Probably a dumb thing to do right before Christmas….

a long, heart-felt letter on a difficult topic is probably a dumb thing to do right before Christmas. You’re looking for cheer and comfort. But I’m
reaching out to you because I have something on my heart that I’m guessing is on your heart too.

I know that some of you are deeply concerned about the confusion in the Catholic Church about marriage and divorce.

Pope Francis wrote an apostolic exhortation called Amoris Laetitia, or “The Joy of Love.” Most of it is lovely. But a few passages are ambiguous.
Some bishops and priests are reading the document in continuity with the whole tradition, dating back to apostolic times. Others are reading it differently.
Four Cardinals have asked Pope Francis for clarification. He has not replied.

What are we to make of this? Readers of this newsletter are passionately committed to marriage: one man, one woman, for life, as taught by Jesus. What
can we do, as lay people, whether we are Catholic or not?

Let us set aside the things we cannot control and focus on what we can.

No one can stop us from doing good. No one can force us to do wrong.

At the Ruth Institute, we have a definite plan for doing good, specifically, for promoting the Ancient Teachings of Christianity about marriage. Our ultimate goal? Create a lasting and Christ-like mass social movement to end the injustice and heartbreak of the Sexual Revolution and family breakdown.

We need your help. Please make your most generous gift today.
We’ll have specific activities for you at the beginning of 2017. You can be part of the movement to bring Jesus’s message of lifelong love to the world.

In the meantime, here is what I want you to do over Christmas: Pray.

  • If you’re Catholic, say the Rosary every day. I’ve been saying the Rosary every day since I returned to the Church in 1988. You can find time: while
    you’re driving, standing in the grocery line, on hold on the telephone, mowing the lawn or shoveling snow. As you meditate on the life of Jesus,
    as seen through His mother’s eyes, ask Him to protect our families and our nation.
  • If you’re not Catholic, I suggest this: set aside some quiet time, and say the Lord’s Prayer ten times. You can count them on your fingers, anywhere
    you may be. Don’t be troubled by the Scripture passage, “When ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do.” (Mt 6:7) Jesus told us to
    pray without ceasing. You cannot go wrong saying the Lord’s Prayer! Or try saying it just once, in a slow meditative manner. Ask for wisdom and

Thank you so much for your prayers and generosity.

Now is the best time to heal family breakdown. Please send your most generous gift today.

Get involved. Stay involved. If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

Your friend,

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse

PS: No one is doing the work that the Ruth Institute is doing. We are giving voice to those who have been harmed by straying from Christ’s teaching of
love and fidelity. Please send your most generous gift today. The Ruth Institute is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization.

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