by William Mahoney, Ph.D. • • July
23, 2021
The world of therapy and counseling is under attack when it comes to gender identity and same-sex attraction. But some therapists and health care workers
are crying foul and fighting back. Church Militant’s William Mahoney recently spoke with one psychologist about her organization’s international
For leftist groups like Planned Parenthood, free choice is encouraged for aborting children, but vilified for same-sex-attracted individuals who choose counseling to work through their feelings.
Dr. Laura Haynes: “[I’m] defending the right — the legal right — to therapy for people who want to explore options to their unwanted same-sex
attraction or unwanted incongruent gender identity.”
A speaker on Saturday at the Ruth Institute’s 2021 Survivors’ Summit,
Dr. Haynes has 40 years’ experience of clinical practice and is now a full-time political activist.
And while the International Planned Parenthood Federation pushes its contradictory narrative regarding choice, Haynes’ group, The International Federation
for Therapeutic and Counseling Choice, or IFTCC, is the “home for the once-gay, those coming-out and the
de-transitioners, because we’re free to choose.”
Dr. Haynes: “We train activists to defend the legal right to therapy. So these would be therapists, pastors, journalists, attorneys, former LGBT-identified
The IFTCC maintains legislation based on unscientific notions is not only
wrong, it’s harmful.
Dr. Haynes: “There are underlying causes that need attention that are being denied today. I think this is medical malpractice.”
In the name of choice, Planned Parenthood, et al., are eager to deal with unwanted pregnancies by killing the child.
But when an individual wants an alternative to handling unwanted feelings that contradict the abortion chain’s narrative, choice is out the window.
For more information on Dr. Haynes’ organization and its work, visit