Utopian Dream of the Sexual Revolution

Utopian Dream

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Fr. Rob Jack and discusses the Sexual Revolution’s Utopian Dream of taxpayer funded abortion.

Defending Against Lawless Litigation – Eric Scheidler

Eric Scheidler discusses Defending Against Lawless Litigation from the perspective of the Pro-Life Action League against a RICO lawsuit.

Thinking Beyond Roe at Survivors Summit


Dr. Jennifer Morse reflects on Ruth’s Institute’s recent Summit and how R.I. is looking beyond the Roe reversal to the future.

Thinking Beyond Roe at Survivors Summit

After Roe

After Roe, kids will still need their parents, in some ways more than before Roe fell. The Summit for Survivors gave insights into that.

Demographic Winter: The Fatal Fall of Fertility Worldwide – Don Feder

Don Feder speaks on Demographic Winter

Don Feder examines Demographic Winter: The Fatal Fall of Fertility Worldwide and examines how that will impact our world.

Roe v. Wade

Commenting on the Supreme Court decision reversing Roe v. Wade, Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. said, “We’ve won an important victory, but the war is far from over.” “While pro-abortion forces can no longer rely on Roe to nullify state laws, 12 states and the District of Columbia protect abortion – some, […]

Heartbeat International Rescues Lives-At-Risk

heartbeat international

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Jor-El Godsey, President of Heartbeat International, and discusses abortion pill reversal among other things.

Pro-life Leaders Panel – Learning from the Past


Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with pro-life leaders Jim Garlow, Arnold Culbreath, and Eric Scheidler and discusses learned lessons from the past.

Where Will You Be When Roe is Repealed? At the Survivors’ Summit!

After Roe

June 1, 2022 When the Supreme Court decision repealing Roe v. Wade is announced, the place to be is the Ruth Institute’s Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution June 24-25 in Lake Charles, LA. Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said: “Our Summit will help launch the post-Roe generation. Everyone who was […]

Pro Life Mega Stars

< Home Ruth Institute Summit 2022 Where will you be When roe is Overturned? With these pro-life mega stars, in lake charles, Louisiana! Only the 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution brings together this much pro-life star power! Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, headlines the Summit this year. […]

Thank You, Archbishop Cordileone.


May 25, 2022 Regarding San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, who is under fire for his position on denying communion to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., stated: “We commend Archbishop Cordileone for his courage and clarity on the most important moral issue of our time.” “The Ruth Institute is […]

Society has gone “Off the Rails”

off the rails

Summit 2022: getting us back on track. Originally published May 23, 2022 by Relevant Radio. Republished by the Ruth Institute, May 25, 2022. In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we tune in to the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio. Society has in large part gone off the rails and people are beginning […]

Emerging Leaders Program Will Train the Leaders of Tomorrow

emerging leaders

May 24, 2022 The Ruth Institute announced that there are now a limited number of scholarships — some including travel — available for the Emerging Leaders Program at its 2022 Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, June 24-25 in Lake Charles, LA. Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said: “The program is […]

Preparing for the Post-Roe World

post-Roe world

Originally published May 19, 2022 by National Catholic Register Republished by Ruth Institute, May 19, 2022 Kathy Schiffer Blogs America, we’re in trouble! Gender ideology has pushed its way into our public school classrooms, forcing students to use “preferred pronouns” when referring to their classmates. Books encouraging the homosexual lifestyle are included on children’s reading […]

For Once, the Sexual Revolutionaries Aren’t Wrong

Supreme Court and Dobbs

Originally published May 18, 2022 by National Catholic Register. Republished by Ruth Institute, May 18, 2022. COMMENTARY: Once the Supreme Court stops propping up the Sexual Revolution with so-called rights invented out of thin air, a lot of “settled issues” will be unsettled. Jennifer Roback Morse Commentaries May 18, 2022 The Sexual Revolutionaries are not […]

For Once, the Sexual Revolutionaries Aren’t Wrong

Sexual Revolutionaries

May 13, 2022 “The Sexual Revolutionaries fretting over gay marriage and contraception are not wrong,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “Once the Court stops propping up the Sexual Revolution with so-called rights invented out of thin air, a lot of ‘settled issues’ are up for grabs.” “Although in his draft of […]

Speaker Bios

< Home Ruth Institute Summit 2022 Summit Speakers and Biographies Discover more about the experts, witnesses, and survivors that are going to be featured at the 2022 Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Founder and President, Ruth Institute Dr. Morse was a spokeswoman for California’s winning Proposition 8 campaign, […]

Elon Musk Warns About Demographic Winter

Elon Must warns about Demographic Winter while the media ignores the calamity that population decline would engender.

Early Bird Registration for Survivors Summit Ends in 12 Days

May 3, 2022 Only 12 days remain for discount registration to the Ruth Institute’s 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution (Fighting for Your Family: Arming you for Success) June 24-25 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Early Bird registration of $119 (regular price $233) for the entire event ends on May 15 at 11:59 […]

Sidewalk Advocates for Life’s Lauren Muzyka on The Dr J Show ep. 130

Sidewalk Advocates for Life

Apr 29, 2022 Lauren Muzyka is the founder, president, and CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, the nation’s largest sidewalk outreach training program. Lauren is a licensed attorney with more than 20 years of experience in sidewalk outreach. Lauren participated in the very first 40 Days for Life campaign, and she went on to serve […]

Defending Christian Sexual Ethics Without Fear or Apology at Ruth Inst. Summit

Defense of Traditional Christian Sexual Ethics in 15 Minutes

April 27, 2022 “Whether the issue is abortion, transgenderism, divorce, homosexuality, pornography, or child sexual abuse, restoring traditional Christian sexual ethics is the solution.” Morse will present an innovative “Defense of Traditional Christian Sexual Ethics in 15 Minutes” at the Institute’s 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, June 24-25, in Lake Charles, […]

John-Henry Westen on The Dr J Show

John-Henry Westen

Meet the Pro-Life Reporter Who Can’t Be Silenced | John-Henry Westen on The Dr J Show ep. 128 Apr 15, 2022 John-Henry is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews.com. He hosts the John-Henry Westen Show, a regular weekly video show in which John-Henry offers commentary on the most important news developments in the Church and […]

Fighting for Your Family: Arming You for Success.

Fighting for Your Family: Arming You For Success is the theme of the 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution.

Dr. Laura Haynes – Banning Talk Therapy

Dr. Laura Haynes

Bans on Talk Therapy are Heterophobic Bigotry | Dr. Laura Haynes on The Dr J Show ep. 127 Apr 8, 2022 Dr. Laura Haynes retired from psychological clinical practice after more than 40 years. She now speaks and writes about same-sex attraction and discordant gender-sex identity change. She served on the board of the International […]

US Foreign Aid Policy – The Sexual State in Action

US Foreign Aid Policy

Originally published March 3, 2022 by Driving Home the Faith. Republished by Ruth Institute April 6, 2022 Dr. Morse discusses many various topics today including the striking down of the Women’s Reproductive Health Act in the senate, the U.S. trying to force abortions on the Dominican Republic, and the Kissinger-Nixon foreign policy. Dr. Morse highlights […]

Jackson Nomination Shows White House Controlled by the Sexual Revolution

Dr. Morse comments on the recent Jackson nomination

April 1, 2022 “I wish this were an April Fool’s joke,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., of Supreme Court nominee Jackson’s inability to define ‘woman.’ “A few years ago, a judicial nominee would have scorned that line of questioning, saying, ‘You’re kidding me, right?’ Today, with one party firmly controlled by […]

No Gay Gene – Follow the Science Cardinal Hollerich!

No gay gene

Originally aired Feb. 24, 2022 on Fr. Rob Jack’s radio show, Driving Home the Faith Republished March 29, 2022 In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we tune in to Dr. Morse’ interview on Fr. Rob Jack’s radio show, Driving Home the Faith. Here Dr. Morse speaks on the Catholic Church’s teaching on Traditional […]

Dr. Pat Fagan – The Truth Is Not Politically Correct

Dr. Pat Fagan

Dr. Pat Fagan on The Dr J Show ep. 124 March 18, 2022 Dr. Pat Fagan is Founder and Director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute (MARRI) at the Family Research Council (now a part of The Catholic University of America).  He is also a professional therapist specializing in child, family and marital therapy […]

Don’t Say Baby

American College of Ob/Gyn recently issued "Don't Say Baby" guidelines

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently issued its “Don’t Say Baby” guidelines – further dehumanizing the preborn.

Demographic Winter: The Fatal Fall of Fertility Worldwide

Mr. Don Feder delivers a speech 'The Fatal Fall of Fertility Worldwide'.

A speech by Don Feder at International Summit of Pro-Life & Pro-Family Organizations Guatemala City, Guatemala – March 9, 2022 The thing about an apocalypse is you never see it coming. Forget pandemics, climate change, a comet hitting the earth or another Extinction Level Event. Instead, think about Demographic Winter, a catastrophe that’s happening right […]

The Fight for Justice with Tara Wicker

Tara Wicker speaks of her fight for justice for the unborn

February 25, 2022 Louisiana Southern Belle Tells It Like It Is | Tara Wicker | The Dr J Show ep. 121 Tara Wicker is the State Director of Louisiana Black Advocates for Life. An activist and community leader in the fight for life, justice, and righteousness. Her conviction to speak up for those who cannot […]

Ruth Institute to Provide Trans Resources

Ruth Institute to provide Trans Resources

March 9, 2022 Ruth Institute to Provide Trans Resources at Cleveland Right-to-Life The Ruth Institute will have an exhibit at the Cleveland Right to Life Convention, “Bringing Life Back to America,” March 11-12, 2022, to provide resources for sidewalk counselors assisting the gender confused. “Teen girls going to Planned Parenthood for hormones and surgery to […]


< Home Ruth Institute Summit 2022 Registration < Home Registration Summit Awardees Walter Hoye and Sharon Slater, pose with Summit Attendees, and Ruth Institute Founder Dr. Morse Register Today Hi Everyone, Who are these experts, you might ask? Well that’s me in the center of the photo from Summit 2021. My dear friend Rev. Walter […]

Ruth Institute Summit

< Home Summit for Survivors 2022 < Home 5th Annual summit for survivors of the Sexual Revolution fighting for your family arming you for success Summit Keynote Speaker & Pro-Life Leadership Award Recipient: Kristan Hawkins  President, Students for Life of America Lake Charles, Louisiana 24 – 25 June 2022 REGISTER NOW 5th Annual summit for […]

Childress Tells It Like It Is – Dr J Show (Video)

Rev. Childress on Dr. J Show

Childress Tells It Like It Is | Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr | The Dr J. Show ep. 120 In 2007 Rev Childress produced the website Obamanation.com to respectfully oppose the candidacy of Barack Obama due to his partnership with Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. In 2013 Rev Childress, along with Day Gardner, held […]

Planned Parenthood Celebrates “National Condom Week” with Lies

Dr. Jennifer Morse, founder of the Ruth Institute, comments on National Condom Week and the lies of safe-sex peddled by Planned Parenthood.

Dr. Jennifer Morse, founder of the Ruth Institute, comments on National Condom Week and the lies of safe-sex peddled by Planned Parenthood.

Importance of Family defended by an Economist

January 27, 2022 In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we find Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse on the Capital Record Podcast published by National Review. She is interviewed by David Bahnsen. Dr. Morse tells her journey from an economist to a defender of the importance of the family, becoming a mother herself of two […]

Hef’s House of Horrors

An upcoming A&E documentary reveals that the father of the Sexual Revolution had a dirty little secret, dubbed Hef’s House of Horrors.

Will China Survive Demographic Winter?

With a historically low birth rate many are asking, “Will China survive demographic winter?” The answer will impact all of us.

Stories of the Survivors

Stories of the survivors Of the Sexual Revolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9exliHBnm4 The stories of the survivors of the Sexual Revolution reveal the depth and profound impact that our society has suffered from the Sexual Revolution. Catherine Glenn Foster was a 19 year-old who became pregnant and didn’t know what to do. She decided to visit a local […]

Summit Program 2020

Ambassadors’ Training Friday, 17 July8:30 am – 4:00 pm CST 8:30 – welcoming remarks by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse 8:45-9:30 – Understanding the Global Sexual Revolution: Christian anthropology, history and social systems. (Building society around Christian anthropology promotes human rights and human flourishing.) Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.  9:30-10:15 – Q&A with Dr. Morse 10:15-10:30 […]

Post-Abortive Woman or Man

No woman ever regrets her abortion. Abortion solves all the problems it promised to solve. No man ever regrets being involved with an abortion. ARE YOU A VICTIM OF THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION? Dear Friend, We have identified twelve categories of people who have been harmed by the Sexual Revolution. This questionnaire seeks to help Post-Abortive […]

D.C. Vaccine Mandate Attacks Pro-Life Cause

D.C. Vaccine Mandate Attacks Pro-Life Cause

Washington, D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser’s new vaccine mandate has caused the cancellation of at least one event connected to the January 21 National March for Life. Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said, “We are disgusted by the transparently heavy-handed tactics of the mayor’s office in interfering with the biggest pro-life event in […]

12 Survivors of the Sexual Revolution

Is this you? Does this describe your situation? Is this what you were told? Child of Divorce Your parents were divorced. – Children are resilient.– Children don’t need to live with both their parents.– The children are fine as long as the adults are happy.– The children have no problem with the parents’ new love […]

Vasectomies as an ‘act of love’? Scholar fears population control agenda at play

This was originally published on the Christian Post Brandon Showalter Amid heightened debates over abortion jurisprudence, an increase in men undergoing vasectomies is manifesting with the urological surgeries being promoted as “acts of love.” However, one scholar contends that promoting vasectomies in response to abortion restrictions reveals an ideological underbelly.   The Washington Post reported Monday that […]

Mexican Cardinals in Trouble for Encouraging Prayers

Two Mexican cardinals, a bishop and three priests were found guilty of violating the Mexican constitution for urging Catholics to pray for guidance before voting.

Anti-Catholic Bigotry in Mexico

Anti-Catholic Bigotry

Anti-Catholic Bigotry triumphed in Mexico as a ruling prohibited Catholic Clergy from encouraging parishioners to pray before voting.

Low Birth Rate Endangers Civilization

Low birth rate

Elon Musk understands that a low birth rate endangers civilization. He recently spoke out on the dangers of demographic winter.

Defend the Sanctity of Life in under 1 Minute | Scott Klusendorf

Scott Klusendorf travels throughout the United States and Canada training pro-life advocates to persuasively defend their views in the public square. He contends that the pro-life message can compete in the marketplace of ideas if properly understood and properly articulated. Scott has appeared on nationally syndicated Christian programs such as Focus on the Family, the […]

Hanukkah and the Idols in Our Temple of Self-Government

This article was originally published in Front Page Mag. Jews are commanded to display the Hanukkah menorah in a window as a public declaration of faith. For “progressives,” faith is a dangerous thing that leads to confrontations at school committee meetings, opposition to abortion-on-demand and gender-neutral toilets and a refusal to use preferred pronouns that […]

Pro-Family is Pro-Life: Ruth Institute to Exhibit at Pro Life Events

Pro-Family is Pro-life

The Ruth Institute, which explains how being pro-family is being pro-life, will exhibit at two of the largest pro-life events in the country, the March for Life Expo January 19-21, and the Students for Life America Pro-Life Summit January 22, both in Washington, D.C. Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said, “We’re excited […]

A Second Chance at Choice | Dr. George Delgado

Dr. George Delgado is the medical director of Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) and Culture of Life Family Health Care. Dr. Delgado published the first peer-reviewed article in the medical literature describing the reversal of mifepristone (RU 486) using progesterone. He then established Abortion Pill Reversal, a program that connects women who have changed their minds […]

Jennifer Roback Morse on EWTN

Dr Morse on EWTN

An interview with Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., on “Women of Grace,” of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), will broadcast Nov. 12, at 1 PM and 11PM ET. (Watch live here.) Or watch after the program here.

Lies of the National Cancer Institute

Clergy pedophilia

Angela Lanfranchi, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a breast cancer surgeon who practiced 33 years in New Jersey (1984-2017). A graduate of Georgetown School of Medicine, she is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and certified by the American Board of Surgery. She was surgical co-director of the Sanofi Breast Care Center at the Steeplechase Cancer Center in Somerville, New Jersey for 10 years.

Ruth Inst. Welcomes Pro-Life Ex-Anglican Bishop to the Catholic Church

Pro-Life Ex-Anglican Bishop

Michael Nazir-Ali, a prominent pro-life former Bishop of the Church of England, has become a Catholic and is preparing for ordination as a priest.

The Left’s Anti-Life Agenda

Tracy Stone Manning wants to save the earth, from humans, by removing the humans.

For the sake of the planet, Americans need to “breed fewer consuming humans,” said she.  She included a picture of a child in a field with the caption, “Can you find the environmental hazard in this photo?” Charming.

Censorship and Propaganda

Censorship and Propaganda

Resource Center Censorship and Propaganda: Big Tech’s origin and lifeblood is the free flow of information, and yet they’re the ones leading the charge to censor. At the same time the media pushes insidiously disguised propaganda. How can you identify propaganda and fight back against Big Tech censorship? Welcome to the Ruth Institute Censorship and […]

Facebook to Censor Pro-Life Views, NY Gov. Asks

Communists Favor Abortion and Censorship, Facebook Wants to Censor Pro-life Views

While a whistleblower testified before the Senate on Tuesday about Facebook putting profits before public welfare (including the safety of children), New York Governor Kathy Hochul called on the tech giant to go further, and asked Facebook to censor pro-life views. Hochul wrote a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg demanding that the platform do […]

7 Steps to Sexual Peace

Are you ready for the 7 Steps?  Take this quiz.  If you answered “yes” to at least three of these questions, you are ready to begin the 7 Steps to Sexual Peace. A welcome note from Dr. Morse Dear Friend, Millions of people have been harmed by the false promises of the Sexual Revolution.  Some […]

Demographic Winter: What You Can Do

“The Children of Men,” published in 1992, a haunting novel by P.D. James, offers a glimpse of what might happen. It’s set in Britain 20 years after the last child is born on earth, due to a worldwide plague of infertility. Because it’s a world without children, it’s a world without hope. With Demographic Winter, […]

Furor over Texas Heartbeat Bill

Dr J is once again a guest of Fr. Rob Jack on Sacred Heart Radio’s Driving Home the Faith.  They’re discussing the Texas heartbeat bill and how many celebrities and companies are panicking over abortion restrictions.

Demographic Winter: The Facts

the sexual revolution has been the most destructive Revolution At the heart of Demographic Winter lies the Sexual Revolution – which is usually traced to the 1960s but whose origins lie decades earlier. This sea-change in attitudes and behaviors included first separating sex from childbearing, then from marriage, and finally from love or any sense […]

Demographic Winter Resource Center

Ruth Institute Every industrialized nation has below replacement fertility Replacement fertility rate is 2.08 children per woman. Less than that, and society shrinks, more, and it grows. In less than 70 years, worldwide fertility has fallen by nearly 50% from 4.7 to 2.4, slightly above replacement fertility. Every industrialized nation today has fertility rates under […]

Why Are Billion-Dollar Companies Hysterical Over the Texas Pro-Life Law?

Businesses are making a lot of money, directly and indirectly, from the availability of the abortion license.

Transgender Resource Center

https://youtu.be/xA6uNx1RTLQ The Transgender Resource Center gives you the science, testimonies, and sound thinking to help you and your loved ones navigate these treacherous waters. Transgender ideology permeates our society today. From local school districts, abortion clinics, high school sports, therapists, and even to the presidency, transgender activists are busy pushing this core tenet of the Sexual Revolution. But in their […]

Will “Menstruating People” Sink Opposition to Texas Law?

As Sexual Revolutionaries muster their forces to fight the Texas Heartbeat Bill, a bizarre new twist has entered the debate. How do the pro-abortion advocates describe their primary constituents, when part of their movement has erased the word “woman”?

Father Sullins Research

Research By Father Paul Sullins, Ph.D. Ruth Institute Senior Research Associate Clergy Sex Abuse Report “Is Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church related to homosexual priests?’ (2018 study analyzing the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report and other data.) This ground breaking report can also be accessed in Polish/Polski and Spanish. You can also access the background […]

The Sexual State

The Sexual State

Understanding the Sexual Deep State