The Truth About the Priest Abuse Data

Listen to the podcast with Patrick Coffin and Fr. Paul Sullins here.

The Roots of The Priestly Abuse Scandal—Part I

This is the first in a series on the roots of the priestly abuse scandal. I know, a sad and depressing topic. But we have to “go there” if we want
to “get there.”

Father Paul Sullins, PhD, author and professor emeritus of sociology at the Catholic University of America, has done us all a huge favor. He has collated
and made sense of the data drawn from the John Jay Report, the data from the USCCB, the 2002 Los Angeles Times poll about homosexual priests, the
data of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Reports, and intel from CARA (Center for Applied Research In the Apostolate).

It’s all in one place, a study done in collaboration with The Ruth Institute. Get the link below. His findings are stunning and sobering.

In this episode you will learn

  • Approximately how many boys would NOT have had their lives badly damaged by homosexual priests had the ratio of homosexuals in the priesthood had
    not skyrocketed from 1950-1980s.
  • Why we need to boldly tell the truth about the real causes of the crisis
  • The approximate proportion of priests today between 65 and 85 who are homosexual
  • Why the crisis is not about clericalism
  • Solid facts to back up bad logic and anti-Catholic arguments about celibacy, and the truth of what has happened in the last 50 years regarding
    predator behavior among some priests

Resources mentioned in this episode


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Want to dig in? Here’s more

I Wasn’t Born Gay

Jason Hill wasn’t born gay. But he didn’t choose his circumstances that led to it either. What he did choose, though, was to leave that lifestyle when he learned more about who he was and his unresolved childhood issues.

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