Caution: very graphic content follows. Clicking the links below may result in shock or sadness.

I notice only pro life groups create abortion videos to use in trying to persuade people to their cause. Why don’t pro choice groups create their own videos showing abortions? Is there something biased in the pro life’s abortion videos? If they’re biased, then certainly the pro choice crowd could create something UNbiased still showing actual abortions. After all, they’re the ones defending abortion on demand. Why not show the procedure they value so highly to pregnant women considering it, along with the body of the “mass of cells” after the procedure is over? Clinics could even show different types of abortions depending on the type of abortion the woman is considering. We all agree that the truth is a good thing, yes? Why not show women the truth of what actually happens and the results? This would be a more informed choice than women have now.

I recommend, for anybody pro life OR pro choice, you go to YouTube and watch some abortion videos. There is also a very good one at

Another enlightening thing is to go to Google Images and search the phrase abortion.

For me, the images often remind me of Holocaust footage, too horrific to grasp. I didn’t want to watch the videos or see the images, but I knew I had to so I could write this post. As I watched them, I cried and I kept wondering, “How could women do this?” but then I thought they must not really know what’s going on, they haven’t seen images of the dismembered bodies or of the actual procedure.

If pregnant women were informed in this way, I wonder how many would still choose abortion.

“… dehumanizing the target provides a release from guilt for the person that scapegoats them, who typically begins to see themselves as a victim of the dehumanized person, rather than as a potential oppressor.” ~from the Dehumanization article on Wikipedia