The Face of the Tea Party is Female

I’m waiting for someone in the MSM to get the message that the face of the pro-life, pro-marriage movement is female. But, hey, at least someone is noticing that conservative women are capable of running a grassroots movement:

Politico has gotten the message that the Tea Party grassroots movement is largely female.

“Most of the women do not want a large, top-down movement,” Walker said. “We like the local flavor and independence of the tea parties. We don’t need anyone to tell us what to do from D.C. or a large organization to lead us. We’re capable of handling most of it on our own.”

When will they notice the women-led social movement to help women in crisis pregnancies, and to support sexual integrity, and to support lifelong married love? Oh well. Regular Ruth Readers know.
We are so all about women that the Ruth Institute is in continual danger of being perceived as a Chick Outfit.

Want to dig in? Here’s more

Facing Pain: The Road to True Redemption

Born gay is a narrative that severely inhibits anyone dealing with same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. Dr. Linda Seiler talks about both the qualitative research that she did regarding same sex attraction as well as the transformation she went through after she reoriented her life towards God.

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