Stories of the survivors Of the Sexual Revolution

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The stories of the survivors of the Sexual Revolution reveal the depth and profound impact that our society has suffered from the Sexual Revolution.

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Catherine Glenn Foster was a 19 year-old who became pregnant and didn’t know what to do. She decided to visit a local abortion center, but tried to back out half way through. Unfortunately for her, the center staff refused to let her leave. Since then she has gone to law school and become the head of Americans United For Life. Hear her public witness about forced abortions.

Katy Faust, contrary to the rumors, didn’t grow up with two mothers, but after her parents divorced while she was in her teens, she realized the incredible impact parents have on their children. She was moved to get into the fight for family when the activists started lying about kids and their needs. Her organization, Them Before Us, focuses on those needs.

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After living as a woman for eight years in the 1980’s, Walt Heyer de-transitioned and began to live as the biological male he was. His story goes back to when he was a four-year old and involves unresolved trauma from his grandmother, father, and an abuser. Walt currently runs where he fields questions from people struggling with gender incongruence.

Stories of the Survivors

The stories of the survivors of the Sexual Revolution deserve to be heard, so we have pulled together their stories. We have included both the traumatic stories as well as the positive stories. Take the time to read them and understand the depth and breadth of the impacts of the Sexual Revolution, as well as ways to combat against it.