
Thank you, Dr. J for inviting us. I am part of a newly formed law firm are just two years old, the Child and Parental Rights Campaign. We’re a nonprofit 501 C3 and we are dedicated to protecting parental rights and children from the transgender agenda.

That is our singular focus. My partner, Bernadette Broyles, founded the organization. I joined her right away. We have a third law partner, Joel Thornton, who works with us and we do advocacy litigation and we have prepared a resource that’s back there for everyone.

And what I want to focus on today is strategies for reclaiming education. Sharon gave us an excellent overview of what’s going on in the education world in terms of comprehensive sex education, but in terms of the transgender agenda, they’re going a step further and it’s becoming a very insidious set of things that they’re doing because the schools, you know, parents are and the law has followed this forever. Parents are. The educators of their children, they’re the primary educators of their children. God provides us with our children, and it’s as Proverbs says, it’s our job to train them up in the way they should go.

Well, for so many years, parents have ceded that authority to public schools. And we’re seeing now increasingly that that has become a disaster. And this is the latest way now that the sexual revolutionaries are driving the wedge between parents and children.

It’s through education instead of partnering. I mean, many of your school districts will probably have models saying partnering with parents to educate our children. No longer. Parents are the enemy now in this agenda. And the schools are going out of their way, sometimes with the full affirmation from the state, with state laws to keep parents in the dark. To empower the children to be the decision makers as to who knows what about them. And in many times, it’s directly contradictory to. Law and to the rights of the parents, obviously. And many times parents will be completely it will completely have no knowledge of anything going on about their child’s quote unquote gender identity until it slips out somehow or until they turn 18 and they’re escorted into the counselor’s office where they’re now fully empowered. 18 year old announces, by the way, Mom and dad, I am now a boy. My name is John, and I’m going to go to Planned Parenthood and begin testosterone.

And you can’t do anything about it. Now, in some states, they can do that at age twelve, 13, 14. So and schools are complicit in that. So what what does the law say, of course. Not surprisingly, our constitution being based on Judeo-Christian values says to parents have a fundamental right under the Constitution to direct the upbringing and the education of their children. It is their fundamental right. And these are several of the cases that provided that, and you can see there are almost 100 years old. And these came into effect when the state was trying to dictate that you had to send your children to public school, you couldn’t teach them in anything but English , et cetera. And the Supreme Court came down very strongly and said, no, the parents have the prerogative to determine what and how to educate their children.

And then the third case it’s mentioned here in Wisconsin V Yoder dealt with religious upbringing, dealt with the old order Amish, who don’t believe in having their children go into public school after sixth grade or after eighth grade. Because then they don’t go and back to the farm, back to the homestead, and they have their vocational training, which will then be what they do, and the Supreme Court said to the state of Wisconsin, you cannot compel the Amish children to go to high school because this is an ingrained part.

It’s a part of who they are. So but and more importantly, and something that’s that’s quite important in the transgender area is that the Supreme Court has said that the parental parental rights include the ability to make medical and mental health care decisions about their children.

Even if and especially if it’s unpopular with I mean, if the child says I don’t want to go to counseling, it’s the state, the court has said, unless there is evidence that the parents are unfit. And or abusive of it is the parent’s prerogative to decide.

Medical care, mental health care. And that’s the transgender issue, of course, intersects with that. It is not about many of these cases that we have seen here deal with curriculum choices. Parents are upset about books that have been read or.

Courses that have been taught and the Supreme Court has said, not the Supreme Court, they have not really weighed in on it, but the courts of appeal have said that they’ve drawn the line. They say, OK, the state has the obligation and the authority to decide.

Curriculum uniforms, days and times of school that the what they call pedagogical interests are in the state and they and they courts will push back on parents trying to micromanage that portion of the school day. Now, unfortunately, some of the appellate courts have very broadly defined.

What that is, especially in the first circuit, is the. Boston area that part of the world and the ninth Circuit, of course, we all know is the West Coast, and they they have come out particularly strongly about the fact that basically, in fact, the ninth Circuit has said the parents rights and at the schoolhouse door, drop your kids off at school. That’s it. Then the school makes all the decisions that’s clearly not constitutional, but, you know, they just. ninth Circuit obviously doesn’t really care about that too much. And so but in each of these cases where the when the courts have drawn the line, it has been generally when you’re dealing with academic.

Questions that kind of thing. And so in the case with again, with transgenderism, that’s crossing into another line and in the courts have have said now that if you’re crossing into the line of family matters, personal matters, if you’re trying to dictate or you’re trying to, what Sharon was talking about questioned the moral values.

If you’re doing those kinds of things, then that’s a bridge too far. And, of course, transgenderism falls into that. But nonetheless, the courts, you know, are that the schools now, of course, are very empowered and corrupted by just like the medical profession, all the professional organization associations are all corrupted.

They’ve all drank the Kool-Aid. They’ve all adopted this gender identity theory as what’s supposed to happen. And so and then there are some good parental rights statutes on the books. There are two federal statutes, which I really I won’t go into a whole lot of detail on.

One of them is the what’s known as for the Educational Privacy Act. That is one that the transgender activists have like. They do everything else, tried to flip on its head. And that’s one that they will tell parents when parents come to the school and say, I want to want notice of what’s going on with my child

in terms of the gender identity. They say, Oh, well, no. Under federal law, we can’t reveal that. Well, no, that’s exactly opposite. Again, with all they do is exactly opposite. Under the federal law, parents until the child, 18 or emancipated parents have all the rights to all of the information about their children.

And but nonetheless, they again, you know, are empowered, they are empowered by the culture, and they do that. And then there’s also the. Pupil rights, pupil and parental rights amendment. And that’s more of a parent notification type statute.

Neither of these has any real teeth in terms of, you know that you can sue on them, but they do establish a standard for the schools to follow. Now what are much better are some of the state enacted ones, and in particular, Florida has just enacted a very strong and very comprehensive parental rights statute.

Louisiana has a good one in terms of schools, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, all. And there are other states, but these are some of them. But the Florida one is very comprehensive and in fact, it was enacted specifically because of these kinds of situations where schools were hiding from parents.

The fact that their child is a father is saying that they are another gender and using different pronouns and using different names, et cetera. And parents not being notified. And so that law and that will be a good template for other states to pick up on and use.

And that’s probably going to be one of the more effective ways of getting this agenda taken care of is to go to your state legislatures and make sure the state legislatures have these. These parental rights statutes, and so but what the very important thing is, obviously, as parents need to retake reassert their authority.

As the ones who have primary educators, particularly in. This situation where you’re talking about the child’s mental health and medical health. And you need to push back against that and insist on notice. Insist on. Being made aware when any of these things happen with child.

And make sure that you’re very involved with the school board, with the superintendent, et cetera. We have we have several cases we’re dealing with right now with the schools where the students are promised. Of course, we’re not going to tell your parents it’s up to you, they’re given all the power.

We have one case where there was a young girl with ADHD and the other obviously co-morbidities is, as Father Paul mentioned, all all have those and they she announced her teachers that this was the case. So the teachers, of course, all affirmed her.

They had a meeting with her without her parents, set up all the plan that she was going to have about how she was going to handle this. The only way mom and dad found out about it is when Mom picked her up from school one day.

She was sort of giggling about the fact that they’d asked her what bathroom she wanted to use. OK. And this is Florida and Florida is had just passed this law, so clearly, you know, parents need to empower themselves.

And I want to just in the last little bit I have we have back here for everyone to take. We have created this resource. School resource guide navigating the transgender landscape, and this is a tool we’ve we wrote it aimed at schools to give schools factual information.

They need to fight this agenda and for them to understand that they’re violating parental rights and and endorsing a harmful ideology. And but it’s a very powerful thing for for parents to have to give to their local school board and also for the parents to realize that this is a very dangerous and harmful.

Ideology that they need to be aware of and to take action against, to make sure that their their rights continue to be protected as they’re required to be under the. Constitution and the Bible and everything else, and so we encourage you to to pick this up.

There’s plenty back there and they’re also available on our website, free digital download, or you can order copies for $3 each hour. Our website is there. The end of the slides and so appreciate the time to discuss this very important issue with you.

Legal Strategies for Reclaiming Education Download

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