Michael’s Story: Demonic Attack
It was one of my all-time favorite photos. I was laying on the floor playing with two of my children. My then 2-year-old daughter laid on my back, and my son was next to us. Everyone was looking up at the camera, smiling. But today, when I looked at this photo on the bulletin board […]
Freedom Readers: The Government’s Duty to Marriage
(March 14, 2018) Dr J is speaking to Freedom Readers, a project of Grove City College’s Center for Vision &, Values. Her topic is "The Government’s Duty to Marriage: A Not-Exclusively Biblical Approach.", Check out our podcast stream if you missed yesterday’s talk to one of Grove City’s classes, and stay tuned for Q&A afterward.
From Grove City College: The Government’s Duty to Marriage
(March 13, 2018) Dr J is speaking to a class of students at Grove City College near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her topic is "The Government’s Duty to Marriage: A Not-Exclusively Biblical Approach.", Stay tuned for Q&A afterward, and tune in for tomorrow’s talk in the same vein to Freedom Readers, a project of the college’s Center for Vision &, Values.
Even Closer: Healing Family Breakdown
(January 23, 2018) Dr J is once again a guest on Relevant Radio’s "A Closer Look.", She and Ed Morrissey, who’s filling in for Sheila Liaugminas this week, discuss the Ruth Institute’s work caring for survivors of the sexual revolution, specifically through our series of Healing Family Breakdown workshops. Check out our upcoming workshop this Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas: ruthinstitute.org/events/healing-family-breakdown.
A Closer Look at Healing Family Breakdown
(January 18, 2018) Dr J is once again Sheila Liaugminas’ guest on Relevant Radio’s "A Closer Look.", They’re discussing the Ruth Institute’s work caring for survivors of the sexual revolution, specifically through our series of Healing Family Breakdown workshops. Check out our upcoming workshop in Kansas City, Kansas on January 27th–more information over at our website: ruthinstitute.org/events/healing-family-breakdown.
Healthy Actions and Expectations Before Saying "I Do"
(January 8, 2018) Dr J is speaking with John Rustin on his radio show, Family Policy Matters. The topic is healthy actions and expectations before saying "I do,", and they touch on specifics regarding cohabitation, weddings, divorce, and marriage.
Healing Family Breakdown ~ Introductory Talk
(November 4, 2017) Welcome to our Healing Family Breakdown spiritual workshop! We hold these events all around the country, and we want to give you a taste of the experience. This podcast contains Dr J’s introductory talk (with particular emphasis on mercy), a short guided meditation, and an introduction to some of the discussion questions we consider during the workshop. Thanks for joining us! Want more information? Find out more about the program here. We do these all over the country–find out how to bring one to your community!
Making the Case 2017
(November 11, 2017) We’re live at the annual "Making the Case", conference in Houston! Regular listeners know that Dr J is a frequent guest on Todd Wilkin’s radio program Issues, Etc., she also speaks at their annual conference in Houston, Texas. This year her topic is the Sexual Revolution: what it is, what its endgame is, and what we’re going to do about it. The Acton Ideology talks Dr J mentioned are the contraceptive ideology, the divorce ideology, and the gender ideology. You can also find out more about our upcoming training webinar and the book clubs Dr J mentioned.
Helping those Harmed by the Sexual Revolution
(October 10, 2017) Dr J is once again Sheila Liaugminas’ guest on Relevant Radio’s "A Closer Look.", They’re discussing the Ruth Institute’s work caring for survivors of the sexual revolution.
Interview with Brenda Baietto, Esq.
Interview with Brenda Baietto, Esq., (left) coauthor with Jennifer Johnson (right) on the American Bar Association Journal article advocating for Family Structure Equality Dear readers, I was blessed with an opportunity to coauthor an important article for the American Bar Association Journal regarding the “family structure equality” argument I make in my book, Marriage and […]
Diverse Family Structure: Reevaluating the Best-Interests-of-the-Child Standard
by Jennifer Johnson (left) and Brenda A. Baietto, Esq. This article was first published September 11, 2017, at Americanbar.org. Due to no-fault divorce and “diverse family structures,” children often experience a form of inequality that is largely ignored. With lawyers and judges focused on a liberty that is defined as adults’ happiness with their family […]
On Being Included in the SPLC “Hate” Map
The SPLC cuts off debate by including groups they disagree with on their “Hate Map” and shows intellectual laziness.
But What About Abusive Marriages?
by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was originally posted at Crisis Magazine August 3, 2017. When people learn that I oppose no-fault divorce, some will say, “You have forgotten about abusive marriages.” When the Ruth Institute, the organization that I lead, describes itself as “The World’s Only Campaign to End Family Breakdown,” we hear again, […]
Recognizing Propaganda for Divorce
An excerpt from “The Sexual State,” a forthcoming book by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse At the heart of the Divorce Ideology is one simple idea: kids are so resilient that they do not really need their own parents. This idea salves many a guilty conscience over making these choices. This is the idea that allows […]
Leila Miller on The Catholic Conversation
(August 15, 2017) Leila Miller, author and friend of Ruth, is speaking with Steve and Becky Greene of Immaculate Heart Radio’s The Catholic Conversation. They’re discussing Primal Loss, Leila’s book about adult children navigating experiences related to their parents’ divorces and broken families. (Dr J wrote the forward for Primal Loss.)
Recognizing the rights of children in the fight for marriage
by Leslie Fain This article was first published at Catholic World Report on July 7, 2017. In cases of divorce as well as same-sex marriage, our culture is more concerned about sexual happiness for adults than about what happens to kids. (Left) The Ruth Institute’s Jennifer Johnson; (right) the cover of her new book, “Marriage […]
The Children of Divorce Speak Out
by Rachel Lu This article was first published July 18, 2017, at Crisis Magazine. “As a kid I was always sad and always trying to keep everyone else happy. I felt like I had to be one person when I was with my dad and another when I was with my mom.” So says an […]
Contraception &, Divorce: Vox Vitae Adults
(July 11, 2017) Live from the adult evening session at this year’s Vox Vitae, a pro-life camp in Alhambra, California, Dr J is speaking about contraception, divorce, and the survivors of the sexual revolution. Stay tuned for her second talk on the gender ideology.
Young Americans Cheat on Spouses Less Often Than Older Americans, Study Finds
By Brandon Showalter, CP Reporter This article was first posted July 5, 2017, at Christian Post. Marriage requires more than just the rings and the vows. Younger Americans are less likely to cheat on their spouses than older Americans are, and although culture has become much more accepting of loose sexual norms, adultery is still […]
He told my husband that since he wasn’t happy he could leave.
We were the happy couple, married in our parish almost 30 years ago. After the marriage, my spouse apologized for pressuring before marriage to unchastity. That had been my first mistake–believing the lie that in a serious relationship (we were nearly engaged after all) having sex occasionally was ok. It wasn’t. It bothered my conscience […]
Contraception &, Divorce: Vox Vitae Teens
(July 11, 2017) Live from this year’s Vox Vitae, a pro-life camp for teens in Alhambra, California, Dr J is speaking about contraception, divorce, and the survivors of the sexual revolution. Stay tuned for her second talk on gender ideology, too.
Divorce Ideology: The Sexual State
(June 22, 2017) This year’s Acton University is in full swing! Dr J has been with the program since the beginning. This year her three talks are all themed "The Sexual State"–they highlight how various ideologies ingrained in our culture are products of and further the aims of the toxic sexual revolution. This is her second talk, entitled "The Sexual State and the Divorce Ideology.", Stay tuned for more from Acton, coming right up in our podcast stream. Also check out our Ruth Refuge, Dr J took questions after each talk, and those will be available to listen to from there.
The psychologist hastily concluded I had "hang ups" about sex
At the age of 52, I recently found myself sitting in my mother’s psychologist’s office. She went to him most of her adult life, though she died six years ago. I knew her psychologist well since, at the age of 14, I was the one who had sought him out in hopes of acquiring help […]
Divorce Enablers
(June 14, 2017) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin’s guest on Issues, Etc. Divorce is the topic under their microscope today. Check out Dr J’s article from Clash Daily, "Divorce Enablers: The Liberal Fantasy World is Wrecking Children’s Lives,", linked on our website.
Dr J on Striker Radio
(June 10, 2017) Dr J is once again a guest of Steve Pauwels on Striker Radio. They’re discussing her recent piece over at ClashDaily (where Steve is also an editor), a forward Dr J just wrote for Leila Miller’s book about the aftermath of divorce from adult children’s perspectives. Leila’s book is entitled Primal Loss.
DIVORCE ENABLERS: The Liberal Fantasy World Is Wrecking Children’s Lives
This article was published June 3, 2017, at ClashDaily.com. By Jennifer Roback Morse The Divorce Ideology is one of the linchpins of the Sexual Revolution. Kids are resilient. Parents who don’t get along do their kids no favor by staying married. Everyone has a right to be happy, which means the right to change sex […]
ADF 2017: The Sexual Revolution &, Its Victims
(June 8, 2017) Dr J addresses law students participating in the Alliance Defending Freedom’s Blackstone Legal Fellowship. In this part of her talk, her topic is "The Sexual Revolution and its Victims."
Divorce &, Family Structure on "Beyond the Veil"
(June 6, 2017) Dr J and Jennifer Johnson are speaking with Father Thomas Loya of Radio Maria’s Beyond the Veil. They’re discussing divorce, marriage, and family relationships. Jennifer Johnson’s recent booklet, Marriage and Equality: How Natural Marriage Upholds the Ideal of Equality for Children, comes up as well.
Baby Boomer Divorce
(June 5, 2017) Dr J is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. They’re discussing divorce in our culture–its ups and downs, what that means, and how people view marriage.
St. John Bosco’s Clergy Appreciation Dinner
(May 23, 2017) Dr J is the speaker at St. John Bosco Catholic Church’s annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner in Westlake, Louisiana. Her topic is "What the Ruth Institute Can Do for the Priests and People of St. John Bosco;", she also made a special statement to the children who were present.
Family diversity and its children: the next equality debate
Changes in marriage and family life result in inequality for children. by Jennifer Johnson This article was first published March 14, 2017, at Mercatornet.com. Marriage, family and sexual equality are subjects that have all been extensively aired. Ironically, the discussion is often led by people who are creating another form of inequality, that foisted upon […]
Fighting Against No-Fault Divorce in Texas
Three long years ago, my husband and I separated. The intention was to work on our marriage; I never thought it would turn into divorce. I know the agony of a broken home. My parents divorced when I was not quite two years old. My mother remarried, but their marriage ended ten years later, just […]
DIVORCE REFORM: Time For Pro-Family Conservatives To Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is
by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published at Clash Daily on March 25, 2017. Representative Matt Krause of Texas has introduced a bill to limit no-fault divorce in that state. it is time to put up or shut up about family breakdown. The Ruth Institute has a petition that anyone can sign. It […]
Living in Truth 2017
(April 22, 2017) Dr J traveled to Kansas City to participate in their Catholic Women’s Conference, Living in Truth. Her topic is "Family Breakdown–and what we can do about it.", Stay tuned–she took a few questions afterward, and those are available through our Ruth Refuge podcast stream.
A Child of Divorce Speaks Out on the Importance of a Family
A Child of Divorce Speaks Out on the Importance of a Family “No-fault divorce is like abortion,” says the Ruth Institute’s Jennifer Johnson. by Jim Graves This article was first posted April 10, 2017, at ncregister.com. Jennifer Johnson is Director of the Children of Divorce Project at the Ruth Institute. She is […]
May I Please Speak to My Daddy?
by Doug Mainwaring at publicdiscourse.com on March 2017. This world does not need men to selfishly take whatever we want, especially if the price is the welfare of our children. Our children don’t need superheroes—just quiet, unsung, ordinary, everyday heroes who answer to the name “Daddy.” When I was taking my first few […]
Marriage Equality on The Catholic Conversation
(March 28, 2017) Jennifer Johnson, Ruth Institute’s Associate Director, is speaking with Steve and Becky Greene of Immaculate Heart Radio’s The Catholic Conversation. They’re discussing family structure equality for children and Jennifer’s new booklet, Marriage and Equality: How Natural Marriage Upholds the Ideal of Equality for Children.
Premiado Arzobispo de Oregon por la defensa de la enseñanza católica sobre el matrimonio
Por su oposición a las interpretaciones rupturistas de Amoris Laetitia El Instituto Ruth ha enviado una carta de recomendación y 24 rosas blancas al Arzobispo Alexander Sample felicitándolo y agradeciéndole por su defensa de la enseñanza católica sobre el matrimonio. From infocatolica.com 5/03/17 (LifeSiteNews/InfoCatólica) El Instituto Ruth ha enviado una carta de recomendación y 24 […]
Archbishop awarded for defending Catholic teaching on marriage against ‘misuses’ of Amoris Laetitia
This article was first posted March 2, 2017, at Lifesitenews.com. Archbishop Alexander Sample February 28, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – The Ruth Institute has sent a letter of commendation and 24 white roses to Archbishop Alexander Sample of Portland, Oregon, congratulating and thanking him for his defense of Catholic teaching on marriage. In his Pastoral Letter, “A […]
Family Structure Equality for Children
(March 3, 2017) Jennifer Johnson, Ruth Institute’s Associate Director, is speaking with John Rustin on his radio show, Family Policy Matters. They’re discussing family structure equality for children and Jennifer’s new booklet, Marriage and Equality: How Natural Marriage Upholds the Ideal of Equality for Children.
A Closer Look at National Marriage Week 2017
(February 8, 2017) Dr J is once again Sheila Liaugminas’ guest on Relevant Radio’s A Closer Look. They’re discussing matters of the heart during National Marriage Week: 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person, marriage, the effects of divorce on children, government and cultural pressures, and more.
How to marry the right person
Five tips to get you started on the path to a happy marriage. by Betsy Kerekes This article was first posted November 25, 2016, at Mercatornet.com. If you are a take-your-vows-seriously type of person and believe in “till death do us part,” your life will be much simpler if you marry the right […]
Jennifer Johnson on Marriage and Equality
(January 30, 2017) Jennifer Johnson is once again Molly Smith’s guest on From the Median. They’re discussing her just-released book, Marriage and Equality: How Natural Marriage Upholds the Ideal of Equality for Children. They also touch on the general interrelatedness of the marriage and life issues. Jennifer’s book can be found at our store in several formats–check it out!
Man Woman Marriage Creates Equality for children (in more ways than one!)
Marriage and Equality – How natural marriage promotes equality for children By Jennifer Johnson, Associate Director, the Ruth Institute “Gay marriage” supporters aren’t the only ones who care about equality. The ancient Christian teachings on sex and marriage ensure that every child is raised with his or her own married mother and father, except for […]
When suicidal, the psychiatrist told me, "The problem is you’re still a virgin."
It all probably started in high school when I became bulimic. I thought I was the only one in the world with this terrible compulsion. Now I know that 4 of the 6 daughters of my family engaged in bulimia during their teens. I also now know that my father was engaged in porn and […]
Altar Society: About Ruth…
(November 21, 2016) Dr J was invited to speak at the Altar Society in Lake Charles on the work and history of the Ruth Institute.
Courage Conference: Phoenix 2017
(January 10, 2017) Dr J traveled to Phoenix to participate in the Courage Conference, a Roman Catholic organization dedicated to helping persons with same-sex attraction live chaste lives and seek holiness. Her topic was "Understanding the Sexual Revolution."
No-Fault Divorce on The Drew Mariani Show
(January 9, 2017) Jennifer Johnson, Ruth Institute’s Associate Director, is speaking with Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. They’re discussing no-fault divorce.
Jennifer Johnson on Life Line
(December 2, 2016) Jennifer Johnson, Ruth Institute’s Associate Director, was invited to give an interview to Melinda Knight on Living Bread Radio’s "Life Line", about the work of the Ruth Institute in the broader context of the sexual revolution.
Restoring Confidence in Traditional Marriage
(November 17, 2016) Dr J is once again Molly Smith’s guest on From the Median. They’re discussing her latest book, 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person, and interrelatedness of the marriage and life issues.
Live-in Boyfriends and Domestic Violence against Children
(November 8, 2016) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin’s guest on Issues, Etc. They’re discussing domestic violence against children, specifically in situations involving a live-in boyfriend or other unrelated adult. Listen
‘Healing Family Breakdown’ retreat set
by Crystal Stevenson / American Press This article was first published October 21, 2016, at AmericanPress.com. How to heal after the breakdown of one’s family unit will be the topic of the San Diego-based Ruth Institute’s inaugural Louisiana event. The “Healing Family Breakdown” retreat will be 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, at Our Lady […]
Does the Family Have a Future? (Part 1)
(October 13, 2016) Dr J travels to Smithfield, Rhode Island to speak at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church on the theme "Does the Family Have a Future?", Addressing over 100 people, she describes why the family is the basis of society. Stay tuned for the second part of her talk or head over to our Ruth Refuge for the Q&As after each talk. Listen
Dr J and Jennifer Johnson on the Sexual Revolution
(September 17, 2016) Dr J was invited to Phoenix, Arizona to speak to the diocese there. We’ve already podcasted that one, but during that visit, she and Ruth’s Director of Operations Jennifer Johnson were once again guests on Immaculate Heart Radio’s "The Catholic Conversation", with Steve and Becky Greene. They’re discussing the Ruth Institute’s work healing the family and shedding light on the problems wrought by the sexual revolution–divorce specifically.
The Ruth Institute congratulates and thanks Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo of Richmond, Virginia for upholding Catholic teaching on marriage
The Ruth Institute recently sent a letter of commendation and 24 white roses to Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo of Richmond, Virginia congratulating and thanking him for his defense of Catholic teaching. Tim Kaine, Democratic candidate for Vice President, has said that the church will change its teaching on marriage. Bishop DiLorenzo, Kaine’s local bishop, disagrees. The Bishop’s office posted the following: “Despite recent statements from the campaign trail, the Catholic Church’s 2000-year- old teaching to the truth about what constitutes marriage remains unchanged and resolute.” The statement continues by pointing out a foundational belief shared by the Ruth Institute: “Redefining marriage furthers no one’s rights, least of all those of children, who should not purposely be deprived of the right to be nurtured and loved by a mother and a father.” The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization dedicated to finding Christ-like solutions to the problems of family breakdown. Founded by world renowned author, speaker and academic, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, the Ruth Institute has accumulated decades of research to support individuals and families harmed by divorce, the hook-up culture and other forms of family breakdown. Dr. Morse stated, “We are particularly encouraged that Bishop DiLorenzo defended the rights of children to be nurtured and loved by their mothers and fathers.” Dr. Morse continued, “The Ruth Institute dreams of the day when every child will be welcomed into a loving home with a married mother and father. We believe every child has the right to a relationship with both natural parents, unless some unavoidable tragedy prevents it. We believe every adult without exception has the right to know his or her cultural heritage and genetic identity. Bishop DiLorenzo has restated the ancient teachings of Christianity and of Jesus Christ Himself. These teachings protect the interests of children, as well as the interests of men and women in lifelong married love.” As a sign of support for Bishop DiLor
Catholics in the Public Square
(September 17, 2016) Dr J was invited to Phoenix, Arizona to speak on "Catholics in the Public Square", to the diocese there. Her talk is designed to prepare people for personal and civic engagement on the marriage and life issues in the current cultural climate.
HOME ECONOMICS: Jennifer Roback Morse proclaims the social utility of the family
First published August 11, 2016 at heymiller.com and will be in the NATIONAL REVIEW August 29, 2016. by John J. Miller “It’s a discouraging time to be a social conservative,” says Jennifer Roback Morse. “We’ve been marginalized everywhere: the media, the academy, the legal system, and now even in politics.” Many of her brethren know […]
Jennifer Johnson on Cogwatch
(March 2016) Here’s one from our files: Jennifer Johnson is a guest on Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez’s podcast Cogwatch. They’re discussing divorce, freedom, and family.
Petition: Archbishop Chaput
Petition to: Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia Thank you for the wisdom and clarity in your Guidelines. We will pray for you! The Ruth Institute and its global network of followers congratulates and thanks Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia for his clear teaching on marriage, family and human sexuality. The Pastoral Guidelines for Implementing Amoris Laetitia in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are the work of a compassionate pastor who loves the souls under his care. These Guidelines will assist the priests, deacons and laity in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to reach out with genuine mercy and justice to Catholics, and to the wider community, who are hungry for the truth. The publication of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, has caused worldwide confusion over Catholic teaching on marriage. Archbishop Chaput’s Guidelines provide a clear and practical statement of traditional Catholic teaching, in the spirit of genuine mercy. We are particularly encouraged that these Guidelines are comprehensive, dealing with all the major issues encountered in pastoral care of the family. The Archbishop addresses the problems of 1) married couples, 2) those who are separated and divorced but not remarried, 3) those who are separated and divorced and have a civil remarriage, 4) those who are cohabiting and finally, 5) those who experience same sex attraction. The Ruth Institute dreams of the day when every child will be welcomed into a loving home with a married mother and father. We believe every child has the right to a relationship with both natural parents, unless some unavoidable tragedy prevents it. We believe every adult without exception has the right to know his or her cultural heritage and genetic identity. The Philadelphia Guidelines represent an implementation of the ancient teachings of Christianity and of Jesus Christ Himself. These teachings protect the interests of children, as well as the interests of men and women in lifelong married love. The Ruth Institute sent a letter of co
Making Marriage Matter, Part 2
(June 9, 2016) Dr J fields questions after addressing law students participating in the Alliance Defending Freedom’s Blackstone Legal Fellowship. If you missed her talks on the family as the foundation of society and the agenda of the modern sexual revolution, check out our podcast stream.
The Case for Marriage (SWBTS), Part 2
(May 24, 2016) Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, one of the largest Southern Baptist seminaries in the world, hosted Dr. J at their annual Summer Institute, sponsored by the Land Center. This is the second part of her address to pastors and seminary professors on making the case for marriage, if you missed the first part, check out the previous podcast.
The Case for Marriage (SWBTS), Part 1
(May 24, 2016) Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, one of the largest Southern Baptist seminaries in the world, hosted Dr. J at their annual Summer Institute, sponsored by the Land Center. She addressed pastors and seminary professors on making the case for marriage.
Marriage Alliance: Public Policies and Personal Strategies
(May 20, 2016) Dr J is in Australia! She was invited to speak at a Marriage Alliance event in Sydney. Her talk is on public policies and personal strategies for sparking discussion and change on the marriage issue. She took questions afterward, too–those are available on the Ruth Refuge podcast.
South Toowoomba Baptist Church
(May 17, 2016) Dr J is in Australia! She was invited to speak at the South Toowoomba Baptist Church. Her talk is entitled "Same-Sex Marriage Affects Everyone.", She took questions afterward, too–those are available in the Ruth Refuge podcast.
Community Church in Cooper’s Plain
(May 16, 2016) Dr J is in Australia! She was invited to speak at the Community Church in Cooper’s Plain near Brisbane, Australia.
Hobart Cathedral of St. Mary’s
(May 15, 2016) Dr J is in Australia! Archbishop Julian Porteous invited her to speak at the Hobart Cathedral of St. Mary’s on the island of Tasmania. Her talk is entitled "Same-Sex Marriage Affects Everyone.", She took questions afterward, too–those are available in the Ruth Refuge podcast.
Our Lady of the Rosary
(May 14, 2016) Dr J is in Australia! She was invited to speak at Our Lady of the Rosary near Sydney. Her talk is entitled "Same-Sex Marriage Affects Everyone.", She took questions afterward, too–those are available in the Ruth Refuge podcast.
Which is Harder on Kids: Death or Divorce?
(April 21, 2016) Dr J is once again Drew Mariani’s guest on his show on the Relevant Radio network. They’re discussing the recent study that compares outcomes of children whose parents have died with those whose parents divorced. The study was a joint project of Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Tokyo.University of Tokyo.