Finally, a ‘Visibility Day’ for the People the LGBTQ Movement Finds Inconvenient

By Tyler O’Neil May 28, 2024 at Next month, companies will add rainbow flags to their icons and logos, the White House will hold events celebrating LGBTQ individuals, and Target and other stores will likely promote rainbow-themed merchandise. Amid all this “Pride,” the men and women who rejected a homosexual lifestyle will be forgotten. […]

Faulty LGBT Suicide Science

man wearing black polo shirt and gray pants sitting on white chair

A major flaw has been exposed in studies that purport to show that so-called “conversion therapy” leads to higher rates of suicide. By Thomas Gallatin December 20, 2023 at Patriot Post One of the biggest clubs the Rainbow Mafia wields against those who object to the normalization and cultural promulgation of homosexuality and “transgenderism” has […]

The Truth About ‘Conversion Therapy’ That Will Drive the Left Insane

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For many years now, LGBT activists have been attacking conversion therapy — a common term for various treatments and counseling for distressed LGBT-identifying people to change their orientation to heterosexual. You can’t look up the practice on a search engine without getting a long list of sites that declare unequivocally that it is “pseudoscience.”

More ‘quackery’ from the ‘kooks’

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Meanwhile, Dr. Jennifer Morse of The Ruth Institute says opponents of so-called “conversion therapy” are using false information to prevent people from exercising counseling freedom and finding help as they battle unwanted sexual attraction.

20 Years After Dallas Charter, Has Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Been ‘Solved’?

Catholic clergy sex abuse

Originally Published February 7, 2022 Updated February 17, 2022 This article was originally published in The National Catholic Register, by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse. Clergy sex abuse in the Catholic Church is not “over.” I mean this in two ways.  First, some clergy sexual abuse is undoubtedly still taking place. But more importantly, we haven’t […]