
Sex-Wounded Fighting Back

by Paul Murano • ChurchMilitant.com • June 25, 2020

The sexual revolution, a revolt waged by modern man against God and His Sixth Commandment, will be taking the proverbial prosecutor’s stand in Louisiana
this July.

Pictured: Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse

The Ruth Institute has scheduled its “Survivors’ Summit 2020,”
a conference whose focus is “Surviving the Sexual Revolution.” It will cover the gamut of sexual deviancy unleashed in the sexual revolution, from
fornication to transgenderism. The Ruth Institute is a research and educational institute dedicated to supporting “individuals and families harmed by divorce, the hook-up culture and other forms of family breakdown.”

“Our speakers are not celebrities,” Ruth Institute founder Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse told Church Militant. “They’re people just like you” and experts in
their field. “If you come you will be inspired … and our experts will demonstrate that the Church’s teaching has always been correct.”

Morse also said that there is no hope to expect to win the war for souls through legal or judicial means. The courts, she claims, are now essentially lawless.
Her grassroots aim is to equip people with information and moral truth in order to overcome the dark, spiritual deluge.

Since the invention and popularization of the birth control pill, a Pandora’s box of sexual deviancy has become normalized throughout the Western world. The resultant confusion and pain has caused a new normal of walking wounded, for whom the conference will provide a safe
space in which to tell the truth — restoring “sexual sanity to our culture, communities and churches.” This Summit will cover the what, how,
why, when, where and who of the sexual revolution — a revolution that continues to this day — and engage participants from diverse backgrounds
in the #FightforFamily.

According to the Center for Family Justice, one in four women have been
sexually abused in their lifetime, as well as one in six men. Those are the numbers for assaults that were not consensual. But those who survive the
sexual revolution also include those who have consented to its great magnetic pull, who have been lured in by the strong winds of the culture, and
this includes virtually everyone who has come of age in the 1960s through today.

Conference topics include surviving childhood sexual abuse, pornography addiction, the LGBT subculture and transgenderism. Other topics will focus on the global sexual
revolution; Christian anthropology, history and social systems; medical tragedies of the sexual revolution; social science evidence about the sexual
revolution; human rights catastrophes of the sexual revolution; population control; and the decline of the human family — explained in the film
Demographic Winter.

Featured speakers include distinguished scholars and survivors, as well as journalist Doug Mainwaring and Pulse nightclub shooting survivor Luis Ruiz, both of whom left
the LGBT subculture.

Also scheduled to speak is Ruth Institute sociologist Fr. Paul Sullins, author
of the groundbreaking report, “Is Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Related to Homosexual Priests?
which revealed a striking correlation between the rise in the number of homosexual priests and the explosion of clerical sex abuse. Sullins will address
gender theory, the characteristics of homosexual relationships and parenting, and the implication of homosexual priests in the wave of child sex abuse
that peaked in the 1980s.

“My goal,” Sullins told Church Militant, “is to present the facts and evidence that will help persons struggling with the widespread misinformation and
deception that gay parents or homosexual priests are benevolent, innocuous influences on the children in their care. The empirical evidence strongly
indicates otherwise.”

The conference will also include activists’ panels, question and answer sessions and general discussions.

The Keynote speaker is Sue Ellen Browder, journalist and author of Subverted: How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement. Browder worked for Cosmopolitan magazine for years, writing
what she calls “fake news” for potential victims of the sexual revolution. As an eyewitness
to the birth of the revolution, Browder will talk about how two movements going in different directions — the women’s movement and the sexual
revolution — merged to become one movement leading to a Culture of Death.

The Institute’s Aim

The Ruth Institute calls itself “a global interfaith coalition equipping Christians to defend the family and
build a civilization of love.” Its Resource Center provides decades of research
and educational tools to support individuals and families harmed by divorce, the hook-up culture and other forms of family breakdown.

The group’s website states that “Every person has the right to know his or her cultural heritage and genetic identity,” and “Every child has a right to
a relationship with their natural mother and father except for an unavoidable tragedy.” It supports natural law on morality related to sexuality and
human life, and “rejects the idea that a child is a problem to solve if you
don’t want one and an object to purchase if you do want one.”

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s June 15 Bostock v. Clayton County decision,
Morse explains that the summit will analyze the many ways the sexual revolution needs the power of the State to do its destructive work.

“The Bostock ruling redefines ‘female’ and ‘male’ for purposes of law. … This terrible ruling shows that the conservative legal establishment has no idea how to address sexual and social issues. The sexual revolution attacks both the individual and the family,” she adds. “At our Summit, we’ll take a
hard look at some of the most destructive pathologies the global ruling class has inflicted on ordinary people.”

The Survivor’s Summit will take place in Lake Charles, Louisiana on July 17–18.

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