I was a victim of the Sexual Revolution as an LGBT lifestyle refugee.

After decades of yearning for happiness and joy, I came to see that I had been wrong, mistaken and even victimized. I take full responsibility for my choices.
Through the media and some of those in academia, I didn’t believe that I had choices. I wanted happiness, enlightenment. I wanted to rise above what
my Catholic parents wanted for me: family, children, a loving husband. I rejected all of that as bondage, as slavery to a man, to an old outdated ideal.
I wanted nothing to do with having children and was outspoken about pro-choice/abortion issues. My choices included serial lesbian monogamy and the
gay bar/nightlife scene. At the same time, I was succeeding in college with many lesbian professors. I honestly believed that my guaranteed happiness
and fulfillment would come from academic degrees, occupational power, and the ‘pride’ and enlightenment that the homosexual agenda promised.

I had many monogamous relationships with women. One after the other, sometimes not a month in between. I moved in, tried to make a home, a life, with
many, ending shortly thereafter in heartbreak and sadness. I fell into the depth of sadness and despair, contemplating suicide many times. My emotional
wounds were almost insurmountable. The cycle of bliss with a new sexual partner that promised love and a future only ended in devastation.

After decades of persisting that this would make me happy, a woman and I bought a home together and adopted children (at her urging).

That’s when GOD took a hold of me. As I looked into the loving eyes of my young children–these beautiful gifts from God–I could not, I would not,
bring them to the door of a GODLESS existence of the homosexual agenda.

On the floor of my living room, I screamed, crying to God. I was so lost and confused. Shortly thereafter, I reverted back to my Catholic faith. I
repented of my sins and went to confession. I dedicated my life to Christ and to my children. I am nurturing my own soul and theirs as a proud
Christian. I am happier than I ever dreamed! I am content as never before. I am not lonely, I am loved deeply. I am happy.

Submitted by AV.

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Want to dig in? Here’s more

I Wasn’t Born Gay

Jason Hill wasn’t born gay. But he didn’t choose his circumstances that led to it either. What he did choose, though, was to leave that lifestyle when he learned more about who he was and his unresolved childhood issues.

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