
Ex-Gay Rescued by the Power of the Cross

Brother Christopher Sale shares his powerful testimony with ChurchMilitant.com.

ChurchMilitant.com interviewed Br. Christopher Sale, a man who spent decades in the homosexual lifestyle and was rescued from that way of life through the grace of the sacraments and a devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, and healed of all disordered attractions. He spoke with ChurchMilitant.com about the harm caused by current Church-run LGBT ministries that give the message that same-sex attracted men have no choice but to suffer from disordered desires the rest of their lives.

CM: How long were you involved in the gay lifestyle?

Br. Christopher Sale: I was in the gay lifestyle for 43 years. I came out as gay when I was 22 years old. I began a relationship that
lasted 25 years. After 25 years I decided to become single and venture out to see what I had missed out on in my younger years. By 2008, I ended
up with AIDS and a drug addiction. Throughout my years in the gay lifestyle I knew how badly I was offending God, yet I felt I had no control over
my behavior. I was totally wrong.

CM: How did you get out of the lifestyle?


Br. Christopher Sale: I truly believe that it was contracting Aids and having a drug addiction (that rock-bottom moment) when
I knew that without God I would have never been able to leave this sinful lifestyle. Many would find this extremely sadistic, but contracting
AIDS turned out to be a gift from God. Had it not been for AIDS I would most likely still be in that deplorable lifestyle. I have said many
times that AIDS has been my stigmata. It was God telling me: “It is finished; now you will come back to Me and begin saving souls.” I believe
God has given me the courage to use my story to save others. I believe that although persecuted for speaking the truth, God has called me to
be a victim for souls.

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