Regular Ruth Readers know that I have been supportive of the students of the Princeton University Anscombe Society, and their efforts to obtain a center to support abstinence and chastity on campus. Their efforts have been smacked down by the University adminstration, for a variety of extremely lame reasons. But now, the Christian Union, housed at Princeton, reports that the University’s refusal to support the students who value sexual integrity is nothing short of hypocrisy. They claim that they want to remain neutral and not impose or even propose values to students, so they couldn’t possibly support an abstinence center on campus, to go along with the Women’s Center and the LGBT Center. But now, the mask is off entirely: the University supported events that quite obviously promote non-abstinence, non-monogamy. I can’t make this up. Let the Christian Union report:
In Princeton President Shirley Tilghman’s email rejection of the petition she states, “it [your argument] implies that the Women’s and LGBT Centers are there to support a non-chaste or non-abstinent lifestyle, which is not the case, and would be considered offensive by both centers.”
However, two events that were promoted or sponsored by the LGBT Center discussed non-abstinent and non-chaste lifestyles. The events, held November 17, 2009 and November 18, 2009 in University facilities, featured self-described “pornographer” and “anal sexpert” Tristan Taormino. Her topics: “Beyond Monogamy: The Case for Open Relationships”; and “Queer Sexualities”, which addressed the question “How can we learn to embrace and cultivate our erotic power in order to build confidence and create fulfilling relationships?
The students of the Anscombe Society respond here.