Tell Us Your Story

Do you have a story to tell? Your story matters.

Your choices and the choices of others have a huge affect on your life. You can probably name specific instances of choices you find inspiring. On the other hand, many people have made sexual, marital and/or reproductive choices that they regret. They have inadvertently harmed themselves, and possibly other loved ones. We are building a community of people who want to understand this problem, and who want to speak out about it to provide encouragement to others.

We provide online platforms for those who are ready to share their story. Your story might inspire others or help somebody else avoid the same pain you went through or watched others go through. Your story matters.

To submit your story, please provide the details below. Submissions work well at around 700 words or less. Need a prompt or two to get going? Check out inspiring stories in our Resource Center story collective. Read other survivor stories on the “Tell Ruth the Truth” blog.

Society needs these truths. Help us!

Society needs these truths. Help us!