Socrates in the City

Last night, I had a very successful event, lecturing at Socrates in the City.  The event was very well attended, and we had a lively discussion after my talk.  My talk was called, “Can We Talk? Why the Same Sex Marriage debate has become so toxic.” Regular Ruth Readers will be familiar with some of this material, but there was some new stuff, too. Stuff about how ssm has become a symbolic issue, that doesn’t broach disucssion.  Stuff about how so many of the modern ideological movments are utopian gnostic movements, that are completely unrealisitc. Given that they are unrealistic, it is actually important to keep people from asking too many questions.  Hence, the chant that we are all just bigots, shuts down disussion. I belive it is desgined to do so.

Anyhow, CDs of the talk are already available.

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