Catholic Culture Conference 2019: Understanding the Sexual Revolution
(May 31, 2019) Dr J is one of the speakers at the Spiritual Life Center’s Catholic Culture Conference in Wichita, Kansas. This is the first of three talks she’s giving at the annual gathering, and it’s entitled, "Understanding the Sexual Revolution.", The Q&A session after this talk is also available for listening or download here. Stay tuned for her other talks from the conference, coming right up in our podcast stream. Listen to the talk | Listen to the Q&A
Survivors of the Sexual Revolution
(May 14, 2019) Dr J is once again a guest of Father Robert McTeigue on The Station of the Cross’s The Catholic Current. They’re discussing her newest book, The Sexual State. Listen
I had an abortion but told my boyfriend that I miscarried.
Yesterday my boyfriend said to me, “I wish I had a chance to just hold my child as he cried.” And he made it worse by saying, “Before you miscarried when I slept I always heard a baby cry. My child was trying to tell me something, maybe we could have done something to save […]
Survivors’ Summit: Drew Mariani Show edition
(April 10, 2019) Dr J is Wendy Wiese’s guest on Relevant Radio’s "The Drew Mariani Show.", They’re discussing the Ruth Institute’s work with the survivors of the sexual revolution, specifically touching on our upcoming "Survivors’ Summit", at the end of April. Listen
The 1 cancer risk factor many women don’t want to hear
Exclusive: Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse slams ‘fantasy ideology,’ ugly fallout of Sexual Revolution This article was first published October 23, 2018, at by Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her […]
Respect Life 2018: Understanding the Sexual Revolution
(October 13, 2018) Dr J is the keynote speaker at the Respect Life Conference in Meriden, Connecticut. She gave two talks, this is the first one, "Understanding the Sexual Revolution,", on what the sexual revolution is, its underlying ideologies, and how it moves forward. Stay tuned for her second talk in our regular podcast stream. Listen
My Life in Books
(October 10, 2018) Dr J gives her life in books she’s authored as a 10-minute presentation at Business Network International. More information at, but here’s the list: Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village Smart Sex: Finding Lifelong Love in a Hook-Up World 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Why the Church was Right All Along
Control of The Sexual State is on the Line in War over Kavanaugh, Says Ruth Institute Head
For more information, contact: Elizabeth Johnson at On the eve of tomorrow’s Judiciary Committee hearing, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., observed: “Those who say this increasingly contentious nomination isn’t about abortion are dead wrong. Of course, it’s about abortion.” The head of the Ruth Institute and author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies […]
Control of The Sexual State is on the Line in War over Kavanaugh
For more information, contact: Elizabeth Johnson at On the eve of tomorrow’s Judiciary Committee hearing, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., observed: “Those who say this increasingly contentious nomination isn’t about abortion are dead wrong. Of course it’s about abortion.” The head of the Ruth Institute and author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives, explained, “The abortion regime, — which seeks zero regulation or restriction of abortion– can’t stand on its own. It needs to be constantly propped up by the Sexual State, in this case, the courts.” Morse elaborated: “The abortion lobby claims it wants women to be able to ‘control their fertility.’ This claim is disingenuous. What the Abortion Lobby really wants is a world where sex and babies are completely disconnected, and sex without babies is an entitlement.” “This is not the real world,” Morse continued. “That’s why the Abortion Lobby needs to control the State, specifically, the judiciary. Ordinary people, acting through their legislatures, have enacted numerous common-sense pro-life measures. But the Abortion Lobby cannot abide these regulations, no matter how modest they may be.” “Abortion supporters are terrified of Roe being ‘repealed piecemeal,” as they put it. That’s why they’re fighting the Kavanaugh nomination so fiercely. They need justices who will march in lock-step with supporting their agenda.” Morse concluded, “We hope the public will see through the media circus these hearings have become. Most normal people don’t want to live with a government committed to the fantasy that everyone is entitled to unlimited sex without a live baby ever resulting.” The Sexual State, Morse’s latest book, was released in August by TAN Books. Dr. Morse, who has a passion for helping young people avoid the perils of the Sexual Revolution, is a popular campus speaker. For more information about The Sexual State, please visit
The Sexual State on Morning Glory
(September 5, 2018) Dr J is a guest of Thom Price, Gloria Purvis, and Fr. Bryce Sibley on EWTN’s "Morning Glory.", They’re discussing her newest book, The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Why the Church was Right All Along.
STDs on the Rise
(August 29, 2018) Dr J is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. They’re discussing the CDC’s finding that STDs are on the rise for the 4th year in a row.
How the State Created the Sexual Revolution
(August 20, 2018) Dr J is once again Al Kresta’s guest on his eponymous radio show from Ave Maria. They’re discussing Dr. J’s new book, The Sexual State, and they also touch on how those ideas connect with the predatory sexual scandal breaking right now in the Catholic Church.
Jenet Erickson: Abortion’s culture is antithetical to women’s equality
By Jenet Jacob Erickson This article was first published on August 5, 2018, at Deseret News. Once again, Roe v. Wade finds itself at the center of a Supreme Court nomination battle. And regardless of whether Roe v. Wade is ever overturned, there is no question that scientific advancements have “remade” the abortion debate. With ultrasound imagery and innovations in neonatology, a developing fetus is no longer referred to as “a mass of tissue,” even by abortion advocates. Public opinion reflects this change. Strong majorities of Americans, across demographic groups, oppose abortions in the second (65 percent) and third trimesters (81 percent). And even in the first trimester, a majority (53 percent) agrees abortion should be illegal when the woman’s only reason is not wanting to have a child. Whether abortion means terminating a developing life is no longer debated. That is clear. The debate now centers on what abortion means for women. In the face of public support for some abortion restrictions, pro-choice advocates argue, “abandoning abortion rights means abandoning women.” NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue claims that those who advocate for restrictions on abortion are “not really anti-abortion. … They are against a world where women can contribute equally and chart our own destiny in ways our grandmothers never thought possible.” But Hogue’s claim belies a damaging assumption. One we must take seriously. She assumes that women cannot be equal to men unless they act destructively against their bodies and the developing life they carry. Essentially, women are told that by sacrificing life they can achieve an “equal” life. As Harvard visiting scholar Erika Bacciochi explains, abortion advocacy assumes a “troubling natural inequality” for women because they get pregnant and men do not. Abortion eliminates that difference so women, like men, can enter into sexual relations without commitment, “free” to become, both socially and economically. But to do so, women must act “affirmatively and destructivel
The Decline of the Middle Child
(July 17, 2018) Fr. Paul Sullins is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. Their topic is the decline of the "middle child"…but there’s more to the story. Fr. Paul has the facts. Fr. Sullins is a sociologist and associate researcher at the Ruth Institute.
SCOTUS’s NIFLA ruling is as good as everyone says…and better
by Curtis Schube This article was first published June 29, 2018, at Life Site News. NIFLA v. Becerra is better than anyone could have expected. The Supreme Court’s ruling last Tuesday overturned California’s onerous speech restriction on pregnancy care centers. Great news, to be sure. It gets better. NIFLA also overturned speech restrictions on therapists […]
NIFLA v. Becerra is even better than you think.
Protecting Therapists, not just Pregnancy Care Centers by Curtis Schube June 27, 2018 Exclusive to the Ruth Institute NIFLA v. Becerra is better than anyone could have expected. The Supreme Court’s ruling on Tuesday overturned California’s onerous speech restriction on pregnancy care centers. Great news, to be sure. It gets better. NIFLA also overturned speech […]
LAR: Understanding the Sexual Revolution and the Contraceptive Ideology
(May 25, 2018) Dr J is one of the speakers at the Asociación LAR México conference in Monterrey, Mexico. Now in their 9th year, the theme this time around is "The Challenges of the Family Today.", Dr J gave three talks, and this is the first, on "Understanding the Sexual Revolution and the Contraceptive Ideology.", Stay tuned for the other two. Lar, which means "home", in Spanish, is part of the larger IFFD, the International Federation for Family Development.
Dr J on Quest for a Culture of Life in America
(May 15, 2018) Dr J is Steve Koob’s guest on his radio show from Radio Maria, "Quest for a Culture of Life in America.", They’re discussing the Ruth Institute’s work exposing the myths and untruths of the sexual revolution as well as this weekend’s "Healing Family Breakdown", workshop to be held at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan this Saturday, May 19.
The Real Reason The Atlantic Fired Kevin Williamson
by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse First published April 11, 2018, at The Stream. Kevin Williamson has been summarily dismissed from The Atlantic. The editor says it was because Williamson advocated that the law should treat abortion as murder. But this is hardly a full explanation of the full social process around this disturbing incident. Williamson […]
Here’s What’s Fishy about Al Franken’s Resignation and Selective Outrage.
By Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published at Clash Daily on Dec. 13, 2017. Former comedian Al Franken is resigning his seat as a Minnesota senator. Multiple women accused him of sexual harassment. The most notorious incident was the photo of him groping a female journalist, while she slept. In his resignation […]
Dangers of Alternative Sexual Lifestyles
(November 23, 2017) Dr J is once again Molly Smith’s guest on From the Median. They’re discussing the fallout from President Trump’s attendance at the Values Voters Summit and the book The Health Hazards of Homosexuality. Check out Dr J’s article on the subject, too, originally published at The Stream and linked at our website: The Medical Risks of Homosexuality and the Values Voters Summit.
Harvey Weinstein, etc.
(October 26, 2017) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin’s guest on Issues, Etc. They’re discussing the current sexual abuse scandal surrounding Harvey Weinstein, California’s new "non-binary", gender designation, and not-so-nefarious goings-on at the recent Values Voters Summit. We made mention of the articles Dr J penned on the subjects: The Toxic Ideas that Enabled Weinstein and Others and The Medical Risks of Homosexuality and the Values Voters Summit. Also: more information on Issues’s annual Making the Case Conference.
National Women’s Convention Coming to Detroit
(October 18, 2017) Dr J is once again Teresa Tomeo’s guest on Catholic Connection. They’re discussing the women’s convention taking place this week in Detroit–and the toxic fallout from the ideas being upheld at it…
On Important Issues, the Alt-Right and Life-Style Left Agree
By Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published September 2, 2017, at The Stream. The dust has settled on the clash between the Alt-Right and the Left in Charlottesville. But the labeling (or libeling) of conservatives will be back. Powerful people and organizations on the Left want to link the Alt-Right with the entire […]
*What’s* in [Teen] Vogue?
(July 17, 2017) Dr J is Wendy’s guest once again on Relevant Radio’s On Call with Wendy Wiese to discuss cultural views on sex. Among other topics, they’re going to touch on an article in Teen Vogue whose content is fairly explicit (though the show discussion remains delicate about it).
Contraception &, Divorce: Vox Vitae Adults
(July 11, 2017) Live from the adult evening session at this year’s Vox Vitae, a pro-life camp in Alhambra, California, Dr J is speaking about contraception, divorce, and the survivors of the sexual revolution. Stay tuned for her second talk on the gender ideology.
Contraception &, Divorce: Vox Vitae Teens
(July 11, 2017) Live from this year’s Vox Vitae, a pro-life camp for teens in Alhambra, California, Dr J is speaking about contraception, divorce, and the survivors of the sexual revolution. Stay tuned for her second talk on gender ideology, too.
Culture of Death: The Sexual State
(June 22, 2017) It’s that time again–this year’s Acton University is upon us! Dr J has been with the program since the beginning. This year her three talks are all themed "The Sexual State"–they highlight how various ideologies ingrained in our culture are products of and further the aims of the toxic sexual revolution. Her first talk is entitled "The Sexual State and the Culture of Death.", Stay tuned for her other talks from Acton, coming right up in our podcast stream. Also check out our Ruth Refuge, Dr J took questions after each talk, and those will be available to listen to from there.
St. John Bosco’s Clergy Appreciation Dinner
(May 23, 2017) Dr J is the speaker at St. John Bosco Catholic Church’s annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner in Westlake, Louisiana. Her topic is "What the Ruth Institute Can Do for the Priests and People of St. John Bosco;", she also made a special statement to the children who were present.
Planned Parenthood was cold and non-human
I am a happily married woman and mother of three beautiful boys who regrets having an abortion. It all happened about 24 years ago when my husband and I got engaged. We were, and are very much in love, which is the most disturbing part of this story. One would think that because of this […]
The Day Without a Woman
(March 8, 2017) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin’s guest on Issues, Etc. They’re discussing the "Day Without a Woman", strike.
I Don’t See a Floor Under this Elevator
(February 10, 2017) Dr J is interviewed by Greg Corombos on Dateline: Washington, Radio America’s nationally syndicated news magazine. They’re discussing a new survey on sex and singles released by that details the degree of casual sex among singles in today’s culture.
Respect Life Banquet
(January 17, 2017) Dr J was the keynote speaker at this year’s Respect Life banquet, sponsored by the Roman Catholic diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana. She’s speaking on the sexual revolution and its victims–and the path forward.
Altar Society: About Ruth…
(November 21, 2016) Dr J was invited to speak at the Altar Society in Lake Charles on the work and history of the Ruth Institute.
Courage Conference: Phoenix 2017
(January 10, 2017) Dr J traveled to Phoenix to participate in the Courage Conference, a Roman Catholic organization dedicated to helping persons with same-sex attraction live chaste lives and seek holiness. Her topic was "Understanding the Sexual Revolution."
Poster Child of God’s Mercy
The expression, “I’ve been to hell and back,” is a perfect description of my life, and the hell was mostly self-inflicted through my abuse of alcohol. Even though I came from a loving, supportive, Christian family, I always felt like an outsider and “less than.” That all changed when I discovered alcohol. As a well-known […]
The Truth about Late Term Abortion
First person testimony from a survivor of the late term abortion experience. Please note: this author did NOT actually have an abortion. Her baby had already died, and needed to be removed from her uterus. In the Mother of All Insensitivities (in my opinion) her doctor sent her to an abortion clinic where they specialize […]
‘Healing Family Breakdown’ retreat set
by Crystal Stevenson / American Press This article was first published October 21, 2016, at How to heal after the breakdown of one’s family unit will be the topic of the San Diego-based Ruth Institute’s inaugural Louisiana event. The “Healing Family Breakdown” retreat will be 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, at Our Lady […]
Catholics Nationwide Reject claims of “Catholics for Choice”
Global Non-Profit Honors Catholic Prelates for Rebutting “Catholics for Choice” Roses from Ruth, October 2016 Recipients Responders to the “Catholics for Choice” newspaper ads Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, on behalf of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller of San Antonio Bishop Kevin Farrell of Dallas and Bishop Steven Lopez of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter on behalf of the Texas Catholic Conference Archbishop John Myer of Newark, New Jersey Bishop Michael Olson of Ft. Worth, TX Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas This morning, the Ruth Institute sent a letter of commendation and 12 white roses to the above-named American cardinals, archbishops and bishops, thanking them for their defense of Catholic teaching. The badly misnamed “Catholics for Choice” sponsored paid newspaper advertisements, “Abortion in Good Faith,” across the country. These Catholic churchmen set the record straight. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, President of the Ruth Institute, stated, “’Catholics for Choice’ is seriously out of touch with the views of Catholics across the country. In this election year of so much confusion and rancor, the followers of the Ruth Institute and other pro-life, pro-family groups are encouraged by the unified response of these Catholic churchmen.” The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization dedicated to finding Christ-like solutions to the problems of family breakdown. Founded by world renowned author, speaker and academic Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, the Ruth Institute has accumulated decades of research to support individuals and families harmed by divorce, the hook-up culture and other forms of family breakdown. Ruth Institute, an interfaith organization, dreams of the day when every child will be welcomed into a loving home with a married mother and father. Dr. Morse stated, “We are encouraged that these bishops stated clearly, each in his own way, that abortion is the taking of an innocent life a
Pro-Choice Puritans
by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published August 18, 2016 at The Blaze. For a very short time, Puritanism was the dominant religion in America. The need to populate a large continent led to lots of immigration of lots of people from different religions. Since then, we Americans have developed a sardonic definition […]
Record Low US Fertility Rates and a Legal Challenge to Polygamy Laws
(August 16, 2016) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin’s guest on Issues, Etc. They’re discussing the historic low in the United States’ fertility rate. They also briefly touch on the first legal challenge to United States polygamy law…
How a Christian Child’s Love Won Jane Roe’s Heart
By Ryan MacPherson, a Ruth Institute Circle of Experts member This article was first published at on January 22, 2009 (36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade). Book Review: Won by Love, Norma McCorvey (with Gary Thomas), (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1998) In her own small world she was Norma McCorvey, a battered, then abandoned, wife and drug addict, pregnant but not desiring a child. The wider world would know her as “Jane Roe” of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. The story told there was tragic: a woman gang raped, forced into pregnancy, and denied the opportunity to terminate that pregnancy since abortion was outlawed in Texas. This story, however, was a lie—fabricated by attorney Sarah Weddington, who herself had obtained an illegal abortion and now was on a mission to make abortion available legally. When McCorvey became “Roe,” she provided the tool Weddington needed to push the issue in the courts. But after McCorvey signed “Roe’s” affidavit, affirming the fabricated story as her own, Weddington reneged on her promise to help McCorvey deal with her crisis pregnancy. Weddington did not even so much as telephone McCorvey until four months after the child was born. The “Roe” of Roe v. Wade did not abort her baby, a child saved, ironically, by an attorney’s need for a pregnant plaintiff in order to sue for abortion access. McCorvey had never even been inside an abortion clinic, though later she would work for one. She was both the victim of deceit and the perpetrator of deception. Marijuana helped her to cope. So did alcohol. And coarse humor, too: “I tell women we aren’t killing little babies on Wednesday; they have to come in Thursday through Saturday to do it.” (150) But her verbal defense mechanisms, like her lesbian relationship with an abortion clinic coworker, only took her deeper into the pit of despair and anger, a bitter mixture of relentless grief and suppressed guilt. Even “Jane Roe” knew that abortion killed babies. While working at A Choice
Elite Women Wage Social Warfare on Everywoman
by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first posted at The Blaze on July 5, 2016. So a radical feminist and two childless women walk into a courtroom. How do you expect them to rule on abortion or contraception? Their lives as they know them, depend on both. In Whole Woman’s Health vs. Hellerstedt, the […]
Female Supreme Court Justices and a Texas Abortion Law
(July 6, 2016) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin’s guest on Issues, Etc. They’re discussing the recent Supreme Court decision that struck down requirements that Texas abortion clinics deliver the same standard of medical care as other medical facilities.
What the Hook-Up Culture does to Women
(June 15, 2016) Dr J is once again Drew Mariani’s guest on his show on the Relevant Radio network. They’re discussing the effects of the sexual revolution on women.
Making Marriage Matter, Part 2
(June 9, 2016) Dr J fields questions after addressing law students participating in the Alliance Defending Freedom’s Blackstone Legal Fellowship. If you missed her talks on the family as the foundation of society and the agenda of the modern sexual revolution, check out our podcast stream.
Abortion Today: Preterm Birth Tomorrow?
A new metastudy shows increased risks of preterm birth for mothers who have previously had an abortion. A meta-analysis of 36 international studies involving more than one million women has concluded that abortions are associated with “significantly higher risk” of subsequent premature births, and underweight babies. Prematurity is, in turn, associated with far greater […]
Blackmail Threat Leads to life-giving Testimony
Leave it to pro-choice political operatives to make a blackmail threat against a pro-life politician and his family. And leave it to the King of Kings to bring light out of darkness and to write straight with crooked lines. It seems that “an unnamed source” told Michigan State Rep. Lee Chatfield, a pro-life Republican, that they […]
Pro-Life Leaders Decry Scandals, Urge Catholic Colleges to Reject Culture of Death
From the Cardinal Newman Society and a collection of Pro-Life Leaders on May 11, 2016. Concerned by recent high-profile events at Catholic colleges featuring pro-abortion leaders — including Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, Bill Clinton, Wendy Davis and Vice President Joe Biden — 29 Catholic and pro-life leaders joined a statement urging Catholic colleges to […]
Men and Abortion: Comforting Those Who Cry Alone
by Ryan MacPherson Reprinted, with permission of the author, from LifeDate (Lutherans for Life, Fall 2013) Abortion is a men’s issue. Yes, abortion is also a women’s issue. And it certainly is a children’s issue—a child’s life is at stake. But abortion is a men’s issue—a fact too readily overlooked these days. In 1992, the […]
Democrats: Parents have no right to know if daughter is getting an abortion
by Fr. Mark Hodges This article was first published at Life Site News on March 23, 2016. JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri, March 23, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Democrats in the Missouri House fiercely opposed a parental notification bill. Currently, Missouri law allows pregnant girls to get an abortion without their parents’ even knowing if a judge agrees […]
The Latest Pope Francis Controversy and Why Non-Catholics Should Care
by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published at The Blaze on April 12, 2016. Non-Catholics may be wondering why Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, “Amoris Laetitia” or “The Joy of Love,” has Catholics in an uproar. Has the Pope changed Catholic doctrine? Has he left the doctrine officially intact, but changed pastoral practice so […]
Hush: the film
One of our readers sent us this information: “There is a newly produced documentary film which profiles the marginalization even suppression of information regarding reproductive health that does not fit the liberal narrative. The film is called “Hush”. It is produced by Canadian company called Mighty Motion Pictures. You can find it at It […]
I never thought to question the morality of abortion.
My mother left when I was six. My sister and I went to a beautiful old house we called “the home” – a group home for girls whose families were under stress. We were fed and dressed well, had lots of play time but, even with my sister there, I was scared. I saw Matron […]
A Prodigal Son’s Tale
The uproar over the Obergefell decision by the Supreme Court, as well as over the Planned Parenthood videos of aborted infants, has brought to light in my heart the brutal, circular journey I myself have made from devout Catholic school boy of the 50s to passive, liberal “hippie” of the 60s and 70s, and back […]
From the Median: The Need for Intact Families
(January 6, 2016) Dr J is once again Molly Smith’s guest on From the Median to discuss how the sexual revolution has not provided a solution to our problems–the whole package has been damaging, and we can’t ignore some fruits of it while condemning others.
The Catholic Conversation: Fallout from the Sexual Revolution
(November 17, 2015) Dr J is interviewed by Steve and Becky Green on The Catholic Conversation out of Phoenix, Arizona. They’re discussing the fallout of the sexual revolution in regard to freedom and the family broadly and children specifically.
Assessing Damage and Restoring Family Values
(October 29, 2015) Dr J is in Utah! She traveled there to be part of the 9th annual World Congress of Families. She’s speaking at their plenary panel "Assessing Damage and Restoring Family Values", on all of the different types of people who have been harmed by the sexual revolution.
Overturning California’s Parental Notification Laws
(October 19, 2015) Our board member Steve Hicks is guest on "The Terry and Jesse Show", to encourage our local friends to find out more about California’s parental notification laws and let them know about gathering signatures for an upcoming ballot measure (to overturn them). We encourage all of our listeners to be informed on this issue.
The Impact of Re-Defining Marrriage on Children and Society
(March 7, 2015) This is Dr. Morse’s talk from the 2015 "Bringing America Back to Life", convention in Cleveland, Ohio. It’s entitled "The Impact of Redefining Marriage on Children and Society.", Special thanks to Molly Smith and From the Median for this audio.
The Sexual Revolution, Part 6
(September 8, 2015) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin’s guest on Issues, Etc. They’re concluding their 6-part series on the sexual revolution: this one touches on the stigma of abstinence, the effects of the hook-up culture, and the West’s war on fertility, among other things.
The Sexual Revolution, Part 5
(September 2, 2015) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin’s guest on Issues, Etc. They’re continuing their 6-part series on the sexual revolution: this one touches on divorce’s impact on men and the effects of the hook-up culture, among other things.
The Courage Conference and the Sexual Revolution
(August 17, 2015) Dr J is once again Molly Smith’s guest on From the Median to discuss how we got to where we are culturally on sex, marriage, and family–and how we can move forward to a kinder, more Godly understanding that promotes healing from all the damage that’s been done.
The Sexual Revolution, Part 3
(July 28, 2015) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin’s guest on Issues, Etc. They’re continuing their 6-part series on the sexual revolution: part 3 examines the claim that "women can have it all", and its influence over modern sexual education. Check out our podcast stream if you’re joining us in the middle of the series, and of course stay tuned as the rest of it comes up.
The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims: Summit Ministries
(March 11, 2015) Dr J delivered this talk at the Summit Adult Program in Colorado Springs. In it, she’s addressing 3 basic points: What is the sexual revolution? How does the marriage issue fit into its overall picture? What are we going to about it–how do we heal the culture in a lasting and Christlike way?
Rev. Walter Hoye at San Diego’s Walk for Life
(January 31, 2015) Rev Walter Hoye is one of the speakers at San Diego’s 3rd annual Walk for Life this year–you may remember him as a longtime friend of Ruth who went to jail after peacefully holding signs across the street from an Oakland abortion clinic. He gave a short talk as part of the event entitled "All Lives Matter."
Dr J at San Diego’s Walk for Life
(January 31, 2015) Dr J is one of the speakers at San Diego’s 3rd annual Walk for Life this year. She gave a short talk as part of the event about the dignity of human life and how the sexual state is often at odds with it.
San Diego’s Walk for Life
(January 29, 2015) Dr J is John Harper’s guest on Morning Air, where they discussed the Walk for Life coming up this weekend in San Diego. Dr J will be one of the speakers (along with Rev. Walter Hoye, whose ministry is very inspiring)–if you can get to the area, don’t miss it.