Transgender Medicine and Therapy Failed Her
Dr. Morse talks to Chloe Cole about how transgender medicine and therapy failed her.
We’re Watching Your Transgender Review, AAP
The Transgender Review Being Undertaken By the American Academy of Pediatrics is suspect. We’re watching.
Congress Highlights Dangers of “Transgenderism”
Prominent detransitioner Chloe Cole, and Paula Scanlon, former team mate of male swimmer Lia Thomas highlighted the dangers of transgenderism.
Restrictions on Trans Surgery a “Health Crisis”?
Prohibiting trans surgeries on minors isn’t a health crisis. It is following the imperative of the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.
More Gender Surgeries for Kids: Children’s Hospital
Dr. Oren Ganor, co-director of Boston Children’s Hospital, called for a drastic increase in its capacity for gender surgeries for minors to offset states where this practice is illegal.
Maine Town Parents Stand Up for Gender Sanity
In the small town of Paris, Maine a small but determined group of parents have taken a stand for gender sanity.
American Girl Betrays American Girls
With the release of “Body Image,” a piece of transgender activism masquerading as a toy, American Girl betrays American Girls.
Celebration Of A 10 Year-Old “Trans” Model Is Sick.
Celebration of a 10 year-old “trans” model is sick and a damning indictment of our current cultural zeitgeist.