Divorce for good reason

by army brat (America)

My father came home from a deployment and had found me (a toddler) bruised after being abused by my mother. He took me, and left, and ultimately gained
full custody (in the south, at a time when males receiving full custody was unheard of). We were financially wrecked, and although we prevailed
through the legal system, it is hard to make it by with half of your pay being diverted to spousal support while you are forced to live off base
while the child abusing mother is given base privileges. Additionally, she sold everything we owned, including my clothes. Sadly, this story is
common for military families.

I have only spent one court ordered hour with my mother since, and I am an adult. I have not seen some of my half siblings, but am aware of their existence.

For me the hardest part was adjusting to having a step parent. The divorce doesnt bother me, especially after what happened to me, and my dad after.
To say it does not bring pain, doubts, and questions would be a lie, however.

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