity is an entitlement, we have sex in relationships that cannot possibly sustain a pregnancy. When the inevitable pregnancies result, we fall back on abortion to continue clinging to our belief in the New Contraceptive World Order. Thus, the attempt to create this new society cannot succeed.

The New Contraceptive World Order is an artificial creation of the state. It requires continual support and coddling from the state, including ever-increasing efforts to suppress dissent and enforce conformity.

Cheerleaders for this new heaven on earth insist that all doctors be trained in abortions, that all pharmacists prescribe all forms of birth control, that all employers provide contraception and abortion in their health plans. Suppressing the choices of doctors, pharmacists, insurers and employers makes no sense — unless the real goal is to create the new and unnatural society of sterile sex. …

This fundamental incoherence is also the underlying cause of the contentiousness of the Supreme Court nomination process. Since this new world cannot sustain itself by the ordinary actions of ordinary people making voluntary decisions, it has to be sustained by the continual applications of force by those in power. This explains why the stakes for seats in the judiciary are so high.

Everyone knows that Elena Kagan can’t admit her opinions about sex: abortion, homosexual activity in the military and same sex marriage are the hot button issues, but the subsidiary issues include the conscience clauses, freedom of speech on campuses and parental rights. This is the mess we have created with a court-created right to abortion: Heaven forbid the courts should create a right to same sex marriage. There will be no end to the obfuscation. The Supreme Court confirmation Kabuki Dance will only grow more intense.

Until we face the fact that there is something fundamentally undoable about what we are trying to do, that the sexual revolution that was supposed to be about freedom actually requires massive intervention by the state to sustain, the judicial confirmation process will continue to be a charade.