Pro-Life Leaders Decry Scandals, Urge Catholic Colleges to Reject Culture of Death

From the Cardinal Newman Society and a collection of Pro-Life Leaders on May 11, 2016.


by recent high-profile events at Catholic colleges featuring pro-abortion leaders — including Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards,
Bill Clinton,
Wendy Davis and Vice President Joe Biden — 29 Catholic and pro-life leaders joined a statement urging Catholic colleges to “stand firm in defending truth and the Catholic identity of
their institutions.”


The statement, released
today by The Cardinal Newman Society, argues that such events betray the mission of Catholic education and endanger the spiritual well-being of students.

“We urge the leaders of Catholic colleges and universities to reject the culture of death” and refuse “to honor and award speaking platforms to public
advocates of abortion and same-sex marriage,” the signers of the letter stated.

“There is no sensible appeal to ‘freedom of speech’ or ‘academic freedom’ to justify university-sponsored events or activities that hold up opponents of
known moral truths for special honor, as if falsehood and immorality are to be celebrated and not firmly rejected,” the letter states.

Noting that “special honor” by a college can include awards, honorary degrees, commencement speeches and invitations to deliver prominent lectures, the
signers of the letter assert, “[T]here is no ‘freedom’ in presenting lectures that include one-sided advocacy for evil; the university’s free choice
to present such lectures has the consequence of binding young people in the chains of falsehood and sin.”

Citing Ex corde Ecclesiae,
the Vatican constitution on Catholic colleges, the letter reminds Catholic colleges of their responsibility to teach truth and to conduct all official
actions in accord with their Catholic identity:

We, the undersigned, urge Catholic colleges and universities to “consecrate [their selves] without reserve to the cause of truth” by teaching and upholding
the sacred dignity of all human life and of the divinely ordered institution of marriage … The truths of the Catholic faith—and indeed,
all human experience—are also clear: innocent human life must be protected, and the institution of marriage between man and woman is essential
for children, family, and community.

The full text of the letter follows, along with the names of those who signed in support of the statement:

Committed to the Truth of Life and Marriage

An Appeal by Catholic and Pro-Life Leaders to Catholic Educators

We, the undersigned, urge Catholic colleges and universities to “consecrate [their selves] without reserve to the cause of truth” (Ex corde Ecclesiae,
4) by teaching and upholding the sacred dignity of all human life and of the divinely ordered institution of marriage, and by refusing to honor and
award speaking platforms to public advocates of abortion and same-sex marriage.

Most recently, we are gravely concerned by scandals at three Catholic universities:

  • Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., hosted a prominent campus lecture on April 20 by Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, who has presided
    over an appalling enterprise that killed more than 2.8 million babies by abortion during her tenure and has admitted to then selling the parts
    of aborted children. She advocated for abortion, contraception, and sterilization during her lecture to students.


  • The University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Ind., hosted a lecture by former Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, a champion of abortion who is known for
    her 2013 filibuster of pro-life legislation. Davis advocated abortion and even defended the abortion of her own child during her lecture to students,
    which was held on April 4, the Feast of the Annunciation.


  • The University of Notre Dame also has chosen to honor Vice President Joe Biden—who has supported both legal abortion and same-sex marriage—with
    its Laetare Medal for exemplary Catholics. It will be awarded at the University’s commencement ceremony on May 15, reminiscent of the scandalous
    honor for President Barack Obama in 2009.


  • Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, Calif., selected as its spring commencement speaker former President Bill Clinton, who also received an
    honorary degree. He protected partial-birth abortion while President and has advocated same-sex marriage in recent years. He is also in the midst
    of an active presidential campaign for his wife Hillary, a vociferous advocate for both abortion and same-sex marriage, who was prominent at the
    commencement ceremony on May 7.


The Church’s expectations for Catholic education are clear: “A Catholic University’s privileged task is ‘to unite existentially byintellectual effort two
orders of reality that too frequently tend to be placedin opposition as though they were antithetical: the search for truth, and thecertainty of already
knowing the fount of truth.’ …Any official action orcommitment of the University is to be in accord with its Catholic identity” (Ex corde Ecclesiae,
1; General Norms, Art. 2, §4).

The truths of the Catholic faith—and indeed, all human experience—are also clear: innocent human life must be protected, and the institution
of marriage between man and woman is essential for children, family, and community.

There is no sensible appeal to “freedom of speech” or “academic freedom” to justify university-sponsored events or activities that hold up opponents of
known moral truths for special honor, as if falsehood and immorality are to be celebrated and not firmly rejected. (Such honors include awards, honorary
degrees, commencement speeches, and invitations to deliver prominent lectures.) Moreover, there is no“freedom” in presenting lectures that include
one-sided advocacy for evil; the university’s free choice to present such lectures has the consequence of binding young people in the chains of falsehood
and sin.

We urge the leaders of Catholic colleges and universities to reject the culture of death and instead stand firm in defending truth and the Catholic identity
of their institutions.

[NOTE: The following sign in their individual capacities. Titles and affiliations are provided for identification only.]

Father Shenan J. Boquet

President, Human Life International

L. Brent Bozell, III

President, Media Research Center

Tom Brejcha

President and Chief Counsel, Thomas More Society

Brian Brown

President, National Organization for Marriage

Judie Brown

President and co-founder, American Life League

Dr. E. Christian Brugger

J. Francis Cardinal Stafford Professor of Moral Theology, St. John Vianney Theological Seminary

Eileen Cubanski

Executive Director, National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools

Mary Rice Hasson

Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center

Kristan Hawkins

President, Students for Life of America

Abby Johnson

Founder, And Then There Were None

Jennifer Kimball Watson

Director, Culture of Life Foundation

Stephen M. Krason, J.D., Ph.D.

President, Society of Catholic Social Scientists

Philip F. Lawler

Editor, Catholic World News

Maria McFadden Maffucci

Editor, Human Life Review

Jeanne F. Mancini

President, March for Life Education and Defense Fund

Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

Founder and President, The Ruth Institute

Nikolas T. Nikas

President and General Counsel, Bioethics Defense Fund

Camille Pauley

President and CEO, Healing the Culture

Father Frank Pavone

National Director, Priests for Life

Patrick J. Reilly

President, The Cardinal Newman Society

Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg

Senior Fellow, American Principles Project

Austin Ruse

President, Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM)

Andrew T. Seeley, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Institute for Catholic Liberal Education

Matt Smith

President, Catholic Advocate

Jo Tolck

Executive Director, Human Life Alliance

Debi Vinnedge

Executive Director, Children of God for Life

John-Henry Westen

Editor-in-Chief, LifeSiteNews

Edward Whelan

President, Ethics and Public Policy Center

Eugene J. Zurlo, KCHS

Chairman Emeritus, Catholic Radio Association


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