Ruth Institute President Blasts the American Psychological Association for Pushing Sexual Anarchy

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., founder and president of the Ruth Institute, expressed grave concern over the American Psychological Association’s announcement
that it will set up a task force that promotes awareness and inclusivity about consensual non-monogamy.” In plain English, “non-monogamy” means multiple
concurrent sexual partners, sometimes known as polyamory.

Morse said, “The goal of mental health professionals used to be to help individuals overcome harmful tendencies. Mental health professionals used to believe
that children deserved love and support from their parents. Now the APA is completely ignoring the impact of adult sexual behavior on children. Their
only considerations seem to be making adults feel good about themselves and fighting ‘stigmatization.’’’



Dr. Morse added, “The APA’s position is that as long as sex is consensual, no judgement should be attached. In the #MeToo era, we have learned just how
thin a reed “consent” can be. This idea that individuals are entitled to whatever sex life they want, regardless of the consequences, is a basic belief
of the Sexual Revolution. In the past half-century, this has been a recipe for disaster, as statistics on divorce, out-of-wedlock births and fatherless
families show.”

The Ruth Institute affirms that: “Every child has a right to a relationship with their natural mother and father except for in an unavoidable tragedy.”
Traditional Judeo-Christian sexual ethics protected the rights of children to stable relationships with their own parents.

Morse asked, “What happens when little Johnny comes home and finds Mommy in bed with a strange man? If she explains to him that the relationship is ‘consensual,’
and Daddy knows about it, will that lessen the emotional trauma? What about the rights of children? Will their consent be sought too?

When little Susie is scared at night and wants to get in bed with Mommy, will it really be ok for her to get in bed with Mommy’s partner who isn’t her
Daddy? Please people, let’s show some common sense and compassion for children.”

Since the 1970s, the APA helped to normalize aberrant sexual behavior between adults. No one has stopped to ask about the long-term price children have
paid, and that society continues to pay. Now it’s taking that one step further, by trying to get the public to accept multiple sexual partners. If
they succeed, children and society will pay a steep price.

Dr. Morse’s latest book is “The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives (and how the Church was Right All Along).”

For more information on the Ruth Institute

To schedule an interview with Dr. Morse

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