Regular Ruth readers already know about Pat Fagan’s article about the pernicious effects of pornography. Now, Legionary Father John Flynn summarizes his report.
The impact on wives increases when the husbands become addicted to porn. One study cited by Fagan revealed that 40% of such sex addicts lose their spouses. There has not been a lot of research on the relationship between pornography and divorce, but he reported that one study of reports by divorce lawyers found that 68% of divorce cases involved one party meeting a new love interest over the Internet, and 56% involved one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic Web sites. …
Fagan described how the viewing of pornography by teenagers disorients them during the developmental phase when they are learning how to handle their sexuality and when they are most vulnerable to uncertainty about their sexual beliefs and moral values.
One study of adolescents found that sexually explicit Internet material significantly increased their uncertainties about sexuality. Another study found that adolescents exposed to high levels of pornography had lower levels of sexual self-esteem.
There is also a significant relationship between frequent pornography use and feelings of loneliness, including major depression.
High adolescent consumption of pornography is linked to significantly increased sexual intercourse with non-romantic friends and can be a significant factor in teenage pregnancy.
Our students have shared stories about the negative impact of pornography on their lives. They corroborate Dr. Fagan’s report.
Read the whole story here.