The Leftist Idiom Among the Gay Radicals

This article in the Baptist Standard
isn’t particularly interesting. It is the photo that interests me:  The Clenched Fist is an image straight out of the Hard Left playbook.  They
are getting careless, and letting the mask slip.  Up until now, the Sex Radicals have done a pretty good job of steering people away from their radicalism.  They
must think they have the same sex marriage issue wrapped up, so they can let people see who and what they really are: social revolutionaries, hiding
behind White Picket Fence gays and lesbians, who really do just want normal lives.  All the shouting about “equality” is a way to keep people from
thinking about what is really being changed here. We are being ask to change the definition of marriage and tacitly, the definition of parenthood, without
even having an honest discussion about the issues at stake. “Oh, same sex marriage is not a big change of anything.  No sir.  Nothing to see
here, just keep on moving.  We just want what everyone else has.”  Just one problem: Most normal (ie, non-revolutionary) people don’t put Workers
of the World Unite images on their wedding invitations.  I’m just saying.

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