
Gratitude: A Key to Healing

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ve probably realized that I talk about gratitude quite a bit. That’s because it is just so important! When we are faced with trauma, suffering, loss and grief, the path to healing can seem impossible to find. We might feel easily overwhelmed by the weight of the crosses we bear. However, one simple practice can make a big difference in our lives and lead us to greater peace, healing, and freedom. That practice is gratitude and it’s one of the keys to healing. 

Giving thanks when life seems unbearable and out of control probably seems strange at first. Yet, even the smallest amount of gratitude can help shift our perspective and aid in our healing. Being grateful doesn’t magically erase the pain, but it does allow us to notice the small blessings and glimmers of hope that are present even in the darkest times.

Gratitude helps to root us in the present and reminds us that there is still good in our lives. Whether it’s the warmth of the sun on your face, the breath in your lungs, a soft bed, the support of a loved one, or a moment of quiet reflection, there is always something to be thankful for. Even the smallest, seemingly insignificant moments of gratitude can be the seeds that grow into something beautiful and lead to deep healing. As we focus more on our blessings, we open our hearts to God’s grace. Over time, we start to see that there is always hope, even when that hope is just a faint glimmer.

Here’s a challenge for you this week: take time each day to reflect on just one thing you are grateful for. It can be something small or seemingly insignificant such as a cup of tea or a few moments of peace. Write it down. Make a list and add to it each day. Watch it grow. On the hardest days or when you need a little boost, look back at your list. Allow it to serve as a reminder that, despite the struggles, you are still surrounded by God’s blessings—His glimmers of grace. 

Healing is a journey and gratitude is key. It’s one of the first steps. No matter how difficult life feels right now, trust that there is always a glimmer of hope. That glimmer, no matter how small, will one day transform into a flame, bright and burning. Gratitude will help guide you toward that light. With time and patience, you’ll find that it leads you closer to more peace, healing, and freedom than you ever imagined possible.

That’s my “midweek motivation” for you: practice gratitude. 

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