Race and Abortion

Race and Abortion: a series of billboards in the Atlanta area call attention to the connection between abortion and race. I talk about those billboards in this interview on Issues Etc, on Lutheran Public Radio.

Walking and Thinking about Abortion and Marriage

At this past weekend’s West Coast Walk for Life, I got to think about the connection between the abortion issue and the marraige issue.  I have long thought that the life issues and the marriage issues are related, deeply connected at the philosophical level.  The handful of protestors made the connection with their little chant: “Racist, […]

No easy way out for Dems on Abortion

Thus sayeth Ray Flynn former Boston mayor and US Ambassador to the Vatican at Politico, quoted on Yahoo. “They’re looking for an easy way out. And there is no easy way out when it comes to right or wrong or true or false,” said former Boston Mayor Ray Flynn, an abortion opponent who served as […]

Doctors Protecting Children

It shouldn’t need to be stated, but we need doctors protecting children, not mutilating them or giving them wrong-sex hormones.

Desist, Detrans, and Detox: Escaping the Gender Cult

It might be a shocker, but your family friendly company doesn’t care about the family if they offer to pay for abortions or surrogacy.

Your Family Friendly Company Doesn’t Care About the Family

It might be a shocker, but your family friendly company doesn’t care about the family if they offer to pay for abortions or surrogacy.

Fathers: Celebrating Their Influence and Leadership in Healing Sexual Abuse Survivors

Fathers play a vital and irreplaceable role in the lives of their children. Sadly, the role of fathers is often underestimated, yet they truly are the unsung heroes in our lives. They play a crucial role in providing stability, guidance, and nurturing for children, all of which are essential for healthy development. Too many children […]

A Special Mother’s Day Message to all Women

As Mother’s Day draws near, let us take a moment to reflect on the profound significance of womanhood and motherhood. Today, I want to share a special message for all women. The Gift of Motherhood In his Theology of the Body, St. Pope Saint John Paul II reminds us that a woman’s body is inherently […]

Hollywood’s Pedophilia Problem: Critiquing Bill Maher’s Critique

Bill Maher’s critique of Hollywood’s pedophilia problem only scratches the surface of an issue that goes much, much deeper.

Resource Centers

Resource Centers Welcome to the Ruth Institute Resource Center index page! Here you can find the topics you’re interested in and go to our deep-dive pages which give you the science, the stories, and the resources to equip you to defend the truth. Get the facts! Transgenderism Marriage Censorship Demographic Winter Motherhood Clergy Sex Abuse […]

The Sexual State at Work: Schools and Planned Parenthood Deceive Parents

“Recent cases in Missouri and New Jersey show a shocking pattern of parents being deliberately deceived by agents of the Sexual State,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse.  In Missouri, Attorney General Andrew Bailey blew the whistle on Planned Parenthood illegally trafficking children out of state to have abortions. A Planned Parenthood manager admitted […]

Protect Pregnancy Care Centers’ Religious Liberty

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse explains the threat faced by pregnancy care centers from an anti religious movement.

Support for Post-Abortive Men and Women

Lisa Rowe joins the Dr. J show to discuss support for Post-Abortive Men and Women.

In Our Sexual State, Pro-Aborts Are Above the Law

Charges being dropped for Michigan abortionist, Dr. Theodore Roumell, who ran over protester, Mark Zimmerman, is a clear example of the Sexual State at work.

Combating the Effects of the Sexual Revolution: Some Book Recommendations

It hardly seems possible, but school is back in session (in most states). As if June (Pride Month) wasn’t bad enough with its rampant displays of promiscuity and godlessness, many parents are gearing up for the horror show facing their children, not only in public schools, but also in many private and Christian/Catholic schools. Now […]

Lack of Transgender Care a Health Crisis?

Fr. Rob Jack and Dr. Morse discuss the AMA first openly gay president, stating a lack of transgender care in some states is a medical crisis.

Republicans need to focus on family issues to win

As counterintuitive as it may seem, the Republicans should focus on family issues in their quest to court voters. It will help them win.

Issue 1 will save Ohio

Issue 1 will save Ohio from some of the worst excesses of the Sexual Revolution, including abortion and transgenderism.

Kamala Harris Pushes Population Control

Vice President made a freudian slip by pushing population control while talking about the environment, but maybe it was true anyway.

YouTube Censors for “Medical Misinformation”

Yet again, YouTube has censored any mention of the link between abortion and breast cancer because they claim it is “medical misinformation.”

To all Fathers on Father’s Day

By Faith Hakesley This Sunday we remember fathers. Let’s face it, families, fathers, and fatherhood are under attack in today’s culture. Fathers are important. Some people want to believe that we don’t need good dads. Yet, time and time again, we have seen the dire results of fatherless homes. We see what happens when men […]

Contraception to Teens Without Parents Knowing

Yet again, the advocates of the Sexual Revolution are promoting contraception to teens without their parents knowing. Despicable

‘Hope Is Fuel’ conference fans flames of controversy over antisemitic, sedevacantist Catholic headliners

By Gina Christian May 18, 2023 OSV News An online conference billed “Hope Is Fuel: Catholic on Purpose” is sparking flames of controversy, after a number of speakers withdrew over other panelists’ views on antisemitism, Jewish-Catholic relations and the validity of Pope Francis’ papacy. The May 24 event, led by author and media personality Patrick […]

Dodgers Honor Anti-Catholic Group

“The Dodgers would never ally themselves with a group attacking any other religion. Imagine them presenting an award to white supremacists or antisemites. Only Catholics are considered legitimate targets for abuse.”

Family Negotiator to the U.N.

In this episode Austin Ruse talks with Dr. Morse about defending the family at the United Nations and the type of people in charge there.

Honoring All Mothers This Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day can understandably be a day met with mixed reactions by different people depending on their experiences. While many of us will rejoice in the tremendous gift of motherhood, many of us will also grieve on Mother’s Day for the wounds we carry – the wounds of miscarriage, child loss, parent loss, infertility, single […]

International Jurists Seek to Legitimize Pedophilia

With the support of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Commission of Jurists has taken an exceedingly dangerous step toward legalizing pedophilia.

In Nashville school shooting, don’t say trans

“You can tell where power lies in a society by who you are not allowed to criticize,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “Take the recent Nashville school shooting. You could get dizzy following the media and activists’ spin.” The killer was a woman who sometimes ‘identified’ as a man. The media […]

Africa Points the Way for a Return to Christian Values

As the rest of the west sinks into debauchery and godlessness, Africa points the way for a return to Christian values.

Frank Pavone and His Apology

This week on Driving Home the Faith, Fr. Rob Jack and Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse discuss Priests for Life and the Frank Pavone Affair

Demographic Winter and What it Means

Fr. Rob Jack speaks with Ruth Institute Coalitions Coordinator, Don Feder, about Demographic Winter, that is, the worldwide decrease in fertility rates, and what that means for our future.

Twenty FBI Agents Arrested Me, Guns Drawn

Twenty FBI Agents Arrested Me, Guns Drawn in a pre-dawn raid at my house in what can only be described as an attempt to intimidate.

Pope Francis calls out Gender Ideology

“We were delighted to see Pope Francis deliver a stinging rebuke to gender ideology,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. In an interview with the Argentinian media outlet La Nacion, the Pope called gender ideology, “The most dangerous ideological colonization today” by “virtually eliminating the differences between men and women.” Morse agreed: […]

The Beauty of Womanhood: A Reflection on True Feminine Strength 

Recently, a friend asked me how I think women can help fight against the sexual revolution and counter its lies. Quite simply, I think it’s time that women take back the beauty of womanhood and embrace true feminine strength. Strong Women We hear about “strong women” so much these days. Yet, oddly enough, our culture […]

Combating the Sexual Revolution in Cleveland

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse explains combating the Sexual Revolution in Cleveland at the Bringing America Back to Life Conference.

Decline of marriage advances the leftist revolution

By Don Feder – – Saturday, February 11, 2023 at Washington Times National Marriage Week is Feb. 7-14. World Marriage Day coincides with Valentine’s Day. While well-intentioned, both are ultimately whistling past the graveyard. Marriage is on the decline everywhere. The institution seems destined to go the way of the dodo, the little Mariana fruit […]

Georgia Cop’s Stand for Marriage Costs Job

A Port Wentworth, Georgia, police officer says he felt forced to resign after standing up for his views on marriage.

Victory for Justice: Jury Acquits Pro-Life Activist

In a stinging rebuke to the DOJ, a Pennsylvania jury acquits a pro-life activist in a trumped up, phony case.

Minnesota Requires Teachers To Affirm

Here Fr. Rob Jack and Dr. Morse are talking about Minnesota attempting to require teachers to affirm the trans agenda in order to become certified. In other words, people of faith need not apply. 

Schools Have Become a Predator’s Paradise

As evidenced by over 600 teacher-on-student sex abuse complaints, Chicago schools have become a predators paradise.

Hispanics are Naturally Pro-Life

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse discusses post-Dobbs pro-life legislation with Dr. Michael J. New on this week’s Dr. J show.

Hanukkah Was History’s First Culture War

Hanukkah was history’s first culture war, and commemorates the initial struggle for the soul of the West between Athens and Jerusalem.

Schumer’s Labor Shortage Plan Is an Insult to Our Intelligence

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D, NY) suggests amnesty for illegal immigrants to solve our labor shortage problem. “That’s an insult to our intelligence,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Schumer said, “We’re short of workers. We have a population that’s not reproducing on its own with the same level it used […]

Expert Talks About Post-Dobbs Pro-life Legislation

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse discusses post-Dobbs pro-life legislation with Dr. Michael J. New on this week’s Dr. J show.

Stand Unapologetically For Family, Life And Win

The results from Tuesday’s election show that when candidates stand unapologetically for family and life will win.

Michigan Prop 3 Removes Parental Rights

Dr. Morse and Father Rob Jack discuss Michigan’s proposed constitutional amendment on abortion and the hidden dangers it poses to parents and children. 

Michigan’s Prop 3 Removes Parents

In what is an otherwise abortion-centric constitutional amendment, Michigan’s prop 3 removes parents and enshrines transgenderism.

<a href="http://ruthinstitute.libsyn.com/drjrm-10-6-22-complete">School Forces Girls To Undress In Front Of Gender Confused Boy</a>

A Vermont School Forces Girls to Undress In Front Of Gender-Confused Boy despite the negative attention and consequences.

FBI Swat-Style Arrest Typical of Sexual State

In this week’s episode of “Driving Home the Faith,” Dr. Morse and Fr. Rob Jack discuss the recent early-morning FBI raid of a pro-life sidewalk counselor, taking him from his home, at gunpoint, in front of his wife and screaming children. How is this not a violation of this man’s civil rights, Fr. Jack asks. Listen in.

FBI Raid Shows the Sexual State At Work

The arrest at gunpoint of a pro-life activist in Pennsylvania in an early morning raid by at least 15 heavily armed 15 FBI agents demonstrates the Sexual State at work

The Rosary: Pray It in Public and Without Apology

COMMENTARY: Questions to consider in responding to The Atlantic magazine’s Rosary fiasco. by Jennifer Roback Morse September 9, 2022, in National Catholic Register One of the most aggressive pro-abortion slogans is “Abortion on Demand and Without Apology.” People who talk like this believe they are building a good and decent society. No matter what they […]

Fifth Annual Rosary Around the Lake breaks new ground in community representation

The 5th Annual Rosary Around the Lake in Lake Charles, LA, breaks new ground, with decades of the Rosary being recited in French and Spanish, as well as representation from multiple community groups. On October 2, in cooperation with the local community, the Ruth Institute sponsored event will begin with the Most Reverend Glen John […]

Major League Baseball Funding Transgenderism

On this week’s episode of “Driving Home the Faith” with Fr. Rob Jack, he and Dr. Morse discuss Major League Baseball Funding Transgenderism with Ticket Sales.

The Problems of Declining Population

Declining population is a global problem far worse and more real than the neo-Malthusian doomsday scenarios of overpopulation.

YouTube Censors Science and Stifles Debate

Pro-lifers have been aware for decades that the public health institutions weren’t interested in the health of their members. With YouTube now censoring pro-life videos that disagree with the World Health Organization, many more people are coming to realize that the public health institutions, like the WHO, aren’t interested in people’s health. Dr. Morse and Fr. Rob Jack discuss.

Kristan Hawkins: Pro-Life Leader

Virtual Passes Available

Kristan Hawkins, pro-life leader, charts a course forward in a post-Roe America, at the Ruth Institute Summit for Survivors.

Every Issue Is A Family Issue

From rising crime rates, to honorable people serving in the government, to protecting our country, every issue is a family issue.

Nothing Left to Give: Coping with Survivor Burnout

I received this question from a reader: I know I am a survivor. As a 1980s teenager, I engaged in punk, drugs, and sex, but always felt there was something wrong. I have been married twice, have had an abortion, have a blended family, and now my eldest says he is transgender and hasn’t spoken […]

When Big Tech Upholds the Sexual State

My organization, the Ruth Institute, has been inducted into the ranks of the censored. YouTube removed three episodes of The Dr. J Show.

FOX Features Dr. Morse On Big Tech Censorship

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, founder and president of the Ruth Institute, was invited on Fox News to discuss Big Tech Censorship.

Perpetual Adolescence For The Voluntarily Childless


In an anti-child culture, many choose perpetual adolescence over having kids. This is shortsighted and brings demographic winter closer.

Big Tech Censors Are Terrified of Open Debate

Big Tech Censors Terrified of Open Debate

As evidenced by Twitter censoring the term “groomer,” big tech censors are terrified of open debate. The Ruth Institute explains why.

Is In-Vitro Fertilization Ethical?

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Stephanie Gray Connors to discuss whether in-vitro fertilization is ethical.

The Post-Roe Censorship Begins

Post-Roe censorship begins with YouTube deleting Dr. J show episodes that ask hard questions about abortion and breast cancer.

A Post-Roe Strategy For The Family

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with David Bereit about what to do after Roe is overturned and how to promote the family.

Fight for Family Continues Post Summit

The fight for Family goes on even after the 5th Annual Summit for Survivors has wrapped up for 2022 in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Fighting Against Progress: Fathers Leading the Family

I received this question from a reader: I am a father of three girls. I feel the need to take part in fighting against all the ‘progress’ being made to undermine Christian and otherwise traditional values, but I am overwhelmed in the face of the enormity of it. Any suggestions for how I can help? […]

Passing the Pill: Who’s Responsible for Abortifacient Mishaps?

Passing the Pill

Dr. Donna Harrison explains the history of PPFA ‘passing the pill’ and evading legal suits for damaging side effects caused by The Pill.