Subverted – How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement

Subverted – How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement

The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims

The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims

The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims, PDF

The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims – read-only PDF

Don’t Use Their Language! Understanding How Words are Redefined

In this, our second Dr. J Show with Dr. Oas, she discusses the manipulation of words by organizations intent on increasing abortion, artificial contraception, and other forms of so-called “Family Planning.”

Demographic Winter Resource Center Highlights Crisis of Falling Fertility

For Immediate Release For More Information: Demographic Winter Resource Center Highlights Crisis of Falling Fertility The Ruth Institute just launched a Demographic Winter Resource Center because “declining fertility is one of the most pressing issues of this century,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “Fertility has dropped dramatically in the past […]

Cuomo Took Full Advantage of the Sexual Revolution’s Lies

After a decade in power, tomorrow will be New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s last day in office. Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. commented: “If nothing else, Cuomo was consistent. He loved the idea of a world without sexual restraints, an attitude reflected in both his public and private life.”

How The American Academy of Pediatrics Abandoned Kids for Politics

Quentin Van Meter has a long history of advocacy for children through the American Academy of Pediatrics where he served as Chairman of the Uniformed Services West Chapter. Once he moved to Georgia, he became active in that AAP Chapter as Legislative Chairman and Newsletter Editor. He is continually frustrated by the political bent of the National AAP and wants to continue his advocacy role with the College as an organization that actually works for children and their families by strengthening the role of the family without using a lens that focuses only on what is politically correct or expedient.

Andrew Cuomo Was the Poster Thug for the Sexual Revolution

The governor who left empty beds on theUSS Comfort and at Samaritan’s Purse, while dumping hundreds of COVID patients on helpless residents of nursing homes, killing thousands still uncounted (since his office refused to count them) is out of politics. And why? For getting what women used to euphemistically call “handsy” or “fresh.” In reality, his harassment of women employees was simply Cuomo acting on his real beliefs about human dignity, instead of the boilerplate Woke-speak he uses when the microphones are switched on.

Christian Pastor Walter Hoye Warns of the Wages of the Sexual Revolution

by Kathy Schiffer This article was first published at National Catholic Register on August 2, 2021.   “The sexual revolution has completely destroyed the black family.” That’s the sober message from Rev. Walter Hoye, founder of the Issues4Life Foundation and the California Civil Rights Coalition, and co-founder of the National Black Pro-life Coalition. Hoye was […]

Ruth Inst. Survivors Summit Ruled “A Transcendent Fundamental Experience”

July 29, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information: Ruth Inst. Survivors Summit Ruled “A Transcendent Fundamental Experience” The Ruth Institute’s 2021 Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, “Reclaiming the Professions for Life and Family,” came in the midst of advances by the “transgender” ideology in law, education, and government. While the Summit […]

Who’s Really Pro-Choice?

by William Mahoney, Ph.D. • • July 23, 2021 Click to watch the video.  The world of therapy and counseling is under attack when it comes to gender identity and same-sex attraction. But some therapists and health care workers are crying foul and fighting back. Church Militant’s William Mahoney recently spoke with one psychologist […]

Ruth Institute Honors Three at Annual Summit

The fourth annual Ruth Institute’s awards dinner was part of a two-day Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution held July 16-17 at Treasures of Marilyn’s. The theme for this year’s conference was “Reclaiming the Professions for Life and Family.”

Ruth Institute’s ‘Survivor’s Summit’ to Explore Rotten Fruit of Sexual Revolution

Summit attendees will examine the global sexual revolution and the future of freedom and family. by Kathy Schiffer This article was first posted July 15, 2021 at National Catholic Register.   Our society is under attack from within. Those in the helping professions — doctors, educators, counselors — all have faced a challenge from the […]

Ruth Institute Suvivor’s Summit: Exploring the Rotten Fruit of the Sexual Revolution

Our society is under attack from within. Those in the helping professions — doctors, educators, counselors — all have faced a challenge from the Cancel Culture. The culture wrought by the sexual revolution demands that we abandon our Christian principles, replace the traditional family and embrace a whole new culture of sexual “freedom” which promotes same-sex “marriage,” transgenderism, premarital and extramarital sex and abortion as societal goods.

Stop Comprehensive Sexual Education

Stop Comprehensive Sexual Education

The United Nations is pushing The UN is promoting graphic sex-ed to kindergartners. Sharon Slater talks about how to stop comprehensive sexual education and gives a toolkit to equip parents and activists What kind of organization would show sexually graphic images to children under the guise of sex education? What kind of organization would glamorize […]

Walt Heyer Left Being Trans

Walt Heyer Left Being Trans

Walt Heyer was a husband, father and corporate executive who underwent gender reassignment surgery at the age of 42, going from "male&quot, to "female.&quot, Eight years later, Walt went back to living as a man again and has been restored to his male gender for 30 years and married for over 20 years. Now Walt has a passion to help others who regret so-called “gender change” and equally passionate about protecting children from irreversible medical interventions. Walt has appeared on CNN, the BBC and Russia’s Channel One, and participated in scores of other radio and TV media events including Laura Ingram, Glenn Beck and Candace Owens. Walt Heyer has spoken at conferences around the world and his story has been featured in countless articles and documentaries. He’s written over 60 articles for USA Today, The Federalist, Public Discourse and Daily Signal, and authored 7 books, including “Trans Life Survivors” and “Paper Genders.” Readings &amp, Resources Walt’s story in brief (youtube/9lpkrPLHHHY) video: I Want My Sex Back (youtube/-pxxBQm114k) books from the bookstore, including Articles of Impeachment Against Sex Change Surgery, Trans Life Survivors Paper Genders – reveals how the idea of changing genders was set in motion by a small group of pedophile activists Gender, Lies and Suicide Perfected With Love": articles "It’s Not Just ‘Gender Dysphoria.’ It’s Now ‘Rapid Onset Marxism,’&quot, by Walt Heyer "Transgender Clinics are Ruining Young Lives,&quot, by Walt Heyer

Facebook May Be Liable for Trafficking, Court Says

June 29, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information: Facebook May Be Liable for Trafficking, Court Says On Friday, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that Facebook may be held liable for sex traffickers who use its platform to prey on minors. The social media giant denies responsibility and claims it has no way to […]

Reaching Black Pastors with A Pro-Life Message.

Walter B. Hoye II is both Founder and President of the Issues4Life Foundation, the California Civil Rights Foundation, Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, co-founder and Executive Member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, a Board Member of The Morning Center (providing free full-service maternity care for women in urban and under-served areas), a published author (Leadership from the IN|SIDE Out), a board member of The Ruth Institute, a full-time pro-life activist, and a leadership consultant. As a young man, Walter played football at Michigan State University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Sociology. He graduated from the United States International University, now Alliant International University, with a Master’s degree in Business Administration in 1983. In 1984, God used the premature birth of his firstborn son (six months, 2.1 pounds) to teach Rev. Hoye that the preborn is a person, a living &amp, breathing human being. Walter is an ordained Baptist minister. He served as Minister of Christian Education at the St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Oceanside, California, as Assistant to the Pastor and Director of the Youth Department at the Greater Faith Baptist Church in Stockton, California, and as the Executive Elder of the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church of Berkeley. In May of 2010, Walter resigned to work full-time in the Pro-Life movement. He was asked to join a group of pro-life sidewalk counselors, to pray and give out literature to women on their way to the entrance of an abortuary. His ministry blossomed so much that the abortuary lost a great deal of business, and they complained to the Oakland authorities, who literally created a law just to put Rev. Hoye in jail. Though in court Rev. Hoye and his attorney from Life Legal Defense proved both that Walter did absolutely nothing illegal and that the only witness against him blatantly lied, the pro-abortion judge made sure Rev. Hoye unjustly went to jail, which he did. The judge, in fa

Reaching Black Pastors with A Pro-Life Message

Walter B. Hoye II is both Founder and President of the Issues4Life Foundation, the California Civil Rights Foundation, Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, co-founder and Executive Member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, a Board Member of The Morning Center (providing free full-service maternity care for women in urban and under-served areas), a published author (Leadership from the IN|SIDE Out), a board member of The Ruth Institute, a full-time pro-life activist, and a leadership consultant. As a young man, Walter played football at Michigan State University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Sociology. He graduated from the United States International University, now Alliant International University, with a Master’s degree in Business Administration in 1983. In 1984, God used the premature birth of his firstborn son (six months, 2.1 pounds) to teach Rev. Hoye that the preborn is a person, a living &amp, breathing human being. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here, with readings and resources. Walter is an ordained Baptist minister. He served as Minister of Christian Education at the St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Oceanside, California, as Assistant to the Pastor and Director of the Youth Department at the Greater Faith Baptist Church in Stockton, California, and as the Executive Elder of the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church of Berkeley. In May of 2010, Walter resigned to work full-time in the Pro-Life movement. He was asked to join a group of pro-life sidewalk counselors, to pray and give out literature to women on their way to the entrance of an abortuary. His ministry blossomed so much that the abortuary lost a great deal of business, and they complained to the Oakland authorities, who literally created a law just to put Rev. Hoye in jail. Though in court Rev. Hoye and his attorney from Life Legal Defense proved both that Walter did absolutely nothing illegal and that the only witness against

No One is Entitled to a Child, but Every Child Deserves Two Parents

June 22, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information: No One is Entitled to a Child, but Every Child Deserves Two Parents In the June 15 New York Times article, “I Did I.V.F. Without a Partner. It Shouldn’t Have Been So Hard,” author Alicia Lombardini described the emotional burden and expense of getting pregnant […]

Understanding SOCE (Sexual Orientation Change Efforts)

The Rev. D. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Associate of the Ruth Institute. He recently retired as Professor of Sociology at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC. Dr. Sullins is a leader in the field of research on same-sex parenting and its implications for child development. He has written four books and over 100 journal articles, research reports, and essays on issues of family, faith, and culture. His reports on clerical sexual abuse from the Pennsylvania Grand Jury data, John Jay data, LA Times, and other sources have garnered international acclaim. Dr. Sullins continues as Research Professor and Director of the Leo Initiative for Social Research at Catholic University, as well as Director of the Summer Institute of Catholic Social Thought. He also serves on the board of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists (SCSS), the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM), and the Natural Family Journal. He is a Fellow of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute (MARRI), and was an Ignatius Loyola Fellow for Catholic Identity at the Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education. Formerly Episcopalian, Dr. Sullins is a married Catholic priest. He and his wife, Patricia, have an inter-racial family of three children, two adopted. He serves as Associate Pastor of the Church of Saint Mark the Evangelist, Hyattsville, MD. Readings &amp, Resources Keeping The Vow: The Untold Story of Married Catholic Priests, by Fr. Paul Sullins "Efficacy and risk of sexual orientation change efforts: a retrospective analysis of 125 exposed men,&quot, by D. Paul Sullins. Makes the case that SOCE can be effective and with generally positive psychosocial benefits. This study restates, with improvements, a study based on the same data which had been retracted two years ago. &quot, ‘Gay conversion therapy’ can work, no matter what Joe Biden says,&quot, by Michael Cook, recent review of this article in Mercatornet "Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) *Reduce* Suicide: Correcting a False Re

Understanding SOCE (Sexual Orientation Change Efforts)

The Rev. D. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Associate of the Ruth Institute. He recently retired as Professor of Sociology at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC. Dr. Sullins is a leader in the field of research on same-sex parenting and its implications for child development. He has written four books and over 100 journal articles, research reports, and essays on issues of family, faith, and culture. His reports on clerical sexual abuse from the Pennsylvania Grand Jury data, John Jay data, LA Times, and other sources have garnered international acclaim. Dr. Sullins continues as Research Professor and Director of the Leo Initiative for Social Research at Catholic University, as well as Director of the Summer Institute of Catholic Social Thought. He also serves on the board of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists (SCSS), the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM), and the Natural Family Journal. He is a Fellow of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute (MARRI), and was an Ignatius Loyola Fellow for Catholic Identity at the Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education. Formerly Episcopalian, Dr. Sullins is a married Catholic priest. He and his wife, Patricia, have an inter-racial family of three children, two adopted. He serves as Associate Pastor of the Church of Saint Mark the Evangelist, Hyattsville, MD. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here, with readings and resources. Readings &amp, Resources Keeping The Vow: The Untold Story of Married Catholic Priests, by Fr. Paul Sullins "Efficacy and risk of sexual orientation change efforts: a retrospective analysis of 125 exposed men,&quot, by D. Paul Sullins. Makes the case that SOCE can be effective and with generally positive psychosocial benefits. This study restates, with improvements, a study based on the same data which had been retracted two years ago. &quot, ‘Gay conversion therapy’ can work, no matter what Joe Biden says,&quot, by Michael Cook, recent review

We Need to Stop the Killing

Fr Stephen Imbarrato, a pro-life activist, commonly referred to as the “Protest Priest,” has made regular appearances on EWTN Catholic TV and is one of the leaders of the Red Rose Rescue movement. Fr Stephen believes we can end preborn child killing peacefully yet decisively…and sooner than we may think is possible. While attending Holy Apostles Seminary, Father helped start a crisis pregnancy center across the street from an abortion business. He explains, “…being across from the abortion mill showed me how important it is to have ministries of life directly across from the gates of death.” Ordained in May of 2005 for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Father Stephen learned of a small adoration chapel located directly across from a Planned Parenthood facility in Albuquerque. Using the chapel as a focal point and prompted by the Holy Spirit to rejuvenate Project Life–which was dedicated to prayer vigils and sidewalk counseling in front of Planned Parenthood–Father Stephen gathered a group of laypeople, forming the Project Defending Life. Readings &amp, Resources Men’s March for Life in Washington D.C., June 12th: please consider making a donation to offset Fr Stephen’s Red Rose Rescue expenses and other costs. (Fr Stephen earns no income from his pro-life activism. All donations go directly to support his pro-life ministry.) Protest Child Killing: follow Fr Stephen: Red Rose Rescues: Fr Stephen’s social media links Facebook: YouTube Channel contact Father Stephen at American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Follow Fr Stephen’s pro-life travels across the country: On the Road for Life

We Need To Stop The Killing

Fr Stephen Imbarrato, a pro-life activist, commonly referred to as the “Protest Priest,” has made regular appearances on EWTN Catholic TV and is one of the leaders of the Red Rose Rescue movement. Fr Stephen believes we can end preborn child killing peacefully yet decisively…and sooner than we may think is possible. While attending Holy Apostles Seminary, Father helped start a crisis pregnancy center across the street from an abortion business. He explains, “…being across from the abortion mill showed me how important it is to have ministries of life directly across from the gates of death.” Ordained in May of 2005 for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Father Stephen learned of a small adoration chapel located directly across from a Planned Parenthood facility in Albuquerque. Using the chapel as a focal point and prompted by the Holy Spirit to rejuvenate Project Life–which was dedicated to prayer vigils and sidewalk counseling in front of Planned Parenthood–Father Stephen gathered a group of laypeople, forming the Project Defending Life. Readings &amp, Resources Men’s March for Life in Washington D.C., June 12th: please consider making a donation to offset Fr Stephen’s Red Rose Rescue expenses and other costs. (Fr Stephen earns no income from his pro-life activism. All donations go directly to support his pro-life ministry.) Protest Child Killing: follow Fr Stephen: Red Rose Rescues: Fr Stephen’s social media links Facebook: YouTube Channel contact Father Stephen at American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Follow Fr Stephen’s pro-life travels across the country: On the Road for Life

China’s Fertility Point of No Return

June 4, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information: China’s Fertility Point of No Return On China now allowing three children per family, Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said, “In terms of falling fertility, China has probably passed the point of no-return. But it should still end all controls on family […]

Ruth Inst. Awards Banquet to Celebrate Courageous Pro-Life/ Pro-Family Leaders

May 24, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information: Ruth Inst. Awards Banquet to Celebrate Courageous Pro-Life/ Pro-Family Leaders The Ruth Institute’s 4th Annual Summit, “Reclaiming the Professions for Life and Family,” July 16-17 in Lake Charles, LA, kicks off with an Awards Banquet. “This banquet honors heroic leaders and authors who shine the […]

The Fate of Nations Hinges on the Future of Marriage

Why one man and one woman? Because male and female complement each other, psychologically as well as physically. The Vatican’s Charter of the Rights of the Family notes: “The family is based on marriage, that intimate union of life in complementarity between a man and a woman.”

The Secret Money Backing The Sexual Left

Hayden Ludwig is a Senior Investigative Researcher at Capital Research Center. He is also a columnist at the Washington Free Beacon. Ludwig is a native of Orange County, California, and holds a Master’s of Public Policy from George Mason University. Readings &amp, Resources "Soros-backed liberals try to get US bishops’ pro-life chair fired for criticizing pro-abortion Biden,&quot, on the LifeSiteNews petition defending Archbishop Naumann Dr J Show featuring Dr. Ronald J. Rychlak, expert on disinformation Hayden Ludwig’s articles include: "Swiss Billionaire Gave Millions to Eric Holder’s Partisan Gerrymandering Group&quot, at the Dawson County Journal "Warren Buffett’s Foundation Has Poured $4 Billion into Pro-Abortion Advocacy&quot, at the Capital Research Center "Sunrise Movement Radicals Switch Climate Change to ‘Climate Justice’ &quot, at Cornwall Alliance &quot, ‘Creation Care’ Is a Secular Agenda Disguised as Christianity&quot, at the Capital Research Center COMMENTARY: &quot, ‘Creation Care’ Means Controlling People, Not the Environment&quot, at "Faithful America’s Faithless Attacks on Amy Coney Barrett—Courtesy of George Soros&quot, at the Capital Research Center "Mapping the Open Society Network on Soros’s 90th Birthday&quot, at the Capital Research Center "Tides Is the Tip of the Anti-Police Spear&quot, at the Capital Research Center "Meet the Swiss Billionaire Behind Arabella Advisors’ “Dark Money” Empire&quot, at the Capital Research Center "Leftist Dark Money Funds ‘Conservatives’ To Stab Trump Voters In The Back&quot, at The Federalist "Inside the Foreign-Funded “Hub Project” to Transform America&quot, at the Capital Research Center "How Mark Zuckerberg Almost Handed Texas To The Democrats&quot, at the Capital Research Center Hayden Ludwig videos "The Left’s Hypocrisy on Dark Money,&quot, on YouTube "Who is Swiss Billionaire Hansjörg Wyss?&quot, on YouTube "How the Green New Deal is a Trojan Horse for Totalitarian Governmen

The Secret Money Backing The Sexual Left

Hayden Ludwig is a Senior Investigative Researcher at Capital Research Center. He is also a columnist at the Washington Free Beacon. Ludwig is a native of Orange County, California, and holds a Master’s of Public Policy from George Mason University. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings and resources below cut. Readings &amp, Resources "Soros-backed liberals try to get US bishops’ pro-life chair fired for criticizing pro-abortion Biden,&quot, on the LifeSiteNews petition defending Archbishop Naumann Dr J Show featuring Dr. Ronald J. Rychlak, expert on disinformation Hayden Ludwig’s articles include: "Swiss Billionaire Gave Millions to Eric Holder’s Partisan Gerrymandering Group&quot, at the Dawson County Journal "Warren Buffett’s Foundation Has Poured $4 Billion into Pro-Abortion Advocacy&quot, at the Capital Research Center "Sunrise Movement Radicals Switch Climate Change to ‘Climate Justice’ &quot, at Cornwall Alliance &quot, ‘Creation Care’ Is a Secular Agenda Disguised as Christianity&quot, at the Capital Research Center COMMENTARY: &quot, ‘Creation Care’ Means Controlling People, Not the Environment&quot, at "Faithful America’s Faithless Attacks on Amy Coney Barrett—Courtesy of George Soros&quot, at the Capital Research Center "Mapping the Open Society Network on Soros’s 90th Birthday&quot, at the Capital Research Center "Tides Is the Tip of the Anti-Police Spear&quot, at the Capital Research Center "Meet the Swiss Billionaire Behind Arabella Advisors’ “Dark Money” Empire&quot, at the Capital Research Center "Leftist Dark Money Funds ‘Conservatives’ To Stab Trump Voters In The Back&quot, at The Federalist "Inside the Foreign-Funded “Hub Project” to Transform America&quot, at the Capital Research Center "How Mark Zuckerberg Almost Handed Texas To The Democrats&quot, at the Capital Research Center Hayden Ludwig videos "The Left’s Hypocrisy on Dark Money,&quot, on YouTube "Who is S

Ruth Inst. Commends Archbp. Cordileone for Upholding Sanctity of Life

May 14, 2021 For Immediate Release For more information, contact Ruth Inst. Commends Archbp. Cordileone for Upholding Sanctity of Life On May 13, the Ruth Institute presented a dozen white roses to his Excellency Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, for upholding the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of life and for his defense […]

The Left’s War on Procreation

– Don Feder This was originally published on FrontPageMag. Last week, the left’s war on procreation was headline news. In the April 29thBritish edition ofVogue,Nell Frizzell wrote a pean to population control: “Is Having a Child Pure Environmental Terrorism?” – a shameless piece of virtue signaling. Frizzell confessed that when she was pregnant, she “worried […]

Ruth Inst. to speak at Kenya Family Symposium

May 12, 2012 For Immediate Release For More Information: Ruth Inst. to speak at Kenya Family Symposium Ruth Institute Coalitions Director, Don Feder, will speak on “The Fate of Nations Hinges on the Future of Marriage” at the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum (KCPF) symposium, “Families in Crisis; Hope for Restoration,” on May 14, 2 […]

Post-Divorce Gates Foundation Still Pushing Population Control in Africa

May 6, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information:  Post-Divorce Gates Foundation Still Pushing Population Control in Africa Following the announcement of Bill and Melinda Gates’ divorce, Ruth Institute President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said, “Divorce is always tragic for children, even older children such as the three Gates children. The Ruth Institute […]

Vatican Health Care Conference an “Embarrassment to the Faith”

April 28, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information: Vatican Health Care Conference an “Embarrassment to the Faith” “The Vatican’s choice of speakers for its Fifth International Conference on Health Care is deeply embarrassing to the Catholic faith,” said Ruth Institute President Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “The Catholic Church is a world-wide institution of […]

Secretary of State Dismisses Findings of U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights

April 20, 2021 For Immediate Release For more information: Secretary of State Dismisses Findings of U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights “Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is typical of the Biden administration, which will push the Sexual Revolution at every opportunity,” Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said. Blinken repudiated the work of […]

Lawfare: How Sexual Revolutionaries Bully Using The Legal System

Charles LiMandri is an attorney for the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund. Since 1983, he has litigated over a dozen high-profile civil law and pro-bono religious liberty cases in state and federal courts as well as before the United States Supreme Court. These cases include defending the Mount Soledad Cross, David Daleiden, the Center for […]

Lawfare: How Sexual Revolutionaries Bully Using The Legal System

Charles LiMandri is an attorney for the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund. Since 1983, he has litigated over a dozen high-profile civil law and pro-bono religious liberty cases in state and federal courts as well as before the United States Supreme Court. These cases include defending the Mount Soledad Cross, David Daleiden, the Center for Medical Progress, Priests for Life, and baker Cathy Miller. LiMandri is double Board Certified in Pre-Trial Litigation and Trial Advocacy by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and has owned and operated his private law firm for 27 years. He is also a member of the American Board of Trial Advocates and is admitted to practice law in California, New York, Washington, D.C., and before the U.S. Supreme Court. LiMandri founded the nonprofit Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund (FCDF) in September 2012 in response to the mounting escalation and intensity of religious freedom cases. He currently leads a team of attorneys who specialize in religious liberty, freedom of speech, and bioethics. This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings and resources below cut. LiMandri earned his law degree from Georgetown University Law School in 1983 and a diploma in International Law and Relations from the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth in 1980. He is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Circle (for obtaining verdicts and settlements in excess of a million dollars) and holds the highest (A.V.) rating for legal skills and ethics (by fellow attorneys and judges) in the Martindale-Hubbell national directory of attorneys. He also is listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers and Super Lawyers. LiMandri is a frequent author and lecturer who has appeared and been published regionally, nationally and internationally. He has also been a featured guest speaker on radio and television including the Fox News Network. He is a member of the Board of Editors of the California Tort Reporter and the California Insurance Law and Regulation Reporter.

Ruth Inst. Thanks Archbp. Naumann for Defending Catholic Doctrine

April 12, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information: Ruth Inst. Thanks Archbishop Naumann for Defending Catholic Doctrine Today the Ruth Institute presented a dozen white roses to Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, for his bold defense of Catholic doctrine. “As head of the U.S. Bishops’ Pro-Life Committee, Naumann has courageously called […]

Bill Clinton/ Kamala Harris forum on “Empowering Women” is Hypocrisy, Notes Ruth Inst.

March 31, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information:  Bill Clinton/ Kamala Harris forum on “Empowering Women” is Hypocrisy, Notes Ruth Inst. “You’ve got to be kidding,” Ruth Institute President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said of Vice President Harris doing a webcast forum on ‘empowering women and girls’ with former President Bill Clinton […]

The UN Sexual Education is Insane

Sharon Slater is the president of Family Watch International (FWI) and the chair of the UN Family Rights Caucus. She is a consultant to multiple UN Member States on issues of life, human sexuality, and family policy and the author of the book Stand for the Family: A Call to Responsible Citizens Everywhere, also known as the “Family Defense Handbook.” Sharon also serves on the board of directors of No Left Turn in Education and on the board of the Political Network for Values, a global platform and resource for legislators and politicians across the globe defending human life, marriage, family, religious freedom and conscience. Sharon co-chairs the U.S.-based Protect Child Health Coalition ( Sharon has directed multiple widely acclaimed documentaries including “The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda,” “Cultural Imperialism: The Sexual Rights Agenda,” and “Porn Pandemic: The Devastating Impact on Marriage, Children and Families.” She is currently the executive director of a series of videos on transgender issues (see at She and her husband Greg reside in Arizona and have seven children (three of whom are siblings adopted from Mozambique) and twelve grandchildren. Resources Family Watch International: Cultural Imperialism: The Sexual Rights Agenda at upcoming FWI webinars at U.N. Family Rights Caucus: Protect Child Health Coalition: Stop CSE: Transgender Issues: What the studies REALLY say:

Ruth Inst. Board Member Paul Jonna Named CA Lawyer of the Year

March 26, 2021 For Immediate Release For more information: Ruth Inst. Board Member Paul Jonna Named CA Lawyer of the Year Paul M. Jonna, an attorney with the firm of LiMandri & Jonna in Rancho Santa Fe, CA, and a member of the Ruth Institute’s Board of Directors, was selected as a 2021 California […]

Ruth Inst. Coalitions Director to Speak at Kenya Life Symposium

March 19, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information: Ruth Inst. Coalitions Director to Speak at Kenya Life Symposium Ruth Institute Coalitions Director Don Feder will speak at a Virtual Life Symposium sponsored by the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum (KCPF) on March 23, 9:00 am to noon, East Africa Time (ET plus 7 hours). […]

Marriage is the Foundation of Social Order: World Congress of Families Caribbean Regional Conference

Marriage is the Foundation of Social Order A speech by Don Feder to the World Congress of Families Regional Conference Antigua, June 29-30, 2017 This was originally published in Grass Tops USA and is reprinted here with their gracious permission. We must defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman. More broadly, […]

Cosmopolitan’s Rules for Propaganda

    Here we are today at a time when all of America seems to be falling apart. With COVID, race riots, church burnings, and desecration of statues of the Virgin Mary, how can we care about the Sexual Revolution at a time like this? Why would anybody even bother to care about something that […]

Was Keeping Society “Out of the Bedroom” A Disastrous Idea?

Dr. Scott Hahn his wife Kimberly have six children (two of which are seminarians) and eighteen grandchildren. An exceptionally popular speaker and teacher, Dr. Hahn has delivered numerous talks nationally and internationally on a wide variety of topics related to Scripture and the Catholic faith. Dr. Hahn has been awarded the Father Michael Scanlan, T.O.R., Chair of Biblical Theology and the New Evangelization at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he has taught since 1990, and is the founder and president of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. From 2005 to 2011, Dr. Hahn held the Pope Benedict XVI Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation at St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, PA. From 2014 to 2015, he served as the McEssy Distinguished Visiting Professor of Biblical Theology and the New Evangelization, University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, IL. Dr. Hahn is also the bestselling author of numerous books including The Lamb’s Supper, Reasons to Believe, and Rome Sweet Home (co-authored with his wife, Kimberly). Some of his newest books are The First Society, The Fourth Cup, Romans: A Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, The Creed, Evangelizing Catholics, Angels and Saints, and Joy to the World. Scott received his Bachelor of Arts degree with a triple-major in Theology, Philosophy and Economics from Grove City College, Pennsylvania, his Masters of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and his Ph.D. in Biblical Theology from Marquette University. Scott has ten years of youth and pastoral ministry experience in Protestant congregations (in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Massachusetts, Kansas and Virginia) and is a former Professor of Theology at Chesapeake Theological Seminary. He was ordained in 1982 at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Fairfax, Virginia. He entered the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil, 1986. Readings &amp, Resources Dr Hahn’s website: Dr Hahn’s St Paul Center: Books The First Society: The Sacrament of Matrimony and the Restor

Women’s Rights “Champions” Show Pattern of Abuse Notes Ruth Inst.

March 1, 2021 For Immediate Release For more information, contact “New York’s Gov. Cuomo is yet another prominent Democrat and self-proclaimed ‘champion of women’s rights’ who’s come under fire for sexual harassment of subordinates,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Last week, Cuomo was accused of sexually harassing two ex-aides. One […]

Ruth Inst. saddened but not surprised Biden Restored WHO Funding

February 23, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information: Ruth Inst. saddened but not surprised Biden Restored WHO Funding “It’s sad but hardly surprising,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., in response to the news that the Biden Administration will restore $200 million in funding to the World Health Organization cut […]

Catholic author to Joe Biden: ‘Call off the woke online haters stalking your fellow Christians’

This article was originally published at LifeSite News An acclaimed Catholic author and essayist has called upon Joe Biden to call time on attacks by Big Tech and the mainstream media on ordinary believing Catholics. In her second open letter to Biden, published in Newsweek, Mary Eberstadt listed several examples of recent censorship and defamation […]

Planned Parenthood Despicable for Medicating “Transgender” Youth–Ruth Inst.

February 16, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information:  Planned Parenthood Despicable for Medicating “Transgender” Youth–Ruth Inst. “Apparently there’s no longer enough money in the abortion racket. Now Planned Parenthood has found a new class of victims to exploit,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., Founder and President of the Ruth Institute. Morse was […]

Mr. President, Your Allies Are Coming for Your Fellow Catholics | Opinion

  by Mary Eberstadt, Senior Research Fellow, Faith and Reason Institute This piece originally published at Newsweek on February 15, 2021. Dear President Biden, This is my second open letter in Newsweek since your election, trying to reach your ear as a fellow American Catholic. Following your inauguration, my first letter urged you to stand […]

NBC News Scapegoating Christians: A Step Too Far

NBC News Scapegoating Christians: A Step Too Far Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse This article originally published at   NBC News is doing a full-court press against pro-family organizations, with three smear pieces in the last three weeks of 2020. These stories aim to eliminate pro-family groups from polite society and routine business transactions. Even […]

Landmark Legal Decision! Therapists Can Help Same-Sex Attracted Youth!

Is it legal to restrict licensed individuals from pursuing their client’s therapy goals? Mat Staver is Founder of Liberty Counsel, which defends religious freedom in cases across the nation. He is also Chairman of the National Pro-life Center, Freedom Federation, Salt &amp, Light Council, and the National House of Hope. He serves as Vice President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, and was Vice President of Liberty University, as well as a former Dean and law professor. Mat has over 300 published legal opinions. He authored eight scholarly law review publications, and many books and publications. He is a frequent guest on many international and national television and radio programs and has been interviewed for thousands of media sources. Mat has filed numerous briefs and argued in many federal and state courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. He has argued two landmark cases before SCOTUS: Madsen v. Women’s Health Center, and, McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky. Prior to law school, Mat pastored several churches. In Otto v. City of Boca Raton, therapist Robert Otto sued the city for the right to talk with clients about their feelings of sexual attraction, the impact of those feelings, and strategies for improving the quality of their lives. The City of Boca Raton had passed an ordinance criminalizing “conversion therapy,” or “reparative therapy,” or, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts. It is simply not true that sexual orientation is an immutable trait. There is no "gay gene.&quot, But if the Sexual Revolutionaries can convince people that gay is like being black, then they can apply anti-discrimination law to sexual behavior. The scientific fact is that there are numerous ways into an LGBT lifestyle, and there are numerous ways out. The Dr J Show has featured many people who left the "gay&quot, lifestyle, happily. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit agreed with Mat Staver that this particular form of speech must not be banned. Topics discussed in this episode includ

AUDIO: Landmark Legal Decision! Therapists Can Help Same-Sex Attracted Youth!

Is it legal to restrict licensed individuals from pursuing their client’s therapy goals? Mat Staver is Founder of Liberty Counsel, which defends religious freedom in cases across the nation. He is also Chairman of the National Pro-life Center, Freedom Federation, Salt &amp, Light Council, and the National House of Hope. He serves as Vice President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, and was Vice President of Liberty University, as well as a former Dean and law professor. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings and resources below cut. Mat has over 300 published legal opinions. He authored eight scholarly law review publications, and many books and publications. He is a frequent guest on many international and national television and radio programs and has been interviewed for thousands of media sources. Mat has filed numerous briefs and argued in many federal and state courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. He has argued two landmark cases before SCOTUS: Madsen v. Women’s Health Center, and, McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky. Prior to law school, Mat pastored several churches. In Otto v. City of Boca Raton, therapist Robert Otto sued the city for the right to talk with clients about their feelings of sexual attraction, the impact of those feelings, and strategies for improving the quality of their lives. The City of Boca Raton had passed an ordinance criminalizing “conversion therapy,” or “reparative therapy,” or, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts. It is simply not true that sexual orientation is an immutable trait. There is no "gay gene.&quot, But if the Sexual Revolutionaries can convince people that gay is like being black, then they can apply anti-discrimination law to sexual behavior. The scientific fact is that there are numerous ways into an LGBT lifestyle, and there are numerous ways out. The Dr J Show has featured many people who left the "gay&quot, lifestyle, happily. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circ

Ruth Inst. Applauds SCOTUS Decision Upholding Religious Liberty During COVID-Crisis

“The United States Supreme Court struck a blow for religious liberty in enjoining enforcement of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s restrictions on attendance at religious services in the name of disease control,”* said Ruth Institute Founder and President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Morse also noted, “Given the disparity in treatment of secular and religious […]

How Unbiased are Facebook "Fact-Checkers?"

James D. Agresti is the president of Just Facts, a think tank dedicated to publishing rigorously documented facts about public policy issues. His research on wide-ranging topics—including abortion, healthcare, sex trafficking, taxes, gun control, pollution, energy, global warming, and the national debt—has been cited by universities, think tanks, major media outlets, and government entities at local, state and national levels. Jim holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Brown University and has worked as a designer of jet aircraft engines, a technical sales professional, and chief engineer of a firm that customizes helicopters. He is the author of Rational Conclusions, a book evidencing factual support for the Bible across a broad array of academic disciplines. Topics discussed in this episode of the Dr. J Show include: Beware the Fact-Checkers! common sophomoric errors of the Fact Checkers left-leaning Fact Checkers Facebook cherry-picks its fact checkers Studies that control for negative consequences in order to gain biased conclusions (for example: study of lesbian parents that controlled for alcoholism, which has a higher incidence of occurring in lesbian parents Differences between and Voter Fraud exposed: 16% of non-citizens illegally vote Readings &amp, Resources Jim’s website, Just Facts: "Social Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide With Leftism, Not Racism,&quot, by Jim Agresti at "Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election,&quot, by Jim Agresti at Sue Ellen Browder’s speech on propaganda at our 2020 Awards Dinner Dr J Show episodes: Defending a truth-telling (but banned!) book with Brian Camenker Mark Regnerus debunking bad studies on LGBT parenting Andre Van Mol debunking bad studies on transgender medical treatments Angela Lanfranchi debunking bad studies on abortion and breast cancer Sign up for the Just Facts newslet

AUDIO: How Unbiased are Facebook "Fact-Checkers?"

James D. Agresti is the president of Just Facts, a think tank dedicated to publishing rigorously documented facts about public policy issues. His research on wide-ranging topics—including abortion, healthcare, sex trafficking, taxes, gun control, pollution, energy, global warming, and the national debt—has been cited by universities, think tanks, major media outlets, and government entities at local, state and national levels. Jim holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Brown University and has worked as a designer of jet aircraft engines, a technical sales professional, and chief engineer of a firm that customizes helicopters. He is the author of Rational Conclusions, a book evidencing factual support for the Bible across a broad array of academic disciplines. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings and resources below cut. Topics discussed in this episode of the Dr. J Show include: Beware the Fact-Checkers! common sophomoric errors of the Fact Checkers left-leaning Fact Checkers Facebook cherry-picks its fact checkers Studies that control for negative consequences in order to gain biased conclusions (for example: study of lesbian parents that controlled for alcoholism, which has a higher incidence of occurring in lesbian parents Differences between and Voter Fraud exposed: 16% of non-citizens illegally vote Readings &amp, Resources Jim’s website, Just Facts: "Social Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide With Leftism, Not Racism,&quot, by Jim Agresti at "Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election,&quot, by Jim Agresti at Sue Ellen Browder’s speech on propaganda at our 2020 Awards Dinner Dr J Show episodes: Defending a truth-telling (but banned!) book with Brian Camenker Mark Regnerus debunking bad studies on LGBT parenting Andre Van Mol debunking bad studies on transgender m

Vatican Cover-Up Continues: Dr. J’s Explosive Interview w/ Catholic Journalist Phil Lawler

Philip Lawler shares his insights on the newly released McCarrick Report, the Pope’s comments on same-sex marriage, the President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops congratulating Joe Biden on the election, and the status of the Church in China.

Exposing Clergy Sexual Abuse Cover-Up: THE McCarrick Report

Phil Lawler is the editor of Catholic World News, the first English-language Catholic news service operating on the internet, which he founded in 1995. CWN provides daily headline news coverage for the Catholic Culture site, where Phil Lawler also offers regular analysis and commentary. Phil attended Harvard College and did graduate work in political philosophy at the University of Chicago before entering a career in journalism. He has previously served as Director of Studies for the Heritage Foundation, as editor of Crisis Magazine, and as editor of the international monthly magazine Catholic World Report. Lawler is the author or editor of ten books on political and religious topics. His essays, book reviews, and editorial columns have appeared in over 100 newspapers around the United States and abroad. A pro-life activist and veteran of many political campaigns, Phil was himself a candidate for the US Senate in 2000, running against the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. Married since 1979 to Leila Marie Lawler, Phil is the father of 7 children, grandfather of 9, and a Red Sox fan. Topics discussed is this episode of The Dr. J Show include: the McCarrick Report: questions left unanswered. Discussed was McCarrick’s history of sexual assult and grooming (and the many warnings passed along to the Vatican), how Pope Francis lifted Pope Benedict’s restrictions on McCarrick, how Archbishop Vigano’s warnings about McCarrick were ignored, and how McCarrick functioned as an unofficial global ambassador for the Vatican amid all of this Pope Francis’ advocating homosexual "civil unions&quot, Archbishop Gomez’ premature congrats to Joe Biden how predators "groom&quot, potential victims and con them Pope Francis’ "gutting&quot, of Pope John Paul II’s Pontifical Institute for The Family how conforming to the world only loses the credibility of Christians Pope Francis’ compromise and secret deal with the Chinese communists over Church treatment there Readings &amp, Resources Phil’s site: Restoration of

AUDIO: Exposing Clergy Sexual Abuse Cover-Up: THE McCarrick Report

Phil Lawler is the editor of Catholic World News, the first English-language Catholic news service operating on the internet, which he founded in 1995. CWN provides daily headline news coverage for the Catholic Culture site, where Phil Lawler also offers regular analysis and commentary. Phil attended Harvard College and did graduate work in political philosophy at the University of Chicago before entering a career in journalism. He has previously served as Director of Studies for the Heritage Foundation, as editor of Crisis Magazine, and as editor of the international monthly magazine Catholic World Report. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Transcript, readings and resources below cut. Lawler is the author or editor of ten books on political and religious topics. His essays, book reviews, and editorial columns have appeared in over 100 newspapers around the United States and abroad. A pro-life activist and veteran of many political campaigns, Phil was himself a candidate for the US Senate in 2000, running against the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. Married since 1979 to Leila Marie Lawler, Phil is the father of 7 children, grandfather of 9, and a Red Sox fan. Topics discussed is this episode of The Dr. J Show include: the McCarrick Report: questions left unanswered. Discussed was McCarrick’s history of sexual assult and grooming (and the many warnings passed along to the Vatican), how Pope Francis lifted Pope Benedict’s restrictions on McCarrick, how Archbishop Vigano’s warnings about McCarrick were ignored, and how McCarrick functioned as an unofficial global ambassador for the Vatican amid all of this Pope Francis’ advocating homosexual "civil unions&quot, Archbishop Gomez’ premature congrats to Joe Biden how predators "groom&quot, potential victims and con them Pope Francis’ "gutting&quot, of Pope John Paul II’s Pontifical Institute for The Family how conforming to the world only loses the credibility of Christians Pope Francis’ compromise and secret

The Fake Science Used to Force Roe V. Wade

The pro-abortion legal team behind Roe built their case around the work of a particular scholar. The problem? He faked the science and made the numbers up. There weren’t thousands of women dying of "coat hanger&quot, abortions. They just needed you to believe there were. Roe v Wade was forced with fake science. Dr. Hilgers is a Senior Medical Consultant in Obstetrics, Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at the Saint Paul VI Institute and is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Obstetrics &amp, Gynecology at Creighton University School of Medicine. He is Director of the Institute’s Academic Programs and its National Center for Procreative Health. He is board certified in obstetrics, and gynecology, gynecologic laser surgery and is a member of the Society of Reproductive Surgeons and the Society of Procreative Surgeons. He is the author of or contributor to hundreds of books, articles, and videos. He has also been the recipient of 17 special recognition awards and 7 research awards. He is the recipient of 3 honorary doctorates and was named the Physician of the Year by the Nebraska Family Council. This episode is also available as an audio podcast: Listen Readings and resources below cut. Readings &amp, Resources Dr. Hilgers’ books include: Blinders: Revealing the Neglected American Public Health Crisis that has Grown to Gigantic Proportions: The Destructive Downstream Impact of Abortion, Contraception, and IVF The Fake and Deceptive Science Behind Roe v. Wade: Settled Law v. Settled Science The NaProTechnology Revolution: Unleashing the Power in a Woman’s Cycle The Medical and Surgical Practice of NaProTechnology St. Paul VI Institute: Dr. Hilger’s Fertility Care System: "Fertility Awareness-Based Methods: Another Option for Family Planning,&quot, by Stephen R. Pallone and George R. Bergus at the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine "The New Women’s Health Science of NaProTechnology,&quot, by Dr. Thomas Hilgers, from the archives of Perina

AUDIO: The Fake Science Used to Force Roe V. Wade

The pro-abortion legal team behind Roe built their case around the work of a particular scholar. The problem? He faked the science and made the numbers up. There weren’t thousands of women dying of "coat hanger&quot, abortions. They just needed you to believe there were. Roe v Wade was forced with fake science. Dr. Hilgers is a Senior Medical Consultant in Obstetrics, Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at the Saint Paul VI Institute and is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Obstetrics &amp, Gynecology at Creighton University School of Medicine. He is Director of the Institute’s Academic Programs and its National Center for Procreative Health. He is board certified in obstetrics, and gynecology, gynecologic laser surgery and is a member of the Society of Reproductive Surgeons and the Society of Procreative Surgeons. He is the author of or contributor to hundreds of books, articles, and videos. He has also been the recipient of 17 special recognition awards and 7 research awards. He is the recipient of 3 honorary doctorates and was named the Physician of the Year by the Nebraska Family Council. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings and resources below cut. Readings &amp, Resources Dr. Hilgers’ books include: Blinders: Revealing the Neglected American Public Health Crisis that has Grown to Gigantic Proportions: The Destructive Downstream Impact of Abortion, Contraception, and IVF The Fake and Deceptive Science Behind Roe v. Wade: Settled Law v. Settled Science The NaProTechnology Revolution: Unleashing the Power in a Woman’s Cycle The Medical and Surgical Practice of NaProTechnology St. Paul VI Institute: Dr. Hilger’s Fertility Care System: "Fertility Awareness-Based Methods: Another Option for Family Planning,&quot, by Stephen R. Pallone and George R. Bergus at the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine "The New Women’s Health Science of NaProTechnology,&quot, by Dr. Thomas Hilgers

Global Ruling Class Supports Sexual Revolution at Cost of Individuals’ Health and Well-being

“Whatever the outcome of Tuesday’s election, COVID policy is likely to change,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “We should not forget the lessons we’ve learned about the Global Ruling Class and their priorities. Since the pandemic was declared in March, we have learned that there really is a Global technocratic ruling […]

AUDIO: History Professor Tells the Story of U.S. Sexual Ethics and Failures

Dr. Donald T. Critchlow is the American political history professor at Arizona State University. He is the author and editor of 25 books and is the founding editor of Journal of Policy History published by Cambridge University Press. He has appeared on C-Span, National Public Radio, BBC World News, and many talk radio programs. He has written for the Washington Post, the New York Observer, the New York Post, and National Review. In this interview he narrates the events that have happened in America that led us to today. This story affects everyone. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings &amp, resources below cut. Dr Critchlow’s many books include: In Defense Of Populism: Protest and American Democracy Phyllis Schlafly and Grassroots Conservatism: A Woman’s Crusade Intended Consequences: Birth Control, Abortion, and The Federal Government In Modern America When Hollywood Was Right: How Movie Stars, Studio Moguls, and Big Business Remade American Politics The Conservative Ascendancy: How The Republican Right Rose To Power In Modern America Takeover: How The Left’s Quest For Social Justice Corrupted Liberalism, Debating The American Conservative Movement

History Professor Tells the Story of U.S. Sexual Ethics and Failures

Dr. Donald T. Critchlow is the American political history professor at Arizona State University. He is the author and editor of 25 books and is the founding editor of Journal of Policy History published by Cambridge University Press. He has appeared on C-Span, National Public Radio, BBC World News, and many talk radio programs. He has written for the Washington Post, the New York Observer, the New York Post, and National Review. In this interview he narrates the events that have happened in America that led us to today. This story affects everyone. Dr Critchlow’s many books include: In Defense Of Populism: Protest and American Democracy Phyllis Schlafly and Grassroots Conservatism: A Woman’s Crusade Intended Consequences: Birth Control, Abortion, and The Federal Government In Modern America When Hollywood Was Right: How Movie Stars, Studio Moguls, and Big Business Remade American Politics The Conservative Ascendancy: How The Republican Right Rose To Power In Modern America Takeover: How The Left’s Quest For Social Justice Corrupted Liberalism, Debating The American Conservative Movement

In Vitro Fertilization: The Costs and American Consumerism

In vitro fertilization costs more than just the money: get what you want, the way you want it, works when buying things – not humans, especially the weakest and smallest.

Amy Coney Barrett’s Fitness for the Supreme Court: In Vitro Fertilization and American Consumerism

by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse This article first posted at National Catholic Register on October 13, 2020. COMMENTARY: I don’t know Judge Amy Coney Barrett. But I know something about infertility and artificial reproductive technologies. Amy Coney Barrett is a danger to families who desperately want children. So says Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., based on […]

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: The Sexual State in a Black Robe

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was doubtless a fine person and dedicated to her ideas. I pray for God’s mercy on her soul, and solace to her family. But sadly, her ideas and her legacy on the U.S. Supreme Court have aided Sexual Revolutionaries in the deconstruction of sexual morality and the family.

In First Presidential Debate, the Family Was Lost in the Shuffle

“Last night’s confrontation between President Trump and former Vice-President Biden shows the need for a separate debate focusing solely on family issues,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Partnering with Life Petitions, the Ruth Institute has a petition calling for a debate on family-related issues. More than 6,000 signatures have been collected. […]