The Pro-life Youth Movement

The pro-choice lobby is finally catching on to the fact that their membership is aging and not replacing itself. We noticed it when we went to the West Coast Walk for Life: the average age was really young. lots and lots of teenagers, college students and babies in strollers (the Under 1 Demographic really lowers the average age of any group!) Duh, the Sex Radicals do not seem to realize that when you kill to avoid parenthood, it is not a surprise that you are not replacing yourself, or that you are unattractive to young people.

Tom Peters, over at the newly revamped American Papist blog and the American Principles Project also mentions

how angry some young feminists are getting because they feel Newsweek (and the leaders of these pro-abortion organizations) are ignoring their very existence and worth.

The quest to make Sex Sterile for everyone all the time cannot be interrupted by the facts!

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Want to dig in? Here’s more

Catholic Sexual Morality is NOT out of Date

Catholicism is one of the last holdouts against contraception, abortion, euthanasia, sex outside of marriage, and more. The Church’s moral teachings ultimately protect people from heartache, illness, broken families, and, especially in the case of abortion, death.

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