Glimmers of Grace – Faith Hakesley Explains!

Originally published February 24, 2022 by Women of Grace, EWTN. Republished by Ruth Institute April 30, 2022. Glimmers of Grace: Moments of Peace and Healing Following Sexual Abuse In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we are delighted to listen in to Johnette Williams show, Women of Grace on EWTN. Faith Hakesley, author of […]
Remembering the Victims of Clerical Sexual Abuse

by Faith Hakesley on September 17, 2019 Are you tired of hearing about the Catholic Church sexual abuse crisis yet? Speaking as a survivor of sexual abuse by a priest, I’m sure tired of it. Believe me, some days I just want to snap my fingers and make all of the chaos disappear! Each of […]
The Beauty in Our Scars

by Faith Hakesley Scars. We all have them. I think the first time I became truly aware of the impact of scars was the year I was diagnosed and treated for eye cancer (ocular melanoma) in my right eye. Several weeks after surgery and radiation, my eyelid became very itchy one day. I scratched at […]
My Love, My Cross, My Joy

Faith Hakesley shares the hardships she’s endured and overcome getting married with the weight of her childhood sexual abuse.
Finding Freedom Through Forgiveness

by Faith Hakesley Forgiveness is a tough topic for a lot of us. When someone hurts us, our human inclination can sometimes be to hold onto the resentment and bitterness and withhold forgiveness. Jesus asks just the opposite of us. However, this calling to forgive does not come without effort. Forgiveness – particularly when we […]
Not Without Effort

This post by Faith Hakesley originally appeared Nov 8, 2020, at her blog, Some reflections about healing While healing IS possible, it is hard work. Being authentic, courageous, and strong is hard work, requiring effort, hard work, time, and patience. Some people will try to get you to believe that, if you just have […]